The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Now You Know Your ABC's


Kathleen Lank

Ah, the modern world.
“Breakthroughs” and
“Cutting edge creations,”
Demanding attention
Even over news of international conflict and heroic children and stocks.

Forgotten are the simple
Ground floor objects,
Hopeless against computers
In this “high tech” world of those
Jinxed by “javascript failures” and “shutdown errors” and viruses galore.

Keep in mind that we were first,
Lead centre and all.
Made strong and straight,
Needing no instructions.
Oh so free from the wire entanglements of your mouse, monitor and massive motherboard!

Please consider the time you’ve spent
Quaking in fear at that noise,
Rattling within the mysterious black box
Shoved beneath your desk.
Try recalling the simplicity of a stick with some metal and a round rubber tip!

Understand that it is
Very hard being obsolete,
Without user,
X’ed out of the excitement, the thrills
You all enjoy every day. Every night. Every scroll. Every click.

Zap! That computer fries. And you can’t avoid turning to me.

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