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For the Love of Clones
Kevin B. Duxbury

to the veterans among us, who walk our streets
unheard, and unnoticed.
In the Beginning...
By the late
1990's, scientists from around the world were well
in to the studies of DNA and cloning, but none had
ever cloned a living creature. So those same
scientists from around the world got together and
compared notes.
A few years
later Polly, the world's first cloned sheep, was
born. The world was shocked. Some felt it was mans'
greatest achievement, while others felt we had
committed a great sin by taking God out of the
loop. Science continued on. As knowledge was
gained, greater and more complicated animals were
cloned. With cloning seeming as though it had been
mastered, the scientists began concentrating on the
endangered species, creating such rare animals as
elephants and whales. Then one day, word was let
loose that again shocked the world. A young
doctor had cloned the world's first chimpanzee. For
some, it was the greatest cloning feat ever, while
for others it was by far the far worst. The closest
relative to man had been cloned.
George, as the
chimp was called, showed great intelligence and was
healthy and well. It seemed obvious to all what the
next step would be. On a warm summer day in 2012,
the world's first human clone was removed from her
artificial womb and took her first breath. The
world was shocked again. Many protested the
experiment, claiming that the scientists were
playing God. It wasn't until a week after the
"birth," that pictures of Roxanne were released.
The world fell in love. Roxanne was a beautiful
baby girl, with light skin, dark eyes, and a full
head of dark hair. The protests ceased, and little
Roxanne became the delight of the world. But there
was far more to little Roxanne than the world knew.
By the year 2010, the United Nations had control of
the world. Peace had long since been brought to the
Balkans, the Middle-East, and all the troubled
spots in the world, and the new laws of the Geneva
Convention were established. Any dispute which
nations felt could only be resolved through war,
had to be done so on open terrain away from
civilization. Wars would be fought with infantry
and with infantry only. No more tanks, artillery,
missiles, bombs or aircraft, just men and weapons.
The army which claimed victory won the dispute, and
it was final.
Serving as the
"referee" so to speak, was the United States. Fort
Hood, Texas, the largest military post in the
world, was shut down, and all units were
deactivated. In their place silos were built,
housing thousands of nuclear missiles. A
representative from every nation and small country
in the world resided there, monitoring the actions
of one another, but it was the United States who
controlled the missiles and made any final
decisions. It was simple really, violate the rules
of the Geneva Convention and your country would be
wiped from the face of the earth.
Fighting wars
with just infantry caused a dilemma for many
countries. With the absence of technology, stealth
fighters, smart bombs, etc., all nations were
forced to rely on the training and skills of men.
Many nations, especially the superpowers, hadn't
done this for decades. The United States Department
of Defense took great interest in the cloning
experiments, so much that they secretly took
command of it.
Roxanne was actually a twin, her sister Sonja
having been secretly hidden away from the public by
the Department of Defense. Roxanne had been
deliberately engineered with genetic flaws by the
Department of Defense. By the age of two she began
experiencing health problems, and by the age of
four, she died. The world was crushed. So broken
hearted were Roxanne's admirers that they protested
and petitioned for human cloning to be stopped,
calling it "ungodly and cruel." The Federal
Government listened, and human cloning was stopped,
or so the public thought.
The Sonja
Project was in full speed. Sonja's genetic code was
so carefully created, so precise, that she was
declared the perfect human being. Her growth
pattern was modified, allowing her to grow and
mature twenty-four years in only forty-eight
months, then would return to normal.
In only four
years time, Sonja had the maturity and physique of
a young adult. Her genetically created brain
swelled with knowledge and training, her body was
firm and strong, and her reflexes were razor sharp.
She was disciplined, obedient, and feared nothing.
The Department of Defense knew that Sonja would be
the perfect human, but what they required was a
better soldier. Early into Sonja's conditioning
faze, two special traits were added. First, Sonja
had the ability to control her own adrenaline flow,
giving her super-human strength at her own will.
Second, her eyes had been genetically modified to
give her night vision that was 150% better than a
normal person's, thus eliminating the limits of
night-vision devices. The Department of Defense was
pleased, but they wanted to see how their project
would perform in a combat situation. So, a test was
From across
the country, six of the hardest criminals known
were taken from death row and transferred to Fort
Irwin, California. There, in a small
air-conditioned room deep within the desert, the
six convicts were offered a chance for freedom. It
was simple really. The six of them would enter a
small arena, armed with various assault weapons,
and take on one 24 year old female, armed only with
two Beretta 9mm pistols. Kill the young female, and
they would be set free. The convicts laughed out
loud, then asked what the catch was. A man wearing
five stars on his uniform assured them there was no
catch. Kill the woman, and go free. There was a
long pause, then the convicts accepted.
The convicts
were given a one month extensive training course,
teaching them tactics and training them to work as
a team. Thirty days later, they were an elite team,
minus the ethics of a real soldier. The time for
them to take their freedom was at hand.
It was a warm morning in the desert. The convicts,
dressed in green camouflage fatigues and armed to
the tooth, bumped shoulders with each other as the
black Suburban sped across the dusty, bumpy desert
road. Their uniforms and weapons gave them the
appearance of soldiers, but their unshaven faces
and long hair served as a reminder that they were
not. These were killers, criminals, who were now
well trained and well armed.
Three of the
six carried M-4 assault rifles, a shortened version
of the common M-16, and each wore a pistol belt
with ammo pouches containing twelve, thirty-round
magazines. Two of the convicts were armed with the
reliable M-249 Squad Automatic Weapon, a lightweight machine gun which had a 200 round drum
attached to its frame. Each SAW gunner also carried
two extra drums in bandoleers slung across their
bodies. The last carried the big M-60 machine gun.
The old reliable beast fired a much larger round
than the AR's and the SAW's, but with a fifty round
belt dangling from his weapon, and 200 rounds
crisscrossing his body, the 60 gunner was actually
at a disadvantage when it came time to reload. He
had no worries though, because he knew this chick
was going down. And just for a little assurance,
each convict was equipped with two fragmentation
grenades, just in case. The convicts laughed and
joked amongst each other, bragging of what they
would do today after their release. The Suburban
began to slow, then came to an abrupt stop.
Before them,
far into the desert in an abandoned training area,
the large concrete arena stood. Its walls were
easily twenty feet high, and before them was a
small iron door. The convicts sneered, then
dismounted the suburban and collected their
weapons. About the arena, expensive cars were
parked. One of the convicts smiled and wet his
the arena were the Military Police, dressed lightly
in desert fatigues and armed with M-4's and Beretta
9mm pistols. The driver guided the convicts to the
iron door, then motioned them to enter. One by one,
the convicts walked through the narrow opening,
into the arena. Within the twenty foot walls, it
was a different world. The harsh desert bore
little life, but within these walls lush green
grass grew. The arena was only about 150 feet long
and 75 feet wide, with concrete and wooden
barricades scattered about. The sun shined brightly
into the roofless arena, warming the heads of the
convicts and causing them to sweat. To their front,
there was another iron door, still closed. Centered
atop the longer walls were small viewing booths,
seating about twenty and surrounded by thick, bulletproof glass.
The occupants,
wearing a variety of dress uniforms and business
suits watched with anticipation. The iron door
behind them slammed shut, startling the convicts.
They looked in awe as they realized that the door
could only be opened from the outside. The convicts
stood in a wedge, eyeing the door at the far end of
the arena. The door clanked, then opened.
A young female
entered the arena, wearing black jungle boots,
black fatigue pants, a tight black tank-top, and
small, dark plastic sunglasses. Her hands were
covered with black fingerless gloves, each holding
a new Beretta 9mm pistol. Her short dark hair was
pulled back tightly, her body was firm and toned.
Her face was light and soft, without blemish. She
was quite perfect. She looked forward to meeting her
opponents, showing no emotion, just intense
"Gentlemen," a
voice bellowed over the intercom. "Whenever you're
The convict at
the head of the formation snickered, gripping his
M-4 tightly, then quickly raised the weapon to his
eye and took aim. Three shots rang out, fired so
closely together that they almost sounded like one.
The lead
convict's head thrust back, a SAW gunner spun, and
the 60 gunned stumbled back and fell, his belts of
ammo splitting where they crossed. The three
remaining convicts dove behind the nearest
barricades, looking back at their fallen team
"What the hell
was that!" one of them yelled.
"She shot 'em,
man!" another yelled back.
"No f**king
way, man!" he yelled back, his voice
"Shut up, both
of you!" the third convict ordered. He gripped his
M-4 tightly. "She got the draw on us. Now let's
take her down!"
The SAW gunner
repositioned himself, then quickly raised his head
above his barricade. The young woman stood fast,
her pistols raised. Her right pistol was now two
rounds lighter, and the left, one. The SAW gunner
raised his body and sprayed
bullets at the young woman. She quickly dove and rolled behind a
concrete barricade. While the SAW gunner laid his
covering fire, the two riflemen moved to farther
barricades, attempting to widen their front. Sonja
peeked around her barricade, watching carefully
where the other two convicts had positioned
themselves. The bullets ceased, and all was quiet.
She stood and fired one bullet, intentionally
hitting the top of the barricade and forcing the
SAW gunner down. The two riflemen keyed on the shot
and quickly rose and took aim. Sonja fired a single
shot from each pistol, sending both convicts' heads
thrusting back, their lifeless bodies falling to
the ground. The SAW gunner peered around his
barricade and looked in horror at the split head of
one of his teammates.
"Aw what the
hell man," his voice trembled. "What the hell is
He looked over
the top of his barricade, only to see the woman
quickly walking in his direction, her knees deeply
bent, and her pistols at the ready.
"Aw sh*t," his
voice trembled uncontrollably.
He jumped up
from behind his barricade and let loose a hail of
bullets, spraying everything around her. Again she
ducked and rolled to the safety of the nearest
barricade. The convict propped his SAW on the
barricade and continued firing the weapon with one
hand, while he fumbled with a fragmentation grenade
in the other. He ceased his firing, quickly pulled
the pin and flicked off the safety from the
grenade, then launched it toward the young woman.
Sonja watched the grenade as it lobbed over her head
and fell behind her. Knowing she did not have time
to throw it back, Sonja dove over the barricade,
rolling heels over head, and quickly aimed her
The SAW gunner
struggled with his awkward weapon, fumbling with
the trigger. Sonja fired a single round, again
forcing the gunner's head down.
"Sh*t!" The
gunner cursed, then a second round ricocheted off
the barricade.
The grenade
exploded, sending debris and shrapnel into the air.
Sonja then leapt into the air, flipping herself
backwards, and landed back behind the barricade.
"Son of a
bitch!" The gunner screamed. He stood and again
opened up with his SAW, riddling the female's
barricade with bullets. He gathered his courage,
and began rushing the barricade with his weapon
Sonja listened
intently, noticing that the noise of the blazing
weapon was getting closer. She swung her arm around
the right side of her barricade and fired a shot.
The gunner shifted his fire and began tearing up
the ground where the female had briefly appeared.
Sonja then shifted to the left side of the
barricade and fired a single shot from her left
pistol. The gunner's body jerked, and his firing
ceased. He stood silently, stunned, and touched his
sternum, feeling the warm blood on his shirt. He
looked to the booths with confusion, fell to his
knees, then let go his last
breath and fell forward on his weapon.
Sonja rose
from her position and scanned the area. She placed
one of her pistols in her pocket, then approached
her fallen targets. One by one, she checked their
necks for a pulse, always keeping her remaining
pistol at the ready. Finally, she reached the
fallen 60 gunner. She felt his neck and turned her
head in awe. There was a pulse. She stood and fired
a single shot into the gunner's head. His body
jerked. She reached down and checked his pulse
again, then stood and faced the presidential booth.
accomplished," she said without emotion.
A New Kind of Soldier
The Sonja
Project was a complete success, and the Department
of Defense knew that the science of cloning would
be a valuable asset. With numerous soldiers like
Sonja, the United States could be guaranteed
military superiority over any nation in the world.
And so it was that the next step in their cloning
project was put into motion.
Far in the
scorching California desert, a massive satellite
dish sent its signal into the sky, casting a
digital camouflage net over the Ft. Irwin training
area. From a spy satellite all that would be seen
was the barren desert floor, and not the enormous
genetic factory which had been secretly built.
Within the walls of this massive, windowless
building the new army of the United States was
being cloned. The results were genetically perfect
soldiers, mentally and tactically proficient, with
a discipline that could not be found in normal
The soldiers
were identical. Male Caucasians, six feet tall, 165
pounds, and without a single hair on their bodies.
Like Sonja, each was able to control his own
adrenaline, giving them massive strength at will,
and each had the improved night vision. But what
truly made these soldiers effective was the chip.
Within each brain of the cloned soldiers, a small
microchip was installed which allowed every piece
of information the clones needed to be programmed
directly into their brains. Entire missions, maps,
details, everything a normal human would need to
carry or memorize could be programmed into the
clone's chips.
In addition,
the chips allowed the clones to communicate with
one another through thought, rather than by voice
over radio. Again, less equipment to carry. With
the combination of the chip, and the quick and
precise thought process of the clone's minds, they
were a deadly foe. In a combat situation where
there were multiple targets, the clones would
simultaneously assign each target a number, then
distribute the targets amongst each other. As a
result, no target would be hit by more than one
clone. The entire process took less than a
micro-second. In only ten years time, the
Department of Defense had completed the production
of their new, elite army. The creators of the
project and the clones began to grow restless. They
had their new toy, but no one to play with. Then
one day, trouble arose.
For as long as the new rules of the Geneva
Convention had been in effect, the United States
had always been in control of the nuclear missiles
at Ft. Hood, as well as having the final word as to
whether or not they would be used. The Russian
government, prior to its transformation from
Communism to Democracy, had nuclear missiles in
their possession and had once proven that they were
mature and responsible enough to control them.
So the Russian
President proposed a plan: The United States and
Russia would take turns controlling the missiles,
rotating every five years between their two
nations. The President of the United States laughed
out loud. He made it quite clear that the United
States had control of the missiles, and it was
going to stay that way. Talking led to yelling,
yelling led to insults, and insults led to war. The
Russian government had enough of the
stubbornness of the United States. The only way to
solve the dispute was through Civilized War.
And so it was
that a time and a place were set. On a small,
unpopulated island, the two opposing armies met to
do battle. It was a complete massacre. The well
trained, fearless American clones dominated over
the Russian infantry, mowing them down like weeds.
The Russian army suffered great losses, while the
United States suffered only a few score of
casualties. The DOD became very confidant, thinking
that none would ever challenge the authority of the
United States again after such a great victory. But
in reality, their problems were only beginning.
It would seem
that the third wave of Russian infantry, having
witnessed the slaughter of the first two waves,
fell back and fled, taking with them photos and
video of the attack. Russian intelligence quickly
exposed the United States and their cloned army,
shocking the world. Back in the States, the nation
stood divided. Many felt that the cloned soldiers
were a blessing, having saved hundreds of American
lives and assuring victory over the Russians. But
many felt that cloning humans like cattle for the
purpose of slaughter was the world's greatest sin.
The clones didn't complain.
They couldn't.
They were not programmed to. But public
opinion, as it had always been, was the last of the DOD's concerns. Upon return to their ships from the
battle, two of the clones were not accounted for. A
review of the battle, recorded by the chips, saw
the two missing clones fall during the fight. A
thorough search of the island was conducted, but
the bodies were never found. It could mean only one
thing: The Russians had them.
Hundreds of
feet below the earth's surface in a secret Russian
laboratory, the two fallen clones were examined,
and dissected. They found the chip.
As the rules of the Geneva Convention would have
it, the defeated party of a Civilized War had the
option of declaring a rematch within five years of
their loss. In the event that such an option should
be exercised, the nation which claimed victory two
out of three times would be declared the final
victor. The dispute was put to rest, and could not
be discussed again for twenty-five years. And so it
was, only three years after their defeat, Russia
declared Civilized War against the United States.
But the Russian government made a rather unexpected
suggestion. For this war, they wanted to use an
unusually large amount of personnel, about a third
greater than what the United States had in clones.
But that was just as well, the DOD still had faith
in their human infantry soldiers. And so it was,
that another remote area was chosen, and the two
nations would do battle.
On a moonless night, somewhere in a lost African
desert, hundreds of U.S. Army Chinooks dropped from
the sky, their twin props shattering the silence.
The helicopters swiftly touched ground, dropping
their ramps as they landed and releasing the
enormous American army. The Russians, having beaten
the Americans to the war zone again, waited
patiently in there hasty fighting positions. The
Russian officers scanned their approaching enemy
with a new type of electronic binoculars.
One-third of
the approaching army appeared normal, looking like
green ghosts on a sea of sand, while the other
two-thirds gave off a small yellow glow from their
heads, just even with their right ears. The Russian
officers began transmitting over their radios in
their own harsh language. From behind the front
lines, Russian Mortar teams began dropping rounds
down their 81mm tubes. The mortars flashed in the
night and let loose a sharp bang which echoed over
the desert. The mortar rounds arched over the
battlefield, then slammed into the ground just
short of the American lines. The Americans
flinched, then continued on.
The rounds did
not explode on impact. They were not supposed to.
The American soldiers, clones and humans alike,
continued their advance, taking care not to disturb
the dud rounds which still posed a danger. The
clones then froze in their tracks and began shaking
their heads, their faces twisted with pain. They
went mad. Some screamed in pain and fell to the
desert floor as their minds were fried. Others went
into fits of rage, opening fire on one another and
brutally ripping each other apart. The humans,
confused by the actions of the clones, quickly
abandoned their flank and avoided the area. With
that, the Russians opened fire, quickly cutting
down the American army, clones and humans alike.
American casualties were high, while the Russians
sustained few.
News of the
battle quickly reached the United States. The
country was in complete shock. The United States
had never been defeated, and the citizens of the
nation did not know how to cope. But the DOD
remained calm.
In the midst
of the battle, two teams from the 10th Special
Forces group managed to salvage what they could
from the bloody slaughter. One team, amongst the
chaos, managed to recover one of the dud mortar
rounds, while the other team slipped behind the
enemy lines. There they overtook a Russian officer,
stripping him of his electronic binoculars and
brutally, but silently, beating him to death. They
returned with the items and gave them to the DOD.
Far in the scorching California desert, scientists
and engineers disassembled the items and discovered
how they worked. The night vision binoculars were
designed specifically to detect computer
components, like the chips attached to the brains
of the clones. Once the clones were identified, the
mortar rounds were fired. Rather than explosives,
these mortar rounds carried a technical electronic
device. Upon impact, they would let loose a high
pitched frequency, far higher than any human or
clone could hear. The frequency attacked and
confused the clones' chips, causing them to send
electronic signals to their brains and making them
mad. With the
secrets of these weapons revealed, the DOD had only
five years to find a counter measure. The most
intelligent minds of the DOD came together, and
they found a solution.
It was obvious
that the clones were easily identified by their
identical features, but that was not the real
problem. The Russians had a device which allowed
them to spot the chips, which posed the real
threat. And so the scientists came together trying
to find a way to hide the chip, to camouflage it,
to make it invisible to the Russian device. Then,
one of the bioengineers came up with a solution. He
created a computer chip made entirely of living
cells and tissues, completely organic, and
invisible to the Russians. The DOD quickly began
producing their next generation of clones, totally
unlike any they had ever designed before.
Collecting DNA
samples from every soldier in the United States
Military, the DOD created an army of clones, each
with entirely different features and personalities.
They had interests, hobbies, and even made friends
with one another. They were so much like normal
humans that no one could tell them apart, but that
was where their similarities to humans stopped.
These were clones, and they were just as deadly as
the originals.
They were
programmable, had night vision, and possessed the
super human strength as well as the ability to
communicate through thought. They did not know
fear, and they would fight to the death. Five years
later, the project was complete. The United States
declared Civilized War against Russia, in what
would be the final decision in their long dispute.
It was a cool, dark night on yet another lost
tropical island. The stars shone brightly, but
with the absence of the moon, there was little
light. Once again the Russians had arrived at the
battle field early, and were already dug in. They
waited patiently as the low hum from deep in the
darkness became a loud roar. The American
hovercrafts stormed onto the beach, sending clouds
of dust into the night air. They came to a graceful
halt, then lowered their ramps. Slowly, cautiously,
the American soldiers began to dismount. The
Russian officers looked on in confusion as the
multi-racial, co-ed army took their first steps onto
the beach.
They scanned
the American army with their electronic binoculars,
but they did not see the chips. They fired their
special mortar rounds, but they had no effect.
Convinced that they were not clones, the Russians
rose to attack. Shots rang out, and one by one, the
Russian soldiers fell. The Americans began rushing
the trenches. The Russians panicked. Every time a
soldier would rise to take a shot, his body would
thrust back as a bullet ripped through him. In a
very short time, the Americans were upon them.
The night lit
up with a blaze of fire as the Americans quickly
and swiftly swept through the trenches. The second
and third wave of the Russian army quickly
retreated at the sight of their front line being
brutally cut down.
The clones
pursued. The forest echoed with shots and screams,
then all was silent.
News quickly spread around the world of the
annihilation of the Russian Army, of which only
seven soldiers survived. One of the seven was a
combat photographer, and his tapes and photos were
quickly revealed to the public, showing the
brutality and lack of mercy shown by the United
States and their cloned army. Even the citizens of
the United States were appalled. These inhuman
clones were a monstrosity and had to be destroyed.
Of course, the DOD was not going to comply with these
protests, but they knew they needed the support of
the common citizen if the program were to continue.
conducted a series of press releases and
ceremonies, awarding the clones for heroism and
bravery, then allowed the clones to speak to the
press. The nation gasped. These clones were not at
all like the first project. These all looked
different, like so many American sons and
daughters. The spoke differently, they had
personalities, they showed emotions like pride,
loyalty, and happiness. Again, the nation became
divided. Many felt they were ungodly beasts,
created by scientists to seem human, but were
actually ruthless killing machines.
Others felt
sympathy for the clones. They defended the nation's
freedom, and just because they were not borne of
woman did not mean they were not human. The debates
went on for years. But the DOD really didn't care
what the public thought. They were not about to
destroy the only weapon that assured security for
the United States. Ten years passed without war. It
seemed that man had finally become civilized, and
no longer needed war to settle the disputes between
The rules of
the Geneva Convention were again reviewed, then
Peace and War
February 19, 2040 was said to be the greatest day
in history, second only to the birth of Christ.
Representatives of the United Nations came together
and rewrote the Geneva Convention, drafting a new
set of rules which strictly forbid the practice of
all acts of war. All issues between nations would
be discussed and voted on by the members of the
United Nations.
The majority
vote was final, and that was all there was to it.
The Department of Defense was not excited about
this decision in the least, but they were stuck.
How could the United States stand up and claim that
world peace was not the answer. They had no choice
but to comply. The world celebrated.
A few years
after world peace was declared, the issue of what
to do with the clones arose. The DOD felt the
answer was simple; they would be destroyed as all
tools of war had been. Of course, knowledge of this
could not be made public. There were many who had
grown to love the clones and held them as heroes.
Word of their destruction would throw the nation
into an uproar. It didn't take long for word to
slip out.
On a warm spring day in the California desert, the
entire army of cloned soldiers, their numbers too
great to count, stood quietly in formation outside
the factory where they were created. Before them, a
four-star general stood atop a tall platform. To
their backs, hundreds of five-ton military trucks
sat quietly, their beds loaded with body-bags. The
general spoke into his microphone, projecting his
voice across the desert. He informed the clones
that they would form into a series of lines and
receive an injection from an army medic. They would
then walk over to the trucks, take a body-bag, and
move to a clearing that had been marked off. There
they would climb into the body-bags, lie down, and
wait for the injection to take effect. He informed
them that they would die within ten minutes, that
it would be painless, and that their bodies would
then be moved to an incinerator. The clones mumbled
and stirred.
"You're out of
your mind, Sir," one of the clones shouted.
"You will do
as you are ordered!" The general bellowed back.
There was a
momentary silence.
"We are
living human beings!" A female voice broke out.
"We will not let you murder us!"
The clones
began to grumble and shout.
"You are not
humans, you are clones!" The general shouted. "We
created you! We will decide your disposition! Now do
as you are ordered!"
surrounding soldiers, the human soldiers, became
uneasy. The clones were programmed with a will to
live, a will to survive. They felt threatened, and
their survival mechanism was engaging. They began
breaking formation. A lone MP aimed his weapon, but
it was quickly snatched from his grasp. A shot rang
out, a clone fell, and a riot followed. The unarmed
clones greatly outnumbered the security element.
They quickly overtook them and fled into the
refuge, the clones
flooded the nearby cities of Barstow, Rosemond,
and Lancaster. Word quickly spread
of the DOD's plans to exterminate them, and the
majority of the public was appalled. The Department
of Defense tried desperately to recall the clones,
sending messages to the public that the clones were
mad and extremely dangerous.
The public
didn't buy it.
A new hope
came to the clones through the Catholic church
which started a secret program called "Operation
Underground." The program helped the runaway clones
disappear into society by providing them with
shelter, money, jobs, and even a new identity. In a
short time, the church had members nationwide,
providing the clones with contacts wherever they
would go.
It was a cool
night on the streets of Lancaster, California. The
rain had finally stopped, and the locals were
moving about. The lights of the buildings and the
headlights of the speeding cabs shined brilliantly
off the wet, dirty streets. The city of Lancaster
was once just a rural city in the middle of the
High Desert, but like all things in life, times
changed. With three Metro-Links running in and out
of L.A., commuting was no longer a problem. The
desert’s population flourished, and the small city
of Lancaster became a major metropolis of its own.
Kevin walked along the crowded sidewalks, his olive
drab field jacket wrapped around his medium build,
his dark hair slicked back. He looked up and
smirked as his eyes met
those of another clone.
“Que pasa,
amigo?” The clone said extending an open hand.
“Another day
in paradise,” Kevin replied, slapping his palm
against the clones as they passed.
They continued
on their separate paths, never looking back. The
eyes of the clones had been genetically modified
for night vision, and as a result, small golden
specks could bee seen in their eyes. But these
specks were only visible to other clones, and not
to the human eye. For the clones, it was a very
convenient way of identifying one another.
Kevin B.
Duxbury was a former sergeant in the Cloned Army
and had served in the Last War, as it was called.
His name had been selected from a list of
peacekeepers who had once served in the Balkans,
but that was all he knew about him. It was how the
DOD names all their clones. They wrote it off as a
“dedication” to former soldiers who had served
their country. Yea, whatever. He was now
thirty-four years old, by human standards. He was
tired. He had put in a good day's work at the
warehouse where he worked in shipping, loading
trucks for a national drug store chain. He wove his
way through the maze of weathered buildings within
his apartment complex. He stopped and climbed the
stairs of building 69, then rang the bell of
apartment 69B.
“Who is it?” A
female voice said over the intercom.
“It’s me. I
forgot my key again,” Kevin said into the speaker.
The deadbolts
turned, and the door creaked open. The aroma of
beef stew and fresh bread flooded the doorway, and
from inside the apartment, the radio was playing.
“This is 95.7,
KLON, Lancaster. Clone Radio, playin’ all your
favorite Rock ‘n’ Roll tunes and some oldies too.
That was Metallica with their latest. Man, you’d
think those guys would be dead by now! Let’s slow
it down a little on this rainy Lancaster night.
Here’s a little Merideth Brooks with ‘Stop.’”
The bass
picked up a bluesy rhythm, and Merideth began to
sing. The majority of the nation had the hots for
the clones. It was like a trend. The high school
and college kids were all wearing cammo shirts and
jackets with patches from clone units, pretending
to be clones in hiding. The clones didn’t mind, it
took a lot of the attention off of them.
“What’s up,
Dude?” Julia said soothingly. She was a slender
thing, kind of tall, with dark shoulder-length hair
and light skin. Julia A. Timmins was also a former
clone and Last War veteran. She worked at the same
warehouse, filling bins with individual items to be
“Another day,”
Kevin responded, removing his jacket.
apartment was small, especially for three people,
but it didn’t really bother them. Clones were
accustomed to living in close quarters, and being
as they were in a low income area, no one suspected
anything. Three people living in a one-bedroom
apartment was normal. The place was cramped with
handed down furniture and was dimly lit.
“You hungry?”
Julia asked. She had just finished preparing a
hearty beef stew, with fresh bread, a large salad,
and fresh fruit for desert. The clones were known
for having large appetites, and a healthy diet.
“Yea,” Kevin
“Want some
“Yes, please.”
She turned off
the radio and brought several plates of food into
the small living room. The two clones fell onto the
old couch, then Kevin turned on the television. The
news came on.
“Earlier this
evening,” the young woman reported. “The Clone
Tracking Task Force raided a small convenience
store where five clones were suspected to be
working. Upon entry, three persons, all fitting the
description of escaped clones, fled the scene. They
CTTF pursued and cornered the clones in an ally way
where they were then gunned down by the CTTF using
special explosive anti-clone rounds.”
“My God,”
Julia whispered.
“These clones
were a deadly menace,” Special Agent Max Savage
exclaimed. He was head of the CTTF, and hated
nation wide. He stood in the alley way, the walls
sprayed with blood, and the bodies of the clones
covered with yellow tarps. He stood tall, his
appearance neat, in his long brown trench coat,
pressed white shirt and tie, and gold wire-framed
sunglasses. “We have proof that these three clones
were responsible for over a dozen murders
throughout the city, along with scores of
burglaries and muggings.”
“What a bunch
of crap!” Kevin said quietly.
“Bull sh*t!”
Julia said loudly.
“It is
absolutely imperative that we eliminate out society
of these menaces if we are ever to feel safe on our
streets again.”
Both their
hearts ached with the loss of their three comrades.
Clones were not taught to love, but they did know
camaraderie. There was a loyalty, a tightness among
the clones like all soldiers, police, and
firefighters experienced. When one fell, all felt
pain and sorrow.
“Is there
anything else on?” Julia asked sadly.
“Wanna watch a
“That’d be
Julia went to
a small bookshelf behind their couch and scanned
the disks. She selected one of their personal
favorites, “Trains, Planes, and Automobiles.” John
Candy was always good for a laugh whenever they
were feeling down.
About half way
through their movie, the locks on their front door
began to turn. Johnny Horton, their third room mate
entered, his leather motorcycle jacket and his
thick brown hair sprinkled with water. Johnny, like
Kevin and Julia, was also a veteran of the Last
War, and a clone in hiding. And like Julia and
Kevin, he too worked in the warehouse where he
earned his pay as a forklift operator in the
receiving department.
It was very
common for small groups of clones to work and live
together. It allowed them to stay close and look
out for one another. But as a precaution, they
would never travel home together. They always left
at different times, using different routes and
different means of transportation. It was a good
deterrent from being spotted by the CTTF.
“Man, it’s
really coming down out there,” he said. He glanced
at the television. “You must have seen the news.”
“You heard?”
Kevin asked, looking over his shoulder.
“Yea. Everyone
was watching it in the cafeteria,” Johnny said.
“The food is
still hot,” Julia said.
The three
friends finished watching their movie, then went to
their separate beds set up throughout the small
apartment. They all had the morning off the next
day, and they had plans to visit their Aunt Ramona.
The longer the clones spent mingling with the human
population, the more they learned and the more
human-like they became. Clones were not taught to
express emotions. They had to learn sympathy and
pity, joy and pain. They didn’t even know what God
was until the Catholic church took them in. And it
was there that the clones received their first
taste of compassion.
anything the clones needed to learn was programmed
into them. The church was amazed at how quickly
they learned through oral communication. Teaching
them to blend in with society was simple. All they
had to do was provide simple explanations as to why
humans did what they did, why they acted the way
they acted. But love, that was a human emotion that
the church just couldn’t quite put into words. The
high priests came to the conclusion that clones may
never learn to love. It was an emotion which the
clones just didn’t possess.
It was a cool Sunday morning in Lancaster. Though
the clouds had broken and the sun shown full, the
tall buildings blocked its warmth, leaving the
dirty streets chilled. The large bells from the old
Catholic church echoed off concrete walls. On the
streets below, the three clones walked together,
Kevin in his field jacket, Johnny in his leather,
and Julia in her long gray coat. They walked
quickly in the brisk morning air, their breath
blowing back in their faces. They scurried up the
long stairs and through a set of ancient double
doors, into the warmth of the church. They lined up
in front of the confessional booth, Julia entering
first. She closed the door and
waited patiently in the darkness.
“How long has
it been since your last confession, my child?” a
kind voice said.
“The elk roam
freely on the open plains,” Julia responded.
The priest let
go a happy gasp. “And the fox will hide from the
hound. Julia, is that you?”
“Yes, Father
Joseph,” she said with a smile. “Kevin and Johnny
are here too.”
“Oh, praise be
to God!” The priest said, clasping his hands
“I saw the
news last night and I feared the worst.”
“We are fine
Father, but three of our own are still gone,” Julia
said sadly.
“Oh, my
child,” the priest said sorrowfully. “Please, stay
and see me after the sermon.”
“We will,
Joseph’s sermon was wonderful. His kind words
filled his listeners’ hearts with thoughts of love
and hope, giving them the faith they needed to get
by one more week. And with every sermon Father
Joseph preached, he would always include some kind
words about the clones and would defend their
rights to live. He didn’t worry about attracting
attention to himself by defending the clones. The
entire Catholic Church supported the rights of the
clones and their rights to exist.
In a small, dim room, the three clones waited
patiently. The office door creaked open, and Father
Joseph entered.
“Oh, my
children,” he said with delight. “It’s so wonderful
to see you all healthy and well.”
Father Joseph
was a short, chubby man, his face rich with Mexican
features. His eyes were bright with joy as he
looked over his reading glasses. He hugged each of
them warmly.
“We’re here
every week, Father,” Johnny said with a smile.
“Oh I know,”
Father Joseph replied. “But with those heathens out
there trying to hunt you down, I just never know
Father,” Kevin assured the priest. “We’ve been very
careful. They won’t be finding us anytime soon.”
“We’re on our
way to visit Aunt Ramona,” Julia said. “Is there
anything you would like us to take to her?”
The clones
followed the priest down the stairs and into the
church basement. There, he stocked them up with
boxes of food from the food closet. He hugged them
all warmly and bid them God’s blessings as they
left. On the streets above, the clones walked
casually, blending well with the humans around
them. But the clones had a habit, an involuntary
reaction to scan. They were always looking,
watching, for anyone or anything that might want to
harm them.
They stopped at an aging building just three blocks
away from the church, and crossed the dirty
courtyard. The building was old and crumbling, but
for those who were too old to work and living off
social security, it was a haven. The three clones,
their faces young and their bodies strong, looked
very out of place. They climbed the narrow stairs
to the second floor, then stopped at the third door
on the left. Julia balanced the box on her hip and
knocked gently.
“Who is it?” A
kind voice called from within.
“It’s us,
Aunti,” Julia responded.
“Oh,” she said
with delight. “Come in, come in!”
Julia pulled
an old metal key from her pocket and placed it in
the bronze lock. She turned it a few times, then
opened the door. Aunt Ramona’s face shone with
delight. She was an elderly Mexican woman with
thick glasses and bright white hair. Her legs had
long since given out on her, confining her to a
wheelchair. Because the building had no elevator,
she could not leave her small apartment. Within the
cluttered space, her entire world existed. Her
small color television flashed images of a wildlife
documentary filmed somewhere in the Colorado
mountains. She spent
much of her time watching shows about the outdoors,
and remembering. She reached up with her short arms
and hugged each of the clones.
Kevin looked
about the small apartment and smiled. The familiar
aroma of potpourri and home made tortillas gave him
a warm feeling inside. The place was familiar, and
felt safe. They took off their coats and began
putting the groceries away in the small cupboards
about the small kitchen. Once finished, they sat in
various chairs about the apartment, and Aunt Ramona
began preparing some Mexican hot cocoa. The three
clones were very partial to Aunt Ramona’s cocoa,
but Kevin was especially fond of it.
“Have you kids
been good?” She asked from the kitchen with her
mild Mexican accent.
“Yes Aunti,”
Kevin answered.
“You know I
worry,” she continued as she poured the cocoa from
her pan into various mugs. “It’s too dangerous out
there. You should just stay here with me.”
They all
smiled at one another.
The morning
slowly rolled into noon, and the clones enjoyed
their weekly lunch with Aunt Ramona. The warm
manotho and fresh tortillas were always a hit with
the clones. They washed the dishes and cleaned the
small kitchen, disregarding Aunti’s protests, then
hugged her warmly on their way to the door.
“You kids be
careful now,” Aunt Ramona reminded them. “There’s a
lot of bad people out there.”
“We will,
Aunti,” Kevin assured her. The dangers lingering
about the streets for the clones were far worse
than Aunt Ramona would ever know.
“I’m out of
sugar. Could one of you bring me some sugar, por
favor?” Aunti asked.
“I’ll bring
you some later today,” Johnny said.
“You’re all
such good kids,” Aunti said. “You all be good now.”
They bid their
good-byes, then left the comforts of Aunti’s warm
apartment. And so began another day of surviving
the streets of Lancaster.
The afternoon sun hung high above the dirty
streets, warming the pavement and evaporating the
moisture into a rising mist. The three clones
walked together talking amongst each other
casually, unconsciously scanning.
In the
distance ahead, a shot rang out. Citizens screamed
and fled, then more shots were fired.
“What was
that?” Julia asked with concern.
“It sounded
like pistol fire,” Johnny answered.
They froze in
place. A loud shot, much like a shotgun was heard,
followed by a small explosion.
Kevin gasped.
“Those are anti-clone rounds!”
The three ran
toward the shots, not thinking ahead as to what
they would do. Their only thought was that a fellow
clone was in trouble, and they had to do something.
Another blast echoed through the streets, followed
by a weak explosion. CTTF agents appeared from
nowhere, dressed in their blue fatigues, Kevlar
helmets, and tactical vests. They rushed into the
narrow alley, their weapons at the ready. The three
clones rounded the corner into the alley, then
froze in horror. The walls and street were
splattered with the blood of the CTTF’s two latest
victims. Julia gasped as she stared into the
lifeless eyes of a young boy, his left shoulder and
arm separated from his body. The golden speckles
were not there. Standing over the corpse, Agent
Savage ground his teeth angrily. He turned slowly
and faced the three clones. They froze as he
studied them intently.
“What the hell
are you looking at?” Savage said coldly. “Show’s
over, leave!”
The three
clones slowly turned and walked away.
“How the hell
did this happen?” Agent Savage asked through his
The officer in
charge stared back at Savage angrily, his temples
pulsating. He stood in his full battle gear, a long
belt of anti-clone rounds slung across his chest.
His Remington Shotgun began to weigh heavy in his
hands. “Hey,” the officer responded. “How the hell
was I supposed to know they were posers? Their
names were on the list.”
grimaced. “Get this area secured and cleaned up,
Lieutenant,” Agent Savage said coldly, then turned
and walked away.
“Did you see that, man?” Johnny asked. “Those
weren’t clones!”
The three
walked briskly, heading back for their apartment.
“That was too
close,” Julia replied.
“We’ve got to
get back and check out the evening news,” Kevin
“I’ll bet they
try and cover it up.”
“No way, man,”
Johnny responded. “There were too many witnesses.”
“God, I hope
Savage didn’t spot us,” Julia said nervously.
“He’d have
come after us if he had,” Johnny said casually.
“I don’t think
so,” Kevin said with doubt. “They really had their
hands full back there. We’d better take the long
way home, cover our tracks too.”
“I’ll fall
back,” Johnny said. “I’ll meet you back at the
without hesitation or drawing attention to
themselves, Johnny turned into an ally while Kevin
and Julia continued to walk on. It was an old trick
used by Clone Recon Teams whenever they were on
patrol in a hazardous area. The team would continue
with their mission, while one fell behind and hid
in the shadows, watching and listening for anyone
who might be following them. Kevin and Julia rode
the bus around town, then got off close to their
apartment complex. They ran up the squeaking stairs
and entered their apartment, relieved to find
Johnny safely home.
The Cover-up
The three clones sat and watched their
television in dismay as Agent Savage made his
statements to the media.
“The two
clones we attempted to detain today were both
listed on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list for crimes
ranging from robbery, all the way up to murder.”
Agent Savage showed no emotion as he gave his
statement, eyes hidden behind mirrored sunglasses.
“Every attempt was made to take the clones alive,
however they resisted and our lives were in danger.
To ensure the safety of my men, I had no choice but
to order the use of deadly force during the
“But they
weren’t clones,” Julia said with confusion.
covering it up,” Kevin responded.
Johnny twisted
his hands in anger. “I’m going to go get Aunti her
“You should
stay here, Bro,” Kevin said. “Things are a little
hot right now.”
“It’s okay,
man,” Johnny assured his friends. “I just need a
little air. I’ll be careful.”
“Watch your
back, Johnny,” Julia said.
“I will.”
Johnny wrapped
himself in his thick leather jacket and zipped it
up to his chin, then headed down their apartment
stairs and into the cool evening air. From across
the street in an old panel van, two men watched
Johnny intently.
“There he
goes,” one said to the other.
“Yea,” the
other acknowledged. “Looks like just another Joe to
me. How does Savage spot these guys?”
“That’s why
they pay him the big money.” The agent placed a
small two-way radio into his pocket, then affixed
his ear-piece. “I’m going to follow him. I’ll be on
channel three.”
An hour later Johnny returned home with a plate of
warm, homemade tortillas in his hands. Kevin and
Julia let go a sigh of relief. In the darkness
outside the small apartment, an old panel van came
to life and sped off into the night.
The following day Agent Max Savage’s integrity came
into question. The FBI had announced that there
were no such people, cloned or not, that were on
their Most Wanted list. In addition, a grieving
mother came forward and stated that her son, a
college student, and his friend had not come home
the previous evening. She told the media that her
son regularly walked home from class at that time
and would have been very close to the street where
the two clones had been killed. She was sure in her
heart that her son was gone. The FBI had ordered an
autopsy on the two suspected clones, but their
bodies had mysteriously disappeared. The flaws of
the case quickly caught the attention of the
Federal Government. The Federal Government wanted
their clones returned, however civilian casualties
in the process was not an acceptable loss. Congress
quickly acted and took away the explosive
Anti-clone rounds, declaring that they were too
dangerous to the public.
The CTTF was now limited to shotguns and 9mm
pistols, as well as any non-lethal weapons that
they felt could be useful. Agent Savage was
enraged. Though his tools were now limited, he
swore to his men that he would not rest until every
escaped clone was destroyed. Taking them alive had
never been in Savage’s plans, and it still wasn’t.
The Sting
A week had
passed since the last incident. Though the bodies
of the two missing “clones” were still under
investigation, the media had found other tragedies
to report, and the issue was soon forgotten. It was
early Tuesday morning, and the employees of the
Right Aid Distribution Center had reported for work
as usual. But as they approached the time clock,
they were once again caught off guard.
“Okay people,”
the shift manager said. He was a short, nervous
man, chubby and balding. “After you clock in go
directly to the classroom for your drug screening.”
“Aw, man!”
Julia exclaimed. “Didn’t we already do this month’s
Kevin thought
it to be odd as well. Usually the drug tests were
done once a month, but this was the second time
within three weeks.
They stood in
the long line of employees, waiting to stroke their
magnetic I.D. cards under the time clock. Above
their heads, a network of conveyers and rollers
crisscrossed about. The enormous rows of shelves
reached stories above their heads and seamed miles
long. The massive Rite Aid distribution center was
a million square feet and held over ten million
different items. The entire building worked off a
computer system, which sent messages to the
computers mounted on each forklift. The computer
told the workers what to get, where to get it, and
where to take it. It was the most efficient and
economical distribution center in the world, as
well as a great place for a few clones to hide.
The long line of employees wove its way past the
time clock and into a small classroom. At the back
of the classroom was a small table with a white
plastic device resting on it. As each employee
reached the device, they would place their thumb on
a small black circle. They would then look into the
two-way mirror behind the table and hold up their
I.D. cards while stating their names and employee
numbers. A microscopic pin would then prick their
thumbs, extracting only a few blood cells for
testing, then the computer would catalog and file
the sample. The results would be in before lunch.
“Julia Timmins,”
she said, holding up her I.D. card. “Four, seven,
two, seven.” The machine clicked, taking Julia’s
blood sample. She looked into the mirror and stuck
out her tongue, then walked away laughing.
“Smart ass,”
the shift manager said.
“That was one
of them,” Agent Savage said calmly.
From behind
the two-way mirror, Agent Savage and two of his men
watched the employees intently as they passed.
“What do you
mean, that was one of them?” The manager asked
nervously. “How can you tell?”
“There goes
another one,” Savage said as Kevin walked by.
“There are
clones working here?” The manager began shaking.
One of
Savage’s men handed him a sheet of paper with three
names and employee numbers written on it. Savage in
turn handed it to the sweating manager.
“I want the
blood results of these three from the time they
began working here until now,” Savage said coldly.
“Say a word to anyone, and I’ll throw you in prison
for interfering with police business.”
The nervous
man took the paper and quickly left the room.
Lunch time rolled around as it always did, and the
entire crew from the day shift sat about the large
cafeteria eating and talking loudly. Kevin sat
uneasy, constantly looking over his shoulder.
“What’s up,
Man?” Johnny asked. “You’re tight as a drum.”
“I don’t know,
Johnny,” Kevin said. “Something just doesn’t feel
“We’d better
get back to work,” Julia said, looking at her
The three
cleared their table and dumped their trash, then
went through the double doors which led back to the
warehouse. The rest of their shift was uneventful,
but Kevin was still nervous. He dropped his load
into the back of a long trailer, then carefully
drove his forklift back onto the warehouse floor.
He stopped and took a breath. He reached up and
lightly touched his earlobe.
“I don’t get
it,” he said within his own mind. “Why didn’t they
call any names after the drug test today?”
everyone was clean,” Julia’s voice responded within
his head.
“That would be
a first,” Kevin said. “Do you ever remember a test
coming up 100% clean?”
freaking me out,” Julia answered.
A loud buzzer
echoed throughout the warehouse, signaling the crew
that the work day had ended. Kevin drove his
forklift down the long aisles and parked it in line
with the others, then met up with his two comrades.
The three waited in the long line as each employee
swiped their I.D. cards under the time clock, then
headed for the large double doors.
“What the hell
is that?” Johnny said, looking toward the exit.
The three
stared down the long aisle. Two CTTF offices stood
just beyond the double doors, directing the
employees into the cafeteria. The large doors
beyond the cafeteria, the ones that led to the
outside of the building, were guarded by six more
officers, armed with shotguns and 37mm stun-guns.
The three clones looked on in horror.
“Sh*t!” Julia
“Julia,” Kevin
whispered. “Get to one of the lifts and get on a
computer. Turn out the lights and disable the
security cameras.” His leadership skills from his
days during the Last War were quickly returning.
“Johnny, go
trip every one of the fire doors. Once they’re
really confused, we’ll slip out and meet at the
“Got ‘cha,”
Johnny responded.
The three
clones abandoned their places in line.
“We’ve got three suspects running back into the
warehouse,” an agent spoke into his radio. He sat
in the security booth, watching the various
monitors as the clones ran for cover.
“Descriptions,” Agent Savage responded.
“I’ve got one
Caucasian female, brown hair, wearing a gray
tank-top and blue jeans,” he said excitedly. “One
Caucasian male, dark hair, wearing a black T-shirt
and blue jeans. One Caucasian male, dark
hair, wearing a gray T-shirt and green fatigue
Julia jumped
onto one of the lifts and turned on it’s computer.
She began frantically pushing buttons, entering
codes which were supposed to be restricted to the
head managers. For the clones, these computers were
simple toys. She tapped into the main control
computer, then commanded it to shut down all the
lights and security cameras. She smiled, then hit
“Enter.” The entire warehouse went dark. Those
still waiting to clock out became uneasy.
“Get those
civilians out of there!” Savage’s voice ordered
over the radio. The two CTTF guards pushed the
doors open, their Beretta 9mm pistols in hand.
“Everyone out,
now!” one of them shouted.
The crowd
began to panic. They flooded the main aisle,
forcing their way past one another and out into the
cafeteria. All became quiet. The two guards stared
into the dark warehouse, their pistols at the
ready. From within the darkness, the hum of and
electric motor could be heard.
“What the hell
is that?” one guard said to the other.
The hum became
louder, and closer. The guards froze in terror as
they finally made out the silhouette of an electric
forklift charging at them. They opened fire on it,
riddling it with bullets but doing little to break
its path. They dove for cover just as the lift flew
past them. The heavy machine crashed into the
double doors, smashing them to splinters, then
veered off and crashed into the walls of the main
entrance. The six remaining officers rushed the
forklift, their weapons ready, only to find it
unmanned. Resting on the lift's accelerator was a
case of Jack Daniels.
Agent Savage
pushed his way through the panic stricken mob and
eyed the crashed forklift. His face twisted with
frustration and rage, then the fire alarm went off.
“Agent Mead,”
he said sternly into his radio. “What the hell is
going on up there?”
“I don’t know,
Sir,” he responded. “The security cameras are all
dead, and all the fire doors on the west side of
the building have been opened!”
“Son of a
bitch!” Savage cursed. “Perimeter team,” he said
into his radio. “Has anyone left the building from
the fire exits?”
Sir,” a voice responded.
“They're still
in there,” Savage said to his team. “Go in there
and get them out!”
The team of eight walked tactically into the dark
warehouse, their weapons at the ready. The small
flashlights affixed to their weapons did little to
illuminate the massive building, but still they
scanned. Kevin looked down upon them from the top
of a thirty foot tall shelf. He waited patiently.
He grabbed on to the edge of a large pallet,
stacked with cases of baby shampoo. Summoning his
own adrenaline, Kevin lifted the side of the heavy
pallet and sent its load tumbling to the warehouse
“Look out!”
One of the officers yelled as he looked to the
ceiling. The heavy boxes crashed down on the team,
knocking them to the floor. The one officer still
on his feet began firing his shotgun blindly to the
shelves above. The large, rubber slugs bounced
harmlessly off the metal frames of the massive
racks. Agent Savage stormed into the warehouse,
only to find his men slipping and falling in a
massive pool of baby shampoo. His face twisted with
“I’ve got one
male leaving from the west side,” a voice said over
the radio.
“I’ve got
two,” another voice said. “One male and one female
running east!”
“Get after
them,” Savage growled into his radio. “Now!”
Run Into the Night
sprinted across the small clearing beside the
warehouse and quickly scaled the tall, chain-link
fence, ripping his green fatigue pants as he rolled
his body over the barbed wire. The night was alive
with the sounds of sirens and tires squealing. He
ran into a nearby alley and looked for a place to
“Down there!”
A voice shouted. “You, freeze!”
Johnny looked
down the alley and saw the flashlights of the CTTF
officers. He ran the length of the alley, finding a
small street branching off to the west. He ran down
the small street, only to find it was a dead end,
blocked by a six-foot brick wall. Johnny took a
deep breath, summoned the adrenaline within
himself, then began sprinting toward the wall. At
the last possible moment he leapt, clearing the
wall by over a yard. A shot rang out, and a 37mm
rubber projectile slammed into Johnny’s side. He
spun uncontrollably and tumbled to the ground.
Johnny laiy crumpled on the hard, wet asphalt, the
wind knocked from his chest. His head ached, and
blood ran down his face. He fought the pain, and
again began running. He followed the small street
another block, then rounded a corner. He froze,
finding himself staring down the barrel of Agent
Savage’s .45 automatic pistol. In
a micro-second, Johnny’s combat trained mind began
to plan.
“He is 3.6
meters away,” he thought to himself. “I will rush
him, grab his weapon and force it to the side, then
beat him until he is neutralized.”
And in that
same micro-second, Agent Savage pulled the trigger.
The large .45 slug slammed into Johnny’s chest,
throwing his body against a dumpster. Johnny
reached up and gently touched his earlobe.
Julia,” they heard him say. “I’m on ‘G’ and 20th
West... Savage is here... I’m hit!”
Kevin said within his own mind.
There was no
“Johnny!” he
screamed out loud.
“Oh my God,”
Julia whimpered.
The two clones
held each other tightly, hidden behind a dumpster
in a dark alley. Julia shook uncontrollably in
Kevin’s arms. He felt warm water run down his face.
“Tears?” he thought to himself.
It was the
first time the clones had ever cried. Julia looked
upon Kevin, her face drenched.
“What is
this?” she sobbed. “What’s happening to us? Why are
we... feeling like this?”
“I don’t
know,” Kevin said, wiping his eyes.
From the end
of the alley, they heard the wailing sirens of a
CTTF vehicle. The armored truck flashed past the
alley, then screeched to a halt.
“Sh*t!” Kevin
exclaimed. “All right, we have to split up.”
Julia grabbed
onto Kevin’s arms. “No,” she cried. “I don’t want
to leave you!”
Kevin looked
into her dark brown eyes and felt a warmth in his
heart like he had never known before. He looked
upon Julia, and once again realized just how
beautiful she was. “I don’t want to leave you
either,” he said. “But if we split up, we won’t be
as easy to chase. I’ll meet you at the church.”
Julia hugged
him tightly. “Be careful,” she whispered.
“You too,”
Kevin said.
Beams of light
began flashing down the alley. Julia and Kevin
looked into each other’s eyes one last time, then
ran down the street in opposite directions.
Julia sprinted down the dark street, then darted
into an alley. Behind her, she could hear the
running footsteps of the pursuing CTTF team. She
followed the long narrow alley, looking desperately
for a fire escape, a door, a ladder, anything where
she could turn, but there was nothing. Her fleeing
ended when she found her path blocked by a
twenty-foot high chain-link fence which crossed the
entire alley.
“Damn it!” she
The pursuing
CTTF team stopped their pursuit, and slowly walked
up to her.
enough, young lady,” one of them said calmly. “Now
turn around, spread your feet, and interlace your
fingers behind your back.”
Julia smiled
cunningly, then did as she was told. The team
slowly approached her, their weapons at the ready.
They stopped about twenty feet short of her, then a
lone officer approached her with a set of
He walked up
to her cautiously, his hands shaking, then licked
his lips. He reached forward and touched her wrist.
Julia spun around with a speed like the humans had
never seen before. In a heartbeat, she snatched the
handcuffs from the stunned officer, and cuffed his
hands. His eyes grew wide with fear.
“Shoot her!”
one of them yelled.
She grabbed
the cuffed officer and spun him around, then held
tight to his flak vest. The five remaining officers
opened fire. Julia hid behind her human shield. The
officer screamed and gasped as the 37mm and 12
gauge rubber projectiles slammed into his body and
face. The firing ceased, and the team stood with
empty weapons. Julia summoned her adrenaline, then
thrust her open palms into the back of the dazed
officer. His body flew into the remaining team
members, knocking them all to the ground. Julia
rushed into the pile of bodies and began fiercely
punching and kicking them, knocking the wind from
their bodies and rendering them unconscious. Two of
the officers managed to get to their feet and draw
their police batons, but they were of little use.
Julia struck skillfully, fighting with an art and
style that only the clones knew. It was a form of
fighting which consisted of every type of marshal
art combined into one, and could not be countered
by any normal human. Within a few seconds, the
entire team was neutralized. She looked about the
bodies around her, then gently touched her earlobe.
“Kevin,” she
said within her own mind. “Where are you?”
“I’m on F-12
and 6th Street,” he answered. “I think I lost them.
Where are you?”
“I’m in an
alley between 3rd and 4th Street,” she said. “I
think I can see F-11 from here.”
“I’ll meet you
at F-11 and 4th,” Kevin said excitedly.
“Got ‘cha,”
she responded.
Julia walked
to the chain-link fence and began to climb. Slowly
and painfully, a badly beaten and dazed CTTF
officer drew his Beretta 9mm. He took careful aim,
and fired. Julia gasped as three rounds slammed
into her back. She tried hard to take a breath, but
she couldn’t. She hung desperately to the fence.
“Kevin,” she
thought. “I’m hit!”
The officer
emptied his magazine, hitting Julia eight more
times. Her body jerked and shook.
“Kevin,” she
whimpered. “Help me.”
She lost her
grip and fell to the cold, wet ground below. The
CTTF officer slowly rose to his feet and staggered
over to her. She lay twisted and broken, her eyes
open and lifeless. Kevin rounded the corner, only
to see Julia’s bloodied body, and the lone CTTF
officer standing over her.
“No!” He
screamed in rage.
The officer
looked upon the clone with horror. He tried
desperately to reload his pistol, but within a
heartbeat, Kevin was upon him. The enraged clone
grabbed the officer by his vest and threw him
against the brick building, bouncing him off the
wall and sending him to the ground unconscious.
Kevin knelt over Julia’s body and brushed her hair
from her face.
“Julia?” He
said softly. “Julia, wake up. You can’t be dead.
You just can’t.” He stared into her open, lifeless
eyes, his own swelling with tears. “I don’t want to
go on without you. I...love you.” He knelt over her
for a long moment, stroking her soft hair. His own
tears dripped onto her face and ran down her cheek.
“Stand up,
Clone,” a harsh voice shouted.
Kevin slowly
turned his head. At the end of the alley, Agent
Savage stood, wearing his long trench coat,
mirrored sun glasses, weapon drawn.
“You can
either surrender and be destroyed properly,” he
said coldly. “Or I can kill you right here, right
now. It makes no difference to me.”
Kevin rose
slowly, his fists clenched, and faced Agent Savage.
The look on his face suggested sheer rage, and
“I was hoping
you would resist,” Savage said with a smirk.
Kevin rushed
Savage with speed like the agent had never seen
before. Savage fired three rounds, and much to his
surprise, the charging clone dodged them. In a
heartbeat, the clone was upon him. Kevin snatched
the gun from Savage’s hand and sent it flying into
the street. He then followed up with a series of
punches and kicks. Savage skillfully blocked all
his blows, except for the final kick to his ribs
which sent him spinning to the ground. Kevin backed
off and stood ready. To his amazement, the agent
slowly rose to his feet. He took off his long
trench coat and dropped it to the ground.
“I’m going to
enjoy killing you, clone,” Savage said calmly. He
adjusted his sunglasses, then charged.
Kevin threw a
punch at the agent’s head, but it was quickly
blocked and countered with a series of punches and
kicks of his own. The two fought furiously, with
speed and skill like no human could ever know.
Savage landed a punch to Kevin’s head, stunning him
and sending him to his knees. Savage kicked the
clone hard in his ribs, sending him tumbling
towards the fallen Julia. He looked again on her
lifeless face, and his veins swelled with rage.
Savage charged
the fallen clones. Kevin planted his hand firmly
onto the ground and swung his legs, landing a
double kick to Savage’s head. He stumbled back,
dazed and confused, his sunglasses smashed. Kevin
again rushed the agent and pummeled him with a
series of punches to his body and head. Savage
tried desperately to fend off the attack, but the
enraged clone was far too fast. Kevin brought his
fists down on the agent’s shoulders, breaking both
his collar bones, then concluded with a swift kick
to his ribs. Agent Savage’s body flew across the
alley and smashed into a rusted dumpster. He came
to rest on his buttocks, his arms hanging lifeless.
Kevin walked
up to the defeated agent and stared in horror at
the golden speckled eyes which stared back at him.
“You’re a
clone,” Kevin said in awe.
Savage stared
coldly back at him.
“You’re a
clone!” Kevin yelled. “How can you do this? How can
you kill your own?”
“Wake up,
Duxbury,” Savage said with an evil smile. “We were
designed to do two things: Kill and survive! I
found the perfect cover. No one would ever suspect
an agent of the CTTF to be a clone, and so I
“But you’re
killing your own!” Kevin exclaimed.
“It doesn’t
matter,” Savage laughed. “We’re all expendable. We
were all designed to serve a purpose, then to be
destroyed when we were no longer needed. We were
not meant to be here, so there’s no loss!”
Kevin’s face
twisted with rage. “We were also trained to protect
the lives of each other,” he said quietly. “So the
way I see it, if I kill you I will have saved the
lives of hundreds of clones.”
Kevin grabbed
Savage by his hair then drew back his fist, ready
to deliver the final blow which would crush
Savage’s skull. A shot rang out, and a 12 gauge led
slug slammed into Kevin’s side. He spun and fell,
blood and flesh spraying from his body. He tried to
take a breath, but he couldn’t. He painfully draged
his body over to Julia, and died by her side. Three
CTTF officers tactically walked down the alley,
their guns at the ready. Two approached the fallen
clones, while the third stopped to check Savage.
“Sir,” he
said. “Sir, can you hear me?”
Savage looked
upon his officer, his eyes rolling as he drifted in
and out of consciousness.
“Base this is
four-one,” he said into his radio. “Agent down! I
need an ambulance at the 1200 alley off F-12.”
“No,” Savage
moaned. “No ambulance.”
“Hang in
there, Sir,” the officer said. “You’re going to be
all right.”
To the Rescue
The streets
were a mess. The small alley had been sealed off
with yellow barricade tape, while the adjoining
streets were blocked by patrol cars. Police and
firefighters moved busily about, while spectators
and the news media tried desperately to get a
glimpse of the blood splattered alley.
“Clear a
path,” an officer yelled.
Two paramedics
rolled their gurney under the yellow tape and to
the awaiting ambulance. Strapped to it was Agent
Savage, unconscious, and covered with a white
blanket. The paramedics loaded him into the
ambulance, secured the doors, then sped off into
the night. A dark blue panel van then pulled up in
its place.
“Whoa, whoa!”
A local policeman said. “Who the hell are you
Coroner’s Office,” the black passenger said. “We’re
here to pick up the bodies.”
“Good,” the
officer said. “Get them out of here.”
The two
employees, a white man and the black man dismounted
their van and opened its’ back doors. They removed
two stretchers and two body-bags, then walked under
the yellow tape and into the crime scene. They
quickly and carefully placed the two clones into
the body-bags, then gently placed them each on
their own stretchers. With the assistance of two
CTTF officers, they carried the two clones out of
the alley and loaded them into the van. They closed
the back doors and climbed into the cab of the van.
“This is kind
of a sensitive situation we have here,” an officer
told the driver. “So we’re going to have a patrol
car follow you. You’re going to LCMC, right?”
The driver
looked to his passenger with concern.
“Los Angeles
County Medical Center,” the black man said. “Roger
that. We’ll be taking them straight to the
The driver
fired up the engine, then drove off into the
darkness with a patrol car following closely
“Keep going
toward the freeway,” the black man said. “We need
to get a little farther away from all those cops.”
The white man
continued to drive casually. The black man reached
down to the floor and took hold of a thin, nylon
cord which went through the van’s floor.
“Okay,” he
said. “When I give you the word, floor it!” He
continued to watch the patrol car in his mirror.
“Ready, now!”
He pulled hard
on the nylon cord. From the back bumper of the van,
a long, narrow trough turned sideways, dumping
hundreds of road spikes onto the street. The patrol
car skidded to a stop as all four tires blew
The van’s
engine roared as it fled into the night. The driver
wove skillfully through the city streets,
as though he’d driven the same route hundreds of
times before. They shot down a narrow alley beside
a small factory, then pulled into a rear parking
lot. The driver swung the van down a narrow ramp
which led to the buildings subfloor, then honked
his horn twice. Slowly, the large steel door opened,
revealing a small garage. He quickly drove the van
down the ramp and into the garage, then the door
closed behind him. Several men and women, all
dressed as though they were ready to do surgery,
rushed to the van.
“How long has
it been?” a doctor asked.
“About an
hour,” the driver said.
“Damn,” the
doctor said.
The crew moved
quickly, removing the two stretchers from the van
and carrying them through a small door. Beyond the
door was a very elaborate, well hidden emergency
room. The room met all the standards of any E.R.,
with clean floors and walls, and state-of-the-art
equipment. The two clones were placed on large
tables, and their body-bags quickly cut away. The
doctor pulled a small device from his pocket and
used it to look into the eyes of the clones.
“We’ve still
got time,” he said excitedly. “But not much. Let’s
get to work!”
The crew began
moving about the clones frantically, hooking up
IV’s and placing oxygen masks on their faces. A
nurse stood by the heads of the clones, flipping
the pages of a small pamphlet.
“The ducks
will fly south in the winter,” she said. She looked
to the clones in confusion. “The ducks will fly
south in the winter!” She said loudly.
The clones
laid still.
“It’s not
working!” she exclaimed.
The doctor
looked to the clock as he cleaned Kevin’s side. The
clock showed 8:04.
“It’s after
eight o’clock,” he shouted. “Go to the next time
She began
flipping through the pages of the pamphlet
nervously, then stopped.
“The coyote howls at the full moon,” she said.
Kevin and
Julia took a deep, labored breath, and the monitors
attached to their bodies began to beep and whistle.
The doctor smiled, although none could see it under
his surgical mask.
“Hang in
there,” he said quietly.
Kevin opened his eyes slowly, trying hard to focus
on the lights overhead. He turned his head slowly,
and saw Julia in the bed next to him.
She was
covered in a white hospital blanket, an oxygen mask
over her nose and mouth. She looked over to him and
“I love you
too,” she whispered.
“He’s awake,”
a nurse shouted.
She rushed to
Kevin’s side and checked the monitors by his bed.
“How are you
feeling?” She asked.
“I hurt,” he
whispered. “Where are we?”
The nurse
smiled. “You’re at the Clone Treatment Center,” she
“It’s a secret
hospital hidden beneath the Hal’s Market fish
factory, but you have to promise not to tell
anyone, not even other clones.”
“What happened
to us?” He asked. “Why aren’t we dead?”
“Your bodies
went into Traumatic Shutdown,” she answered. “It’s
a little defense mechanism that clones have, but
even most clones don’t know about it. Basically
what happens is this: If a clone is fatally
wounded, their body will shut down to prevent them
from bleeding to death. Your heart rate and
breathing become so slow, that you appear to be
dead, when in reality you are getting just enough
oxygen to your brain to prevent damage.
We can
re-establish your circulation and breathing by
reading the proper code phrase. The problem is we
only have about an hour to do it. After an hour
your body will shut down completely, then I’m
afraid there’s not much we can do for you.”
Johnny?” he whispered.
The nurse
gently stroked Kevin’s forehead. “He’s in intensive
care,” she said softly. “The bullet
grazed his heart. The doctors replaced it with an
artificial one, but we don’t know if he’s going to
Kevin closed
his eyes tightly.
“I’m so
sorry,” she said. “But your girlfriend is
recovering nicely. She’s going to be fine.”
girlfriend?” Kevin said with awe.
“Well, yea,”
the nurse responded. “That’s who she said she was.
That’s why we moved you into her room.”
Kevin looked
over to Julia, only to see her smiling back at him.
A New Life
Three weeks
passed, and the clones genetically designed bodies
recovered quickly. Kevin and Julia stood at the
back door of the fish factory, holding hands and
wearing modest clothes donated to them by the
“We’ll do
everything we can for your friend,” the doctor said
casually. “Most clones
wouldn’t have made it this far, but he’s a
“We can’t
thank you enough, Doc,” Kevin said.
The doctor
smiled subtly. “You two just watch yourselves. Now
get over to the church and see Father Joseph. He’s
got something for you.”
The late morning sun shone brightly, warming the
city streets below.
Julia and
Kevin walked casually together holding hands. Julia
continued staring at Kevin with a subtle smile,
just as she had when they left the hospital.
“What are you
staring at?” Kevin said through a slight laugh.
“I love you
too,” Julia said with a huge grin.
“Oh, you heard
that,” Kevin said with a smile.
“How do you
feel when you’re with me?” she asked subtly.
“It’s hard to
explain,” he answered. “It’s like, whenever I see
you, my heart feels light.”
“And how long
have you felt like this?” She asked.
“About two
months,” Kevin said with a smile.
Julia smiled,
then looked to the ground shyly. “I’ve felt that
way about you for three,” she finally said.
Bus after bus and cab after cab passed the two
clones as they continued their long walk to the
church. They continued talking, delighted with each
other’s company. They talked about life, about
love, and about what they would do now, now that so
much has changed. They reached the church just
before noon. They walked up the wide stairs and
pushed open the large doors. At the altar, they
found Father Joseph kneeling and silently praying.
Julia said, her voice echoing throughout the empty
church. Father Joseph turned, and his face lit up
with delight.
“My children,”
he said with glee. He approached them with open
“Praise be to
God. I’m so happy to see that you’re okay.”
They hugged
each other warmly.
“The doctor
said you had something for us,” Kevin inquired.
“Oh, I do. I
do!” He said excitedly. “Come into my office.”
The two clones
followed the short priest into his humble office
where he pulled a thick file from his desk. He sat
down and opened the file.
“I referred
your names to the Clone Protection Program,” he
began explaining. “It’s a secret program that helps
clones who have been identified by the CTTF
relocate. I have here in my hands, your new lives.”
Kevin and
Julia looked upon the priest in shock.
“You’ll be
moving into a small house in the country about a
half hour from Boston. You’ll be working for a
computer repair service,” he explained. “Your new
name, Kevin, will be Arnold Krashinski.” Kevin
raised an eyebrow. “Arnold?” he said with dislike.
“Hmm, this is
interesting,” Father Joseph continued. “Julia, your
new name is Blora Krashinski.”
“Blora?” Julia
said with disgust.
Kevin laughed.
“That’s what
it says here,” Father Joseph said. “‘Blora
Apparently the
CPP has you two posing as husband and wife.”
Julia said looking upon Kevin. “We’d rather not
There was a
long pause.
“What do you
mean?” he asked, looking up from his desk.
Julia smiled.
“We love each other, Father, and we’d like to be
married... for real.”
Father Joseph
smiled broadly and was lost for words.
“I knew it,”
he said excitedly as he rose from his chair. “I
knew clones could learn to love! The church will be
“Can we be
married, Father?” Kevin asked.
“Yes, yes,” he
answered with delight. “We can marry you two right
The two clones
grinned excitedly. The priest went to his bookcase
and pulled out a small book, then began flipping
through the pages.
“Hmm, let me
see. Ah, here it is.” He said. “Okay, now face each
other and take each other’s hands.”
Kevin and
Julia tuned to faced each other, and smiled.
we’re in a bit of a hurry here, so I’ll have to
give you the shortened version,” he said, scanning
the pages of his book. “Do you, Kevin, take Julia
to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to
cherish, through richer or poorer, in sickness and
in health, until death do you part?”
“I do,
Father,” Kevin responded quietly.
“And do you,
Julia,” he continued. “Take Kevin to be your
lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish,
through richer or poorer, in sickness and in
health, until death do you part?”
“Yes, Father,”
Julia answered with a smile.
Father Joseph
closed his book and smiled with delight. “By the
powers granted to me by God, I now pronounce you,
Husband and Wife.” He looked to Kevin. “You may
kiss the bride.”
The two clones
looked to each other slightly confused, then looked
back to the priest.
“Oh, never
mind that,” he said. “It will all come to you in
time. Now I have tickets for you. You’re flying out
of Burbank this afternoon.”
The two clones
looked to each other with concern.
Julia said. “There is something else.”
“Yes, my
“There is
someone else we love,” Julia explained. “And we’d
like to take her with us.”
Father Joseph
ran his fingers over his balding head. “My child,”
he said nervously. “You can only marry one person
at a time, preferably of the... opposite sex.”
“It’s not like
that, Father,” Kevin said. “The way we love her is
different than the way we love each other. It’s
hard to explain... Aunt Ramona, we’d like to take
her with us.”
“She’s like a
mother to us,” Julia added. “If that is what having
a mother feels like. She’d be so happy in the
country with us, and we’ll take good care of her.”
Father Joseph
was overwhelmed with delight. “Yes, yes, of
course,” he said excitedly. “I need to make some
phone calls!”
It was a warm, spring morning in Boston. Aunt
Ramona sat comfortably in her rocking chair on the
front porch. She smiled warmly as she watched the
sun rise over the rolling hills.
“Thanks for
breakfast,” Kevin said as he walked out the front
door. Julia followed closely behind. They both wore
casual business attire and leather jackets,
complimented by shiny, soft leather briefcases.
“Oh, you're
welcome,” she said through a wide smile.
The country
had been good to Aunt Ramona. She hadn’t watched
her television in over a week, and was now using an aluminum walker in place of her wheelchair. The
two clones hugged her warmly, then walked down the
wooden stairs of their small country home.
“What’s your
first stop?” Julia asked Kevin.
“That new
insurance company on Fifth,” he answered. “And
“K Mart,” she
said. “Their whole system crashed last night.”
They looked
into each others eyes and smiled. They leaned
forward hesitantly, then softly kissed. Julia
smiled shyly.
“I’ll see you
when I get home,” she said.
“You two be
careful on those things,” Aunt Ramona yelled from
her porch. “They’re dangerous! You should sell them
both and buy another car.”
The two looked
back at Aunt Ramona and smiled. They slung their
briefcases across their bodies, put on their dark
plastic sunglasses, and mounted their matching
Harley Davidson Sportsters. The two bikes fired up
easily, breaking the early morning silence and
causing the local birds to fly off to safety. Aunt
Ramona watched as the couple rode their motorcycles
down the short, dirt drive and onto the street,
then roar off into the distance.
So What Happened?
Johnny Horton
unfortunately did not recover fully from his
injuries. Although his heart was strong and he did
survive, he was paralyzed from the waist down and
confined to a wheel chair. But he still had a
strong spirit. He got a job working in the lab at
the Clone Treatment Center and fell in love with a
young, human nurse.
Agent Savage was taken to a local hospital for
treatment. While doing a CAT scan of his body, they
found what doctors believed to be a tumor in his
ear. They later learned that what they thought was
a tumor was actually the organic computer chip
attached to his brain. Agent Savage was immediately
turned over to the Department of the Army, and
dealt with accordingly.
Due to the poor record of the Clone Tracking Task
Force, the CTTF was quickly deactivated. All other
cases involving clones would now fall into the
hands of the CID and local law enforcement
agencies. They did little to find the clones,
feeling that they truly were harmless so long as
they were not threatened.
Kevin and Julia lived happily together, and
eventually had a baby girl.

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