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An Interesting Idea
Kimberly Canyon

Chapter 1
Jake and Will had just been through a terrible
situation. Will had just tried to kill himself.
Jeff, one of Will’s friends, told Jake it was
because of Jake’s relationship with Will.
Jake asked
Will, “Is our relationship really that bad?”
“That was part
of it,” Will replied hesitantly.
“Jeff said
your eyes said something different,” Jake said.
“Yeah, I
thought he might’ve told you that,” Will said
“What was the
other part?”
“It happened a
few days ago,” Will said hesitantly, “I don’t want
to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“It’s too
“Would I
remember it?”
“At least give
me a clue,” Jake pleaded.
“Okay, do you
remember that night I was over here, and you went
“And you
didn’t come back for a long time; something
happened while you were gone.”
“I went
outside; when I came back in I forgot to lock the
“What’s wrong
with that?”
“Someone got
in the house,” Will replied solemnly.
“Did they take
“No, they
tried to, but I stopped them.”
“Okay, what’s
so bad about that?”
“He tried to
kill me.”
“He knew I was
trying to stop him,” Will said quietly, “He had a
knife, and he pinned me on the stairs.”
“Why didn’t
you tell me about this?” Jake asked, concerned, but
Will ignored his question.
“He said I
should stay out of the way. He tried to slit my
“Then what?”
“I pushed him
away and ran outside, and hid in the backyard.”
“Why didn’t
you say anything when I got home?”
“I don’t know
I wasn’t sure it was real.”
“Do you
remember what happened after I came home?”
“You were
sitting on the stairs, staring into space. I asked
what was wrong,” Jake said, pausing. “You said
“I don’t
remember that.”
“Why didn’t
you say anything?” Jake asked again, “We could’ve
talked about it.”
“I was
scared,” Will replied, his voice shaking.
“Did you think
I would get mad at you?”
“Will, I
wouldn’t have been mad at you,”
“No, I
would’ve been worried that you got hurt.”
“You should’ve
been there, you were supposed to protect me!” Will
said suddenly.
“I’m sorry,”
Jake said sympathetically, “I wish I could have,
but you’re not a little kid anymore. I can’t
protect you from everything.”
“I know, I
guess we both have some growing up to do.”
“You should’ve
told me.”
“I know.”
* * *
Jake sat by Will on the stairs. Will sat on the
stairs staring out into space. “What are you
thinking about?” Jake asked.
happened, why I didn’t tell you,” Will replied
“I guess I can
be kind of tough on you sometimes.”
“I should’ve
been able to stop him,” Will said bitterly.
“You did.”
“No, from
hurting me, he shouldn’t have been able to do that
to me,” Will said fiercely.
“Will, you
were just scared.”
“I shouldn’t
have been.”
“If I had been
in that situation I would’ve been scared too!”
“Really?” Will
asked in surprise
“Yes, really,”
Jake said solemnly; Will started to cry. Jake
reached over and hugged him. Will just sat there,
while Jake tried to comfort him. “You’ll be okay,”
Jake said soothingly.
“You really
think so?”
“Trust me, you
will,” Jake replied seriously.
* * *
It had been a few months since Will had been
attacked. Will was finally starting to get out of
the house, and he was getting less paranoid - when
everything started again. One night Will was at
Jake’s house for a visit. Jake had gone out around
seven, he’d been gone for awhile, just like that
fateful night. Because everything was the
same, just like on that night, Will’s nerves were
already on edge.
Suddenly there
was a noise. Will jumped. His heart was pounding,
and his palms were sweating. 'Why am I so freaked
out?' Will thought. Only one answer came to him.
The killer was back. Or at least that’s what Will
thought. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, the police had put
his attacker in jail, he couldn’t come back,’ Will
thought with relief.
* * *
A man walked down the street. He hardly looked
suspicious. The man was dressed in sweat pants and
a t-shirt; typical jogging attire. He seemed to be
looking for something. He knew he had to find that
kid again. Where was that house? A person walking
past him wouldn’t have noticed the small knife,
cleverly hidden in his shirt pocket. Why hadn’t he
gone after that kid? A smarter criminal would’ve
gone after the guy and finished the job. But now,
now it was payback time. Time to unleash his fury
and hatred. Tonight he would get revenge. Now that
he had escaped, he would finish the job, and cover
his tracks. The man smiled, and began to laugh.
Suddenly he recognized the house in front of him.
Still laughing, the man turned and headed into the
* * *
What was that noise? Will stood perfectly still;
was he imagining things? No, there it was again.
Footsteps, that’s what it was. But where were they
coming from? Then Will realized someone was in the
house. How did they get in? Will knew he’d locked
the door this time; no one had knocked. The window,
he’d been stupid enough to leave the window open!
‘Oh no, what
am I going to do now?’ Will thought fearfully. This
wasn’t supposed to happen, the man that was
supposed to be in jail was here, and all he wanted
was to kill Will. Suddenly the footsteps closed in
on him. Will could feel someone standing
behind him. Will slowly turned around, and found
himself facing his greatest fear.
Chapter Two

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