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Grandma on the Phone
Kirby Wright

Well hello, Mary, this is June. It’s been ages since we last talked. Would you
like to go to lunch some time next week? Oh. I didn’t know that about Harold.
Where is the cancer? Oh, my. My goodness. That darn cancer of the liver. There’s
really nothing they can do for him? Imagine that, cancer of the liver. I’m so
sorry. Now how has Barbara been feeling? Oh? You should send her to Doctor Kane.
He does most of the hips and the knees. When I had my hip replaced, I prayed so
hard and god really came through for me. Dr. Kane did the operation and what a
relief. My hip’s made of that real strong stuff, I think they call it tit, tit-tanium.
Every time he took an X-ray he couldn’t believe it, bone rubbing bone. I had one
of the worst cases and I know it was because of the steroids. Those darn
steroids go straight for the cartilage. Do one thing to help something and it
destroys something else. Really? Did you take one every day? So the spots are
gone now? That’s wonderful. Now tell me about your new neighbor’s at Lola’s old
house. Really? I don’t even know our next door neighbors. Two doctors, a man and
a woman with a little child. They’re Oriental. The whole street’s Oriental. See
how things change? Are you sure you wouldn’t be able to go to lunch some day?
Oh, that’s okay. Well, do give my best to Barbara. Harold will be in my prayers.
Yes. Goodbye.

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