The Writers Voice
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Kyle Blount

Did you think it was funny,
Watching everyone suffer?
And those who survived,
Will never recover.
Your angry was clear,
Your despair was certain,
But that didn’t mean,
You had to drop everyone’s curtain.
You broke into the school,
Before the teachers came,
And carefully check your list,
So you didn’t miss a name.
You knew all the lockers,
The combinations as well,
You wanted to give payback,
To those who gave you hell.
Your revenge would be swift,
Yet painful to all,
For those high on the social ladder,
You wanted to see fall.
You planted the bombs,
Inside the lockers,
Not ever once thinking,
Of innocent walkers.
The school bell rang,
And off you ran,
For now was the start,
Of your fatal plan.
The students filled the hallway,
Barely room for walking,
And then entered you prey,
Surrounded and talking.
Standing at their lockers,
Just for one moment,
It seemed time had stopped,
Just before the lament.
One by one,
They opened their lockers,
As horrified looks,
Soon drew gawkers.
The clocks hit eight,
And exactly on cue,
The bombs detonated,
Seemingly out of the blue.
You watched form afar,
As the school set ablaze,
But then it hit you,
And you were suddenly amazed.
You had hoped for pain and suffering,
But as you stood, struck dumb,
You realized your error,
And the cost would be no sum.
You knew you were responsible,
For the deaths of many,
One solution came to mind,
To you, it was better than any.
You knew you were responsible,
For the deaths of many,
One solution came to mind,
To you, it was better than any.
You found a pen and paper,
To write a farewell note,
Then swiftly gripped your knife,
And swiftly slit your throat.
As the fires were put out,
And the bodies carried away,
Your carcass was discovered,
No one knew what to say.
Were the to feel sorry for you,
For all the pain you had?
Or should that shout in rage,
For all your decisions were bad?
Your funeral was barren,
No one appeared to care,
About a brilliant boy,
Who snapped out of thin air.
I visit your grave now,
Almost every day,
For no one deserves to die,
In such a depressing way.

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