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The Ark
Lana Star

Chapter 4
By Land
I trotted around a
training ring with Brian on my back. I paused to look out into the pasture and
watch Cobalt race his shadow around a tree.
Brian tapped his heels
against my sides as he urged me to go on. I turned reluctantly and continued
around the ring, moving through different paces.
I was impatient. Old man
Walker was taking his sweet time in deciding if we were to race or not.
I looked back out at
Cobalt and envied him. He was a retired race horse who got to run around all day
and do what he wanted instead of what others wanted him to do.
I looked up at the sound
of a voice. It was Mr. Hunt. He limped his way across the yard and leaned
against the fence. The smile on his face was a mile wide.
"I’ve got good news for
you son. Steve’s going to let you and Jewel take on Night Hawk in the Dust Bowl
next week," he said as Brian let out a whoop and let me prance around the ring.
One short week later
Brian and I were saddled up and ready to run.
I was nervous, not for
myself, but for Brian. He had never been in a race this big and I swore to
myself right then and there that I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.
"Well, well, well, look
who showed up for the pony races," came a cold voice from the stale next to me.
A steel gray gelding
with cold, dark brown eyes hung his head over the wall separating us.
"Well if it isn’t a
stray hurdle," I said as I kept my eyes forward and looking for Brian.
Night Hawk snorted
loudly as he thumped his hooves against the walls. He scared me and I drew back
with my ears against my head.
"Your jockey had better
watch his back or I’ll trample him into the dirt," he said as he was lead away
by a handler.
Brian came then for me
as well.
We were both nervous and
anxious to get on the track.
Old man Walker lead me
to the gates with Brian on my back. Strong words flew at Brian about his size
and age. I stamped my hoof as I tried to reassure Brain that it would be fine.
We stood in silence and
anticipation for the bell to ring and the gates to spring open.
When it came it all
seemed to happen in slow motion. I lunged forward as Brian dug his heels into my
sides. The other horses did the same and then things caught up to itself.
We sped down the track
at blinding speed. Brian nudged me on when he could. We hugged ourselves tightly
against the rail, which was on my right, as Night Hawk came up on the left.
Night Hawk and I locked
eyes as did Brian and the other jockey. Again things jumped into slow motion.
The jockey tugged his
reins to the left and Night Hawk followed suit. He came at me. I thought about
stopping, but Brian kicked me and I had been trained to never disobey an order.
I put it into hyper
drive as we narrowly missed Night Hawk’s assault. We ran ahead of the others
freely for most of the race. We were a bit to preoccupied to notice Night Hawk
coming back for more.
I couldn’t out run him
anymore because I was running my fastest, but I still tried. My heart pounded
painfully in my chest, but I wanted desperately to save Brian from Night Hawk’s
keep…your jockey….off the…track….," Night Hawk panted as he fought to keep pace.
"Now…you’ll…pay…," he
said as fate caught up to us.
He rammed into me and
pushed us toward the fence. I tried to stop, then jump, but I had lost momentum
in trying to stop.
We hit the rail and went
down. Darkness over took me as I cursed myself for my foolishness.
By Air
The rumbling in the
forest had grown into a roar. It shook our tree and the trees around us.
It was pitch black and I
awoke terrified. Dagger tried to calm me, but he knew as well as I did, we would
die if we stayed.
Abandoning our nest we
flew away from the lights, machines and terror as fast as we could.
Dagger and I somehow
were separated, but I knew we would meet again deeper in the woods.
As I flew I noticed
something below me, water. I hadn’t realized that I had flown toward the river.
As I flew along it I saw
lights up ahead. Boats, I thought.
But then I remembered
what Dagger had told me, the river wasn’t deep enough or wide enough for boats.
If it wasn’t a boat then
this wasn’t the river.
Then what was it? I
asked myself as I landed on it for a closer look. It was sold and dark, road.
Which meant that my boat
was indeed a car. I tried to fly away, but I had remained to long as I was hit
by the on coming car.

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