Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Lauren Schneider

Sensitivity is a gift rare and hard to find
Most people cannot understand the thoughts going through a sensitive mind
People often ask just what exactly are you so upset about?
Why are there many actions that you so often doubt?
Sometimes when I stop to think events replay in my head
All the things I did that day and everything I said
Why did I let those words come out? I hope no one was hurt
Why did I run away so fast why was I so curt
Yes, sensitivity can lead to many irrational fears
In trying hard to help others you're the one in tears
Sometimes I ask myself what is this all worth?
Did it originate from experiences or was it a part of me since birth?
But then I see the spark that gives me some hope
By offering compassion I helped somebody cope
To me touching someone else's life is worth more than anything at all
Just being a friend and making that extra call
Sensitivity comes from the heart that is what makes it so unique
Sensitivity is a language that most people can not speak

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