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A New Day Dawning
Loyd David Burt

Drink deep the sweet cold mountain air
Feast thine eye upon the new born sun
Watch it rise ere its burning glory
Warms the earth for everyone.
Face the tasks that have been allotted
Awake thy brethren from their sleep
Lead them to those pastures promised
For thou art the shepherd, and they, the sheep.
Be upstanding in thine image
Let not the children see thee cry
Hide the salted tear that formeth
Formeth in thine weary eye.
Hide from them thy daily burden
Allow them all to laugh and play
For soon, too soon, their youth will vanish
That burden will be theirs someday.
Shake the dew from yonder flower,
Watch its unladen head, unbow.
Smell its fragrance at dawn's early hour
Remove thy scowl, light up thy brow.
Pray that the bounty in the land around thee
Will continue for years to flow,
Ask of Him His daily blessing
And may thou in His likeness grow.

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