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Flecks of Sand
Lynn P. Shaw

Here's a strange little story with a strange little
twist ---
It's a truthful tale, and it goes like this.
In the book of Moses in Genesis One,
We hear of an Earth without any sun.
Darkness and void were all around,
And nothing was moving nor making a sound.
But the Spirit of God moved into the space,
And Heaven and Earth were soon in their place.
And on the fifth day of creation's birth,
God brought forth His creatures to fill up the earth.
Large and small, earthbound and free;
He filled up His planet right down to the sea.
And then He created the great dirty man ---
This small little creature He made out of sand.
He brought forth His creatures for mankind to see
And told him to name them --- earthbound and free.
He gave man dominion over all He had made ---
Then gave it His blessing and went on His way.
But not far away or forever, you see --
Just far enough so man could be free.
He stood in the shadows and watched over man ---
This small little creature He made out of sand.
And His heart was saddened by what He saw ---
As He realized mankind would destroy it all.
Evil and greed; lust and sin ---
These are the things that grew within.
With no respect for Heaven nor earth ---
He now viewed mankind as having no worth.
He decided to end the great dirty man ---
This small little creature He made out of sand.
Now saddened at heart, and filled with pain ---
He'd send to the earth a forty-day rain.
But upon the earth there were the few ---
Selected by God to start life anew.
And God told Noah when the ark was through ---
"Go gather my creatures two by two.
Bring them in both he and she ---
For this is the way I say it shall be."
So in came the creatures to ride out the rain ---
While below them mankind was screaming in pain.
While all mankind was wiped from the earth ---
The animals flourished; they grew and gave birth.
And if mankind will think of this ----
And remember this tale with the strange little twist
He'll keep in mind this fateful event ---
And respect God's nature as Heaven-sent.
He'll not take more than he shall need ---
For shelter and food --- and not of greed.
He'll respect his earth, and all that grows there
And replace what he takes, and tend it with care.
He'll love the creatures as Heaven-sent ---
And give them their place as God has meant.
He'll love the Lord and give Him praise ----
He'll walk with Him and keep His ways.
But if mankind will not take heed ---
And hardens his heart so as not to believe ---
Then the wrath of the Lord will fall upon man ---
And simply wash him away --- like flecks of sand!

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