The Writers Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

I知 Nothing Without You


Maria Reylan Garcia

There is something I need to say,

That keeps me troubled day by day,

Yet, I can稚 find the words to utter,

Because if I will speak it out,

Maybe it値l leave you bothered,

I hid these thoughts, from the very first time we met,

The time when our friendship was set,

To be everlasting and forevermore,

Never to reject each other or to ignore,

I feel that you値l be irritated if I値l say,

This words that might ruin your day,

But still, I値l try to notify,

The thoughts in my head, which pass by,

I hope you値l take time to read this phrase,

And try to imagine my face (as I say with teary eyes),

"Dear Mate, I hope this will not make you blue

I知 very happy that I致e found you
And am nothing without you..."

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