Writer's Voice
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Double Take On Destiny
Marianna Hernandez

Throughout my entire life, I have done many
deeds. Amongst all the good and bad that I have done, I never failed to commit
mistakes. Every person in this world goes through different stages in life, such
as: an
infant, a toddler, a kid, a teenager, an adult, and finally an old age person. A
big part of growing up is making all different kinds of mistakes, because they
help you grow and develop into a better person. They teach people lessons, which
they remember for life.
But, even if screwing up can often be
beneficial, sometimes it's better not to screw up at all. Despite the
indiscretions, which can often be corrected, forgiven, and forgotten,
there are those that in one simple moment have the power to change one's life
As I was growing up into teen hood, I
started to see life from a new perspective. However, I was still living in a
fairy tale world of my own. I saw things not in their true color, but all in
pink. I kept thinking everything was so pretty and that nothing evil really
existed. I never thought that there would come a time where circumstances would
overrule my own will.
Oh dear Lord, how wrong was I to have had
such a naive view of life; especially when we live each day not knowing what can
happen to us in a minute. Well, in a short while there came a moment in my life
changed all that.
It happened to me on one June night of 1998.
While my fellow eight grade classmates were on a graduation trip, I, on the
other hand, was getting ready for the ultimate teenage party of the season. I
kept hoping for this party to be a blast. But what I didn't know, was that after
this night things would never be the same again. At around eight, as I was
getting ready to leave, I received a phone call from an acquaintance of mine
offering me a ride with two guys I had never met
Since I wanted to manage both things at the
same time, I invited her and the two guys to join my friends and me at the
party. And so, with my friends waiting for me downstairs in the lobby, I put on
shoes and went out the door.
When we arrived at the party's location, it
was hot out, and considering that there had been a little mishap between a
couple of my friends, we were all standing outside chatting. As I was just about
to go in, a white van drove by across the street. Out of it came my acquaintance
Laura, and suddenly my heart began to race.
My intuition began to tell me that
something would happen soon. When Laura finally came up to me, she informed me
that her two friends Josh and Nicholas were unable to attend the party because
they hardly knew anyone there, and they didn't want to crash it. Instead, she
offered me a ride around my neighborhood for fifteen minutes.
This was the kind of thing I always said
I'd never do. Therefore, I tried to make up any excuse possible to get away with
not taking her offer. But, even though I knew it would be a wrong and really
stupid thing to do, a part of me really wanted to go.
I always yearned for some adventure, some
wild and crazy thing to make my life worthwhile. This seemed like the perfect
to do just that. I realized then that the friends I came to the party with seemed to be getting along fine without me, and a sudden feeling of loneliness
overcame me.
Some friends kept telling me to go and some
made sure to warn me not to. All in all, it was my decision to make and no
one would have to deal with the consequences of my actions but me. Thinking that
this would make me look cool, getting into a hot van with two gorgeous guys by my
side, I decided to take up the offer. What seemed to be a fairly easy decision to
make at first, what seemed to be such a tiny and insignificant event throughout
all my teenage years, in the long run, ended up affecting the rest of my entire
It was already about ten o'clock at night,
and instead of being back at the party long ago, I was still riding in the
backseat of that white van, looking out the window, watching the lanterns glow
in the moonlight. I had absolutely no clue of where I was going, and whenever I
asked anyone about it, I never really got answer. I had already begun to regret
going with them in the first place, and while being driven away to an unknown
destination and having my friends back at the party worried sick about me, I
started to realize I had made a big mistake.
At around ten thirty, Josh received a phone
call from some guy who Josh claimed owed him money. He told me that we were
going to pick up the money and promised me to get back to the party if I would
agree to dance with him. I, of course, loved the idea and said yes.
When I asked him where the guy lived, he
told me 86th Street in Brooklyn, and so I assumed that was exactly where we were
heading. Soon after, I found out that we were never heading to his house, and
really were going to meet him somewhere else.
Close to eleven, we got to Manhattan. We
drove around for about a half-hour or so, listening to music and looking around
at stores and different places like Rockefeller Center. It was so beautiful in
the city
that night. It was warm and really nice out. After some time of driving around
the city that never sleeps, we crossed some bridge as I remember and came to an
interstate highway. It was dark and it was hard for me to identify where exactly
we were; all I saw was that we were no longer in Manhattan.
We passed the interstate line and drove
another half an hour on the highway. Some time before midnight, we arrived at
some place that I didn't recognize. When Josh and Nicholas got out of the van
for a couple of minutes, I asked Laura if Josh liked me and she answered,
"He said he will have a lot of fun with you tonight!"
The sentence, which I should have taken
seriously, I took as a joke - another big mistake!
Sure enough, they came back and decided to
drive us further. Now I figured that I was in New Jersey or at least somewhere,
just not in New York. They were thinking of taking us to a night club, and,
well, for
a fifteen year old a night club definitely seems fun, especially when you have a
teen who always yearns to do something adult-like, such as going to a night
However, for some reason they decided not
to go. Now I know why, because they had something else in mind.
Finally, we arrived at a place where they
decided to stay. I didn't realize what it was right away, but as we drove up
closer, I saw what it was. A cheap motel located thirty minutes from New Jersey.
I got really scared - I kept wondering why in the world they would pick a motel
as a place to get money from that guy. And, why was it in New Jersey in the
first place?
Soon some of these questions would be
answered. We all got out of the vehicle and went into a small motel room. It was
a small cheap place with a television, a somewhat large bed, Jacuzzi, and a
As I sat down on the bed, Josh called his
friend and told him where we were. The guy said, or so he told me, that he'd be
there soon or a little later, I don't quite remember. All I recall is that I
started freaking out
on Josh.
"Get me back to the party now!" I demanded.
"Calm down! You'll get back to the party in
an hour," Josh yelled in response.
I doubted that what he said was true and
began to panic. I saw that while I was sitting and talking to Laura, Josh closed
the blinds and stuck a piece of tissue into the peephole. I realized then that I
was in really big trouble, which I didn't think I could have gotten out of. Not
anymore! Not since I ended up across the state penniless without even a quarter
to call home from a payphone. I could have asked to call from Laura's cell
phone, but I was too afraid - too afraid to call home, too afraid to call the
police, too afraid to do just about anything.
I had no clue whether I'd be raped or even
killed. I didn't know these people and from what I'd seen so far they seemed
capable of anything. I was in total danger and I needed to get out of there as
fast as possible.
I sat down on the bed next to Laura, who at
that time, as I'd just begun to realize, had taken an ecstasy pill and hardly
knew what she was doing. I told her that I wanted to leave this place and get
back to the party just like I told Josh. She got up and went to talk to him. I
don't know what she told him, but when they returned, Josh stayed in the room
with me as Laura left the room with Nicholas.
Josh, seeing that I was very upset and
scared, tried to calm me down by putting some cold water on my face. Then he
gave me a nice massage, and we just sat and talked. He tried to kiss me but I
backed away. He pretended to understand, but now I know he just probably thought
I was playing hard to get.
I wasn't playing hard to get; I was just
scared of the consequences. I did not want to make another mistake; Lord knows
I'd made plenty already. This mistake I knew would be the most regretted one of
all and I wasn't ready to take that risk.
I found out later that Laura had told Josh
and Nicholas that I wasn't a virgin and probably one of her sluttish friends who
would fool around with any hot guy she sees. I was none of those things and she
knew that - she set me up big time! But, then again, I can't blame anyone but
myself for everything that happened.
Josh asked me to stay with him at the motel
overnight, but I refused. Then he left the room and after about five minutes,
Nicholas came in. Nicholas acted nicer than Josh and tried to make me feel safer
around him, and I really did too.
It was about one in the morning when I
heard some phone ringing. I found it was coming from Laura's cell phone, which
she'd left in her purse in the room. I opened her purse and took out the phone.
Right then,
Josh came in and I gave the phone to him. He looked at it and said that there
were about eight missed phone calls, all coming from my parents and my friends.
He got worried and went to get Laura. He
came back after a while and told me that we were going home. I went to sit in
the van as Josh, Nicholas, and Laura got ready to leave the motel. Laura got
inside first, while the guys paid for the room, and after giving me a glance she
asked what I did with Josh.
"Nothing!" I answered firmly. "And you?" I
asked her.
"Nothing!" answered Laura.
Well we both knew for sure that one of us
was definitely lying. Then the guys got inside the van and we drove away.
"I am finally going home," I kept saying to
Those words never seemed so dear as they
did now. I was so thankful to G-d that nothing happened and I am still thanking
Him for it, up to this day.
Driving home was long and depressing.
Everyone was silent except Josh and Laura who were bickering with each other
about some lie. I only realized later what lie they were talking about - the lie
she'd told about me. He knew now that she lied and was of course mad at her like
All I kept thinking throughout the whole
time was how my parents and friends would react to me. What would they think?
Would they believe me that nothing happened? But I knew that I needed to get
home first that's all that really mattered now. That's all that ever should
matter in reality.
I got home okay. Josh and Nicholas dropped
Laura home first and then drove me back to the party's location. No one was
there and the party had ended long ago. They offered to drive me to my building
but I said no and walked another two blocks to my house. Being in a state of big
shock, I didn't really know much of what was going on.
When I came home, my parents even searched
to see if I was on drugs. My cousin was so worried about me that she'd even called
the police and reported me missing. The cops came to my house and left right
away because I told them that nothing happened and I was safe and unharmed.
My parents treated me a lot better than I
thought. I guess it was because they were just so happy that I came home that
nothing else mattered. I couldn't tell anyone where I had been, what would they
think? Later, I was forced to tell them the truth. After that I don't think they
ever looked at me the same way again. Up to this day, my mom still thinks that I
have lied and that something did happen.
My friends seemed like they believed me,
but even they never really thought of me in the same way.
The next morning, I found out something
terrifying. A news reporter on the radio announced that a teenage girl who went
to a party that same night had disappeared with a couple of strange guys and was
killed in a car accident. A year later, I found out from a friend of mine that
the girl actually was at the same party as I was. We could have simply been
standing feet away from each other, and neither of us knew what was coming to
We both had driven away with people we
didn't know, and both had been reported missing. The only difference between us
was that she was raped and died in a car crash with the people she was with.
There was only one survivor, who managed to jump out of the car right before it
crashed. But he disappeared and no one has been able to find him
The unforgettable June night had made a big
impact on me. Even though I will always regret what I have done, I believe it
served as a benefit to me. I think that if I didn't go through that scare and
suffering, then I wouldn't have learned a lot of important lessons in life.
This experience has made me stronger and a
lot more appreciative towards life. I am extremely thankful to G-d for sparing
my life that night, and I will continue to thank Him for the rest of my days.
It is very scary when you think about it:
one minute you're all alive and well and the next something happens and boom you
could be dead! I hope that the special stranger with whom I shared a part of my
that night will rest in peace.
I pray that her death has not been in vain,
and that this story which I dedicate to her, will help a lot of teenagers to
prevent these kinds of situations from happening. I hope that this story will
teach everyone a lot of important lessons as it has taught me.
Someone once said in a movie, that a moment
can change your life forever, and you don't even know when it's coming. But I
think that the greatest moral of all here is that people should always think
before doing something, or they'll never know what price they'll end up paying
at the end.

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