Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Reflecting in Solitude
Marion Clark

Waves gently lap the pebbled shore.
I stand alone - with me.
In the soft glow of a harvest moon
My eyes scan
An endless expanse of sea.
I reflect...
Who am I?
A role?
A body?
A person?
Emoting and thinking I exist
Within the confines of my body,
And the confines of the world.
Autumn leaves fall
As my tears fall in sadness.
Yellow daffodils in Springtime
Reflect my happiness.
Cold Winter winds are the chill of fear
I contemplate the unknown.
Bare trees and barren fields
Mirror my loneliness.
Seasons come and go
As the ebb and flow
Of emotion.
Touching the waves they become
Part of me.
Turbulent currents,
Brief identity.
The force maintaining their consistency
Relates each part
Of the universe
To the other,
And each to me.
I exist.

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