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Spring Break
Mark Kolar

Spring Break ’08!!!
It was the Thursday before spring break, and I was stopped in Whitehall to gas
up, as I was driving home. It was an exciting time, as I was starting spring
break, and also because the family was supposedly going to Disney Land for the
break. I hopped and skipped into the town pump, and looked and the cashier and
said “I’m going to Disney Land!” The cashier didn’t seem to quite match my
enthusiasm, as he just looked at me and said, “That will be $26.” I quickly paid
and then skipped back out to my truck, as the high school kids that were on
their lunch break gave me quizzical looks, and started once again for home.
I arrived home, and blasted through the door, and I saw my mother and
grandmother talking in the living room, and I said, “We’re going to Disney
Land!” At which my mother replied “Yeah, in May!” At this statement, my bouncing
off the walls ceased immediately, and I managed to say “…what…?” My mother
replied, “Yes honey, Gerry (step-dad) had some things come up, so we are going
to post pone the trip till May, when you are finished with school.” All I could
muster to say in my sorrow was “Because of you I lied to my English teacher!” My
mom replied, “Well, you can always take the class next semester I suppose.”
Now I wouldn’t say I was on the verge of suicide, because I wasn’t. No, I was
just a little bummed out. On Friday night, my good friend Meagen called, and
asked “So how’s California!” I fought back tears and replied “Why must you hurt
me?” I went on to explain that plans had changed, and I would just be hanging
around home all break. Upon hearing of my dire situation, Meagen said “Well, a
few of us are meeting at the park in about half an hour, I think we are going to
play some sort of tag or hide and seek game.” Now, the 19 year old college
student in me was saying “Tag? Hide and Seek? You can’t be serious?” But the
little kid in me, that shows itself way more often, was saying “Do it Mark! Do
it! Do it! Do it! Do it!”
After telling the parents that I was off to play tag/hide and seek, and having
them lecture about where they went wrong with me, I left, and arrived at the
park. I was met by Meagen, and four other teenagers that were having an identity
crisis like I was. As it turned out, there were three guys, and three girls
there, so we split into two teams, boys vs. girls, how original.
Now, we were in the major residential part of town, and the college was located
about a mile away, at the other end of the residential district. Now the boys
(that’s me!) goal was to race, on foot through the residential part of down,
down the streets and alleys, while the girls chased us in a vehicle. If the
girls spotted one of us, we had to get in the car with them. Now, it would have
been a good idea to split up, but seeing as how the dark is scary, we decided
against that. Yeah, guess whose idea this game was? I’ll give you a hint, it
wasn’t the male team.
After about 25 minutes of racing for our lives, being chased by dogs, and shot
at, we reached the college. Ok we weren’t really chased by dogs, or shot at,
because people in that part of town can’t afford dogs or guns. Though, a lady
did come out, and ask what we were doing in her yard, which we accidentally
crossed in our pursuit of freedom. Now Levi, who was one of my fellow team
mates, went on to explain we were playing hide and seek. Now, though this was
mostly true, I imagined the woman had trouble accepting the fact that three
teenage boys were playing such an innocent game. Surprisingly, the lady said
“Oh, ok then!” and went back inside. I then said to the guys “I guarantee she’s
calling the cops now.” At which we hurried and found a dark alley, and continued
our quest for victory.
Now, I’m sure you are sitting there saying “Come on, tell us who won!!” Well,
I’m happy to say the night belonged to the men. Afterwards, at the risk of
spending the night in the clink (that’s street talk for prison, I think) we
decided to still keep up our mischievous deeds, but from the safety of a
vehicle, wear we exchanged contact lists on our phones, and prank called people.
So in the end I learned that a little kid’s game isn’t as innocent as it seems,
when teenagers play it, and turn it into a sick, twisted game of survival.
Though it may not be most people’s idea of an exciting spring break story, it
was fun. Just a few of my friends and I hanging out, and being crazy, that’s my
idea of a good time. Oh and there were other shenanigans that went on over
spring break too involving my buddies, but sadly, I feel this paper is getting
to long, so I’ll save those for another time.

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