Writer's Voice
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At The Ballpark
Michael Basham

One evening, my Son and I had gone to the
Ball Park to see a Major League team play. We
always left our home about 3 p.m, for a 7
p.m. game. We would get there early and eat
our meal early, as well. We didn't want to
miss any of the pre-game warmups. We would
watch batting practice and the Pitchers and
fielders pre-game practice. I was really glad
we had come to this game; it was the first
for us this season. It was nearing the end of
the season and we had not been able to go. I
was anticipating a possible stray ball for my
son to catch. We watched as hitter after
hitter came up during batting practice. He
was never close enough to grab one of the
The seats were hard to jump over and to
get to the ball was impossible. He was just
six years old. I tried to help, but there
were a lot of fans there with the same idea.
We sat and waited patiently, then batting
practice ended. The pitchers were still
warming up with each other. I thought, maybe
one of them will toss him a ball. The people
would yell at them as if they weren't even
human sometimes. I thought of how hard it
must be for them to ignore the insults. We
sat quietly watching and we talked about
pitching in general. My son had many
questions about Baseball. When the pitchers,
were preparing to leave the field and join
the team, one walked over our way. I
recognized him, immediately. He tossed a ball
over the fence to my son. He said, "I have
been saving this for you."
My son was ecstatic, I was too, for this
pitcher, before coming to this team, had won
a World Series. When he walked away, my son
was tapped on the shoulder by an older man
who had sat behind us. He said, "I'd like for
you to have this ball, you see, I appreciate
seeing boys at the ballpark with their dads.
That Ball is from
when my son stood on that very mound and
pitched a game, dedicated to his
dad." He said, "I have more, but this one has
been kept for a special occasion, like
I don't know which one of those balls was
more important. I do know each one was given
from the Heart. Two men stood tall in my eyes
that night and since, the founders of a
memory of a dad and his son.

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