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My Life 1967-1973
- Part Two
Michael D. Holcomb

This year starts out by living in the two story apartments on Frost Street in
Laredo, Texas.
I'm 13 years old and currently in the 8th
grade at Lamar Jr. High School. Our apartment is on the 2nd floor and is
actually temporary housing while waiting for a house to come available in Fort
One of the things I remember is watching
the trainer jets fly above the apartment. With binoculars you could see the
pilot and co-pilot sitting side by side. The T-37 and T-38 jets sure made a loud
screaming sound when they went over. No way to carry on a conversation until it
We were only in the apartment for a few
months. I walked to and from school most days. One morning in particular I
noticed a stray cat following me and I began to feel sorry for it because I
could tell he was hungry, so I spent my lunch money and bought some cat food and
fed the critter.
Laredo is located on the Texas/Mexico
border and is ninety percent Spanish. I had a few Mexican friends but mostly
hung out with other military brats. I once made up a flyer and taped it to the
mirror in the boys bathroom. It said L.B.J. ought to make it an order and send
you Mexicans back across the border.
My grades improved here a lot because the
school was teaching on a very basic level for the kids. In fact seeing an 18 to
20 year old Mexican in your 8th grade class was common. I went from nearly
failing in the beginning of 8th grade in Rantoul Illinois to straight A's here
in Laredo when we moved in November of 1967.
On occasion the school would have a live
band play for the students and we were allowed to dance. This is where I got
over being self-conscious out there dancing. I realized I didn't look any more
spastic than the others. This one band I remember was the best I've seen yet.
They played "Hey Jude" by the Beatles perfectly. That cute little Mexican girl
sure smelled good and was nice to hold close while dancing to the music.
Around March 1968 we finally moved to Fort
McIntosh base housing. This was outstanding because this community was right on
the Rio Grande River.
The old community college down the road had
a coke machine which allowed you to pull two cokes out at the same time. Fort
Mac was a huge area with a stone wall around the perimeter. Old Army tanks were
kept in one area and I remember the Border Patrol Building where the illegal
wetbacks were jailed. We would go in there to get free salt tablets at the water
fountain and heckle the prisoners by flipping them off.
One night soon after
moving in two girls knocked at my back door after dark. I went out to meet and
greet. One of the girl's names was Vicky ******* and the other Was Michelle
*****. They were Officer's daughters who lived on the other end of base housing.
Officer housing and NCO housing was always separate. Vicky and I hit it off and
went steady for most of the time.
I would meet up with her
in 1972 (age 18) in Orlando, as both of our dads retired to
Florida. We were older then, and things weren't the same as they were back in
Ft. Mac in 1968 (age 14). Plus the drive to Orlando every weekend got old.
Anyway back to Laredo………………
We had this game where you added our ages
together and you had to kiss that many times. First couple to mark off the total
won the right to visit the hut we had built in the woods on the bank of the
river. This hut was a 8 x8 foot thrown together shack with an observation deck
on the roof. We had stolen some old school desks from the barn at the College
and put them up on the deck. Vicky let me take her measurements at the old hut.
You did what ever you could get away with.
After some coaxing she stripped down to her bra and panties and I took her
measurements with the measuring tape I swiped out of Mom's sewing box. Talk
about a case of the blue balls afterwards.
The word was on the street that a staff
Sergeant's garage was full of Playboy's, so one night Charles ********, Jimmy
*****, David ********** and myself crawled up to the bedroom window of his house
to peek in. He and his wife were lying
in bed naked with a fan blowing. It must have been
100 degrees that night. We then proceeded to sneak out to his detached garage. Sure
enough, once inside there were several stacks of Playboys, both current
issues and old ones. Imagine what they would be worth today!
We took probably 6 or 8 apiece and went
down to the college to swap magazines. The security guard walked up on us
and scared the hell out of us. He just told us to get off the campus.
During the summer the Rio Grande water
level was down low enough to where you could walk across to the US side. Border
Patrol helicopters were always flying up and down the river with loudspeakers
warning the Mexicans to stay on their side. These people were always coming
across and hiding.
Went to see the movie “Green Beret” at the
theatre on the Air Force Base. This flick really opened my eyes to the reality
of war. At the commissary you could purchase a quart of chocolate milk for 25
cents. I could chug-a-lug the whole quart walking from the commissary to the
July 7th was my 14th birthday and my
parents actually got me an electric guitar with an amplifier. Jimmy ***** and
Pat ********and I practiced a lot and learned to play a couple of tunes like
“Louie Louie.”
Ft. Mac had a regular sized baseball field
with a chicken wire backstop. The outfield was decorated with little cacti that
grew just above ground level. You had to be careful running around out there.
Beyond the baseball field was the tree line of the woods, which had several
paths leading down to the river. One of these paths was used as a bike trail
leading down close to the river and back up to the baseball field. We would time
each other on how long it took to complete the course on a bike. I can’t count
the times I went head over handlebars on that trail.
The song “Judy In Disguise” came out that
summer and for some reason I really loved that melody but it was too complicated
to play on the guitar.
Late one summer night while camping out in
the side yard we noticed the kid across the street pulling up into his driveway.
He got out of his Volkswagen and hid his cigarettes under the porch of his house
before going in. When the coast was clear we sneaked over there and stole his
cigarettes and smoked them all.
On the bank of the Rio Grande was an
abandoned watchtower with the ladder partially removed at ground level to keep
people off of it. All you had to do was climb up on the outside leg for the
first 30 feet and then transfer over to the ladder and continue climbing. Once
inside you could see up and down the river for a long way. The kid up in the
tower would shoot his BB gun at the others on the ground and the kids on the
ground would shoot up into the tower. The BB’s would ricochet off the walls
inside the tower and find their mark a lot of the time. No one got seriously
hurt, just some welts on the skin.
Crossing over the International Bridge to
Mexico was forbidden by our parents but that didn’t stop us. One afternoon Dave
********* took several packs of cigarettes from His mom and we proceeded to the
bridge on our bicycles, paying five cents each at the booth. The customs agent
doesn’t bother you going over to Mexico but he checks you out coming back. Once
there we knew not to take our hands off our bicycles or they would be stolen in
a flash. Peddlers were set up all along the street with their suitcases full of
cheap jewelry and switchblade knives. We traded American cigarettes along with
some money for several switchblade knives.
Happy with our trade, we started heading
back to the bridge worrying about getting the knives across. The Custom’s agent
asked us if we were bringing any knives or contraband back and we answered 'no'
with a straight face so he let us pass with two knives in each pocket… I still
had these knives after moving to Florida and I remember taking them to Leesburg
High to show them off… I can’t remember what happened to those knives after
One day I was down on the bank of the river
when I noticed a Mexican fishing on the other side. After watching him for a few
minutes I decided to holler something smart to him. I yelled "Hey, I hear you
all eat your dogs over there." He must have understood what I said; he pulled a
gun out of his pocket and fired two shots in my direction. I got pretty scared
hearing those bullets sing over my head and hit the bushes behind me. I turned
tail back into the brush and disappeared, stopping long enough to collect
myself. This guy couldn't take a joke.
Some of the events that took place
nationally while living here were the assassination of Martin Luther King in
April 1968 and Robert F Kennedy in June 1968. The Vietnam War was in full swing.
Watching the news every evening you would here the count of American casualties
for the day. The enemy casualty count was always exaggerated and numbered far
greater. This was to broaden support from the American people on the basis that
we were winning this war.
School started in September and I entered
the 9th grade. I remember having the choice of going into the 9th grade at the
High School or staying at the Jr. High School which also had a 9th grade. My
friends and I all elected to stay at Lamar Jr. High so we would be upper
classmen. Those mornings at the bus stop were comical, all wearing penny loafers
and bright socks. Vicky's house was in sight of the bus stop and I remember
waiting there and wondering what kind of outlandish clothes she was going to
wear to school that day. She was always the last one to show up, usually at the
time the bus was approaching.
Acting the fool on the bus was a daily
occurrence and brother Bob would give me dirty looks sometimes. I remember one
morning the bus pulled up at my school and as I was walking down the aisle of
the bus I flimflammed Bobby back of the head and exited the bus in a hurried
manner. It was funny at the time but I knew I'd have Hell to pay that evening.
My brother made it a point to always get more than just even with me. But I knew
I was safe for the moment because Bob had to stay on the bus to continue on to
the High School.
By late October Dad had his retirement
papers in and we would soon be moving to Florida. On Halloween my parents made
me go with them to Sears to buy a new washing machine; it seemed like they knew
us kids would be up to no-good that night. I missed out on the trick-or
Sometime in early November '68 the moving
van pulled up to the house and once again we dealt with the packing and loading.
I had mixed emotions at the time about moving back to Florida. I really didn't
want to leave my friends here but I knew I would get to see my old friends in
Leesburg once again.
We left southern Texas and spent the first
few nights at Grandma King's house in Ardmore, Oklahoma. From there we visited
Uncle Slocom somewhere in Alabama. Then from there we stayed the night at aunt
Melba's house in Ocala. Aunt Oveida had a rental house reserved in Leesburg at
2209 Mahoney Ave.
Dad got a job at Tube Associates working
the graveyard shift. Dad would get mad at the college students next door playing
music so loud while he tried to sleep during the day.
Tube Associates was located in Wildwood and
they made stainless steel pipe. Dad made good money but came home with thousands
of small shavings of metal on his clothes.
During the Thanksgiving week Aunt Oveida
pulled up in the driveway all shook up. Grandpa ******* lost his house to a fire
that morning in Webster. We all went over there to see the damage. The house
burned to the ground. Grandpa was okay, just sad.
The High School was a few blocks away so I
walked to and from school every day. It was nice to see my friends again. Dad
bought a used '61 Chevy station wagon for Bob to drive. Christmas '68 arrived
while living at 2209 Mahoney but I don't recall much about it except the
astronauts circling the moon for the first time in Apollo 8.
Link to Part Three

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