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Souls Warrior
Michael Faircloth

Chapter 3
The New Beginning
Bane and Catherine sat at the kitchen table with their family of three girls and
four boys and one secretly on the way. This morning’s breakfast is every bit as
wonderful as every single meal that Catherine has made for her family. Bane
starts the morning’s conversation, “I do believe this is the best breakfast that
I have ever had. I ‘m glad that you have always enjoyed cooking; a few thousand
years of experience sure makes a difference. What do you and the children have
planned for today, my love?” Catherine, still just as much in love with this
wonderful man that she first fell in love with so many years ago, replied,
“Well, honey, today seems like a good day to run every where and do everything
and get absolutely nothing done. Kids, my love, we have lots of kids. Just wait
until our next lives when I get to do the work and you get to raise the kids. “
Bane had returned from his last battle two weeks ago. He always loved coming
home and seeing his precious family. He could only see his children as children
and not as future warriors. He knew that sooner than he would want to face, they
would leave and join the Souls Warriors to battle the bad guys. Catherine knew
that this was the last child that would be born from this body. Soon their
children’s training would begin and Bane would have to temporarily withdraw from
the team. He has quickly become one of the strongest warriors to ever face our
enemies. Walks bloodline was truly the best ever started by the Souls General.
Now, the strongest warriors will come from the Bane bloodline and will be
continuing forever.
“What do you have planed for today my dear?” ask Catherine. Bane, trying to be a
good husband, responded,” anything that you need me to do my dear; I dedicate
today to you. Anything that Catherine wants, today Catherine gets.” With that,
Catherine was on the phone to Bane’s mom. She is a good grandma and the kids
just love her, and she loves to come over to the house and watch them for
Catherine whenever she needs her to. Bane’s mother has no idea what he is or
what he does and neither do his kids. It is forbidden for regular humans to have
this knowledge. Only the Souls General can make exceptions to this rule. “Good
morning Grandma, how would you like to watch the kids for me today” Bane’s
mother quickly answered,” Be right there honey. I’ve lots of new treats for my
grand kids and I’m sure my ever-busy son must be home for a few days, so you
kids take as long as you want. I’ll bring some extra clothes in case you want to
take a few days away.” Catherine informed Bane to shave, shower and dress for
tropical weather. Knowing his wife’s ways, Bane complied. He wasn’t sure what
was going on, but he learned many years ago that she was the boss and she always
knew what she was doing. After all, she does have a couple thousand years more
experience than he has and she is always right. That is just one of the many
things that he loves about her.
Bane and Catherine load up Bane’s Viper and head for the highway. Actually, they
drive about fifty miles east of their home to a garage that Bane rents, and drop
off the car. They hold hands and Catherine takes charge. She has been everywhere
on this planet many times over. She darts them to a beautiful island, somewhere
in the tropics. Bane never stops being amazed by this absolutely awesome woman
that married him. They appear just a few hundred feet from the entrance to the
Souls In Love resort. Catherine has already booked a two-day stay, so they check
in, and then headed for the beach.
Catherine is only a few weeks pregnant and is just as sexy as the first time
that Bane ever saw her. She hasn’t told Bane that their last child, and forth
daughter has been conceived. Grandma knew every time that Catherine was
pregnant. Every time, she would send them off for a few days. Catherine was sure
that she knew this time too. Catherine often wondered if the Souls General had
been in contact with her. She figured that it really didn’t matter that much, it
was just so nice to get so much help and love from her.
She spoke to her lover, “Bane, we are the only two people standing in this sand.
I want you to take off your clothes, slowly please, so that I can enjoy looking
at your perfect body.” Catherine is the only girl to ever make Bane blush, and
after all that they have done together, there he stood, naked and blushing
redder than any man ever should. “Now, walk over to me, slowly, and begin to
remove my clothes using only your mouth. That is the only way you will be able
to start the next two days. Being the obedient husband and lover, he slowly
walks over to his only love in the world and begins to bite the buttons off her
Many hours of each other’s company and no one around to distract them from their
bliss; ready for her next surprise, Catherine took her lover’s hand and in an
instant, they were standing in front of a very big mall. “Must be time to go
shopping,” commented Bane. “We need formal wear for tonight’s dinner,” replied
With the clothes purchased, Catherine landed them in front of a very elegant
hotel. Everybody was speaking French, so dinner must be in Paris tonight. They
checked into their already booked room and changed for dinner. Bane must have
tried every thing on the menu. It was all so good, and his wife was so
wonderful, that he did not know how life could get any better. Catherine spoke
up after the desert was delivered to their table, “My dear, I have some
wonderful news for you. Soon we will have one more baby girl in our home. I hope
that this news is something that you want to hear. Bane, with a tear forming in
his right eye smiled as he looks up at Catherine. “Will there ever be a day when
I will not somehow be amazed by you. Seven children and you’re willing to give
me another. If I was a just a fraction of the person that you are, I would be a
thousand times better person than I am now. This is so wonderful and I hope we
can have many more in the future.” With her big beautiful brown eyes locked to
his, and a smile so beautiful that only an angel could own it, she spoke again,
“This will be the last child that this body will create. We will have many more
families in the future. After the birth of this child, you must return home so
that we can begin to train our children in the fighting arts and prepare them
for their future. First things first, let’s get to our room so that I can spend
the rest of the night in your arms. You did tell me, before this trip started,
that whatever I wanted I would get. My dear, all I want is you and I want you
now!” Off they went to the room.
Sunrise in Paris and time for the runaway lovers to get back to the real world;
Catherine takes them back to the car and they get their story straight for
Grandma and the kids. After all, they can’t let them know the truth, at least
not yet. They get home in time for dinner. Grandma has prepared roasted chicken
and some kind of fancy rice dish for tonight’s meal. They ate and told their
stories about their trip and got Grandma ready to go home. She was looking a
little tired. She loved her grand kids, but they sure do give her a good
workout. With her car loaded and good byes said, she starts to head home. A
sudden stop, and a quick back-up of the car and Grandma yells out her window,
“This one will be another beautiful girl. I have already started getting clothes
for her. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Bane and Catherine just stare at each other in
total amazement. “I just don’t know how she always knows.” sighs Bane.
Chapter 4

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