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Souls Warrior
Michael Faircloth

Chapter 7
A New Baby Girl
Bane and Walk make their way to the hospital where Catherine has delivered her
newest child. There they find her setting up in the bed with her newest love in
her arms, feeding. “Oh how I have miss you my sweet Catherine. We have
eliminated Bubacraphead and now I get the next few years off to be with my
family. Tell me dear, what shall we name this perfect little girl?” Catherine,
just as beautiful as the first time Bane ever laid eyes on her, smiled at her
hero and softly responded,” My love, I would like for you to meet our child.
Upon her birth, the Souls General visited briefly and requested that I name this
little girl Angel. He said that she has a very old soul that has been merged
with our souls and she is in need of a lot of love. He also told me that my
friend, although she lost her body, has never left my side. “ Bane pondered
Catherine’s words for a few moments then his eyes opened wide and his mouth
dropped open as he stared at Catherine. “Yes my dear, you are the father of
Angel now. Do not worry, when she turns thirteen, she will regain her warrior
identity, but she will also remember all of the love we will give her. We are
reborn with the same soul, and our new family is just as important to us as our
first family. You will have one awesome daughter in this little girl; Angel, you
and I are all part of her, now. She will do wonders for the Souls Warriors.”
With those words out of Catherine’s mouth, Bane held his Angel for the first
time and as he looked into her eyes, she smiled and then threw-up on him. “Yes
my little love, this is going to be a lot of fun,” Bane laughs while he wiped
the baby’s puke off his shirt. “I see my greatest challenge yet awaits me.”
Bane, Catherine and their eight children, where now all at home enjoying being a
normal family. “Catherine, I have some wonderful news, my love. I just got off
the phone with Walk. He, Big John, some new teammates are coming over for dinner
tonight. It’s been quite a while since we’ve had our friends over, so I hope you
don’t mind,” informs Bane. “Bane, a man of great intelligence, a warrior of good
feared by all evil, the father of my eight children, you have thirty minutes to
get in the car and go buy dinner. My little Angel needs my full attention; her
cold is keeping me quite busy. I know your cooking, and the other kids have too
much going on tonight. If we are to have guest on a school night, while my baby
is sick and the house is a mess, I suppose you have got your work cut out for
you; no tricks, I have run out of explanations for your disappearing while the
cars are still in the driveway.” affectionately but firmly replies Catherine.
Bane complied with his orders from the only woman he has ever loved, and was off
to get pizza, Pepsi, and beer. This combination would please all.
Catherine had the older children quickly clean the house while she tended to the
youngest ones. She was looking forward to seeing her old friends and she was
curious about the unnamed guest soon to arrive in her home. Being a wife and a
mother has been the biggest challenge she has ever faced. She was so in love
with her husband, that she would do it a thousand times over, if necessary.
Bane, parked his minivan, and then brought the food into the kitchen. He walked
to the living room to let Catherine know he was home, only to find her busy in
conversation with Walk and Big John. “Hey guys, when did you get here, I didn’t
see your car out front.” mention Bane. Catherine quickly remarked,” Now honey,
surely you don’t expect these fine warriors have time to waste driving, now do
you?” Bane just smiled and walked over and kissed his lovely wife and joined in
the conversations.
Walk took over the conversation, “I have some old friends with me tonight, that
you have not yet meet, Bane. Allow me to introduce Kate, who is eighteen yeas
old in this life. She has been on our team for about a thousand years and just
recently graduated from high school, again.” “It is so nice to meet the only man
to make Catherine fall in love. I gave up on her ever wanting to share herself
with a man, a long time ago. You must be very special to have won her love. It
is nice to finally meet you.” With those words, Kate walked over to Bane, leaned
over and kissed him on top of his head. “This fiery redhead by my side is Kelly.
I have known Kelly for three thousand years and have never known another woman
like her. She is currently twenty-four and always manages to be born with bright
red hair and blessed with the kind of body that takes my old soul captive. Meet
the only woman that has ever made me behave,” introduces Walk. “It my pleasure
to meet you Bane. Walk trained you and you are still alive with your first body;
that doesn’t happen often. Now that I am back, I will keep a close eye on Walk
to ensure he stays out of trouble. So, if you ever need him, he’ll be with me
and I’ll be taking good care of him. I will be glad when he matures a little
more; everybody thinks I’m his big sister instead of his woman.“ With much humor
in her voice, teases Kelly. “This fine lad quietly sitting in the corner is Guss.
Guss just finished medical school or something like that. He had long family
obligations to fulfill; otherwise, he would have been fighting by our side in
your last battle. He’s still new, this is only his second body so I have to baby
sit him.” finishes Walk. “Hello Bane, I have heard quite a lot about you. You
know how Walk likes to drink beer and talk. You are some of his best stories, it
is my pleasure to meet you. I confess that I wish I could have won Catherine’s
heart in my first life, but I was not the one for her. She did become a great
friend and trainer to me. You are fortunate that she chose you, she always
avoids relationships with men, until she gave you centuries of stored love and
the promise of eternal happiness. I am indeed honored to know such a worthy
man,” greeted Guss.
“Catherine, you must fill in the “new” old guys in on your family and your
plans. Bane, go and buy us some more beer, we are almost out,” Walks speaks with
an unusual smile on his face. With a slightly confused look on his face, Bane
obeys and leaves the house for his mission.
Stopped at a red light, Bane glances over to his left to see a familiar figure
in a black sport car. It is un-mistakenly the Souls General. He pulls ahead of
Bane then turns into an empty parking lot as Bane follows. “General, Sir” speaks
Bane. “What is going on, why are you here”. “My greatest warrior, I arrange for
this meeting so that Catherine will not know of what we will speak. Catherine
chose to become a mother in this life and is quite satisfied with the family she
has created. She was quite unhappy when I sent Angle’s soul into your daughter’s
body, but she came around when she was informed that Angle’s soul would be mixed
with the two of yours. It was a hard sell for me, I am the Boss and I don’t
enjoy dealing with the emotions of a mother, especially one with the
intelligence and strength of your wife.” “I know what you mean. My wonderful
wife does not alter her thinking for anyone. What she says, is the law” adds
Bane. “You obviously understand my apprehension,” agrees the Souls General.
“Apprehension about what” ask Bane. “Hunter’s death was a routine event for a
warrior. He was sent to a strong couple, but there were problems. The mother
died giving birth. His new father tried to take care of him but could not get
over the loss of his wife and yesterday he committed suicide. Now I have an
unrevealed warrior that needs a family. I want you to adopt this child but
Catherine cannot know why. She must not know the one you call ‘Hunter’ is being
raised by her. She is already burdened with caring for Angel’s soul and I fear
that the knowledge of this baby’s true nature will greatly upset her.” Reveals
the Souls General. “There is another reason for her not knowing, isn’t there”
ask Bane. “Yes, when Hunter becomes aware in his new body, he is going to need a
lot of help to get over his last death. It was one of the worst he has known and
some warriors cannot recover from such a death and retire only to end their own
life permanently. When he regains the knowledge of his past, his fate will
depend on your skills as a father and as a friend. Catherine would never subject
the rest of her children to the pain that may follow. She has lost a few friends
in this manner and I do not think she would volunteer for this particular
mission. I will come and talk with her a few months before Hunter turns thirteen
and let her know what I have done. She will know that you have followed my
orders and will love you for your strength in taking on such a complicated task,
not to mention for sparing her thirteen years of worry.” concludes the Souls
General. Off speeds Bane’s Boss to where ever the boss goes.
Bane completes his mission and returns home with the beer that Walk sent him
after. “Honey, I home” jokes Bane as he enters the house. He finds his wife
sitting on the couch, alone except for the baby that she is nursing. “Where did
everybody go?” ask Bane. “Honey, come and sit down beside me, I need to talk to
you about a very important matter.” Bane complies with Catherine’s request and
takes a seat beside his beautiful bride. “Bane, we have made a wonderful family
with eight perfect children. Our plans are well established. Walk’s real reason
for stopping by tonight was to ask for our help on a personal matter. He needs a
family for a baby that has meet with tragedy. A young boy, born on the same day
as our sweet Angel is in need of a family. Walk feels that we should raise this
child and has convinced me. I don’t want to mess up our planes and know that it
will complicate things, but I really think we should do this. I trust Walk’s
judgment and hope you will agree to adopt this baby.” Bane smiles at his wife as
he replies,” My sweet wife, I will agree to this as long as you understand that
this will be more complicated than you ever imagined.” “Yes, I do understand and
I am glad you want to take on this new challenge, baby Mark will arrive tomorrow
around noon,” concludes Catherine.
Chapter 8

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