The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

A Poetry Reading
Michelle True

I've kept my words
mostly to myself
sharing with friends, family
and most recently my poetry group.
But standing here in front of you,
I hope my voice doesn't crack
and that I sound more sure of myself
than I actually feel at this moment.
What do you expect from me?
Will you be touched at all by what I have to say?
Will it matter to me one way or another?
Will my poems about a relationship gone bad
give someone here the courage to end their own?
Will my poems about leaving the past behind
encourage someone to move forward in their life?
Will my poems about what I've learned
during my journey through life
provide any new insights?
Will my poems about poetry and
the art or process of writing
inspire any non-poets
to take pen to paper tonight?
At the very least, I hope you enjoy
what I have to say and how I say it;
and appreciate the glimpse I am giving you
of how I see the world and my place in it.
My deepest desire at this moment
is to know that my words have
touched a very special part of you,
the poet that lies within us all.

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