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Monorum Horl

The weather way back in my past-
fulfilled of raging winds blowing the roof top
rain splashing into open doors
darkness looming over gargantuan coconut trees
suspending shadows flooded by destructions
hate, unavailing fears
Besides the splashing of rain
blustering the sidewalks
a dead silence is broken every night by slamming doors
i awake without warning of ever knowing
what has happened
only that water continues to drop
upon a thin layer of roof
placed to keep me secured from man
but it was not evil-proof
for everything that could distract my inclination
of being wrapped up in blankets
keeping away from shadows of many phantoms, death, sphinx
never was touched by the hand of demise and be taken away
always with those spirits
come seas of reflections
surrounding my abandoned home
with the figure of the moon
drowning in that flooded ground
which so gives me fear
i might be obliged to dodge my head downward
in receiving the award of death
I look about this place one night
fulfilled in the idea:
the sunken moon might now be in its old place
to shine some light upon me
when a shooting star emerges from heaven
to be with me on earth so i may not be alone anymore
Redeemed by the warmth of her celestial presence
i come upon a resolution of eloping
above the ground flooded by calamities
and do so within a night
when, beneath it all, sprung new hopes within me
i may just have to set one foot outside my door
take her hand in mine and be in love forever
No longer now do i fear life's floodgates
that has lain spread around me before
The thunders commanding each tempest
wind blowing wicked coconut trees
lightning striking the skies
sight of moon drowning below its wit-
where are they now?
A thousand hands points to her
who shone ever so bright me heart
and all were so true to me
Oh God! No consolation then
in knowing someone was there for me
no knowledge of what lies beyond that place
where i used to belong and call home
I have met her
whiling gazing out there
into islands of stars
years have bypassed as i look back
for the intrusions of those remembrances
to be long gone
and to be in me no more
Now that they have passed
i will look forward forever
A dark epoch of my life has been solemnly swift
by the solar wind of her heavenly light
yet a new season of hope
is embracing its bloom already

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