Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Cubicle Woes
Starleigh Yeager

click click click
my fingers move across the keys
and the air is cool yet stale
the lights are bright but draining
as fluorescents are often unflattering
the cubicle in which i hide
offers no privacy at all
the wretched copy machine runs again
that annoying shooooooom tick spit spat
there goes the printer, uploading a page
bleh -- can this day be any more bleak?
i turn around to look out the window
but they've closed the blinds on me
so i can't see
is there sun outside?
has the world stopped for me?
will it resume when i return to the freshness of the air?
no, it goes on
and i sit here, forgotten by the world
in this dusty cubicle
jibber-jabber going on around me
keys jingling in pockets as the collars rush off to meetings
i have no meetings
i'm not that important
creak, here comes the mail cart
i have no mail either.
what am i really doing here?
the luckier free souls roam free outside just now
oh how i wish to join them
i could go anywhere i want
and bask in the sunlight
dance in the breeze
or even play in the rain, if it be
i can't tell, they've closed the blinds on me
but there is something in my mailbox at home
that preaches of the responsibility i chose
so here is where i must stay
and continue to slave and waste away
but it doesn't matter
as long as i keep typing on these damn keys
click click click
wait for me, world, please?

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