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Pamela Daranjo

My Friend
My Dearest N Sweetest Friend
U've Always Been There For "Me" Since The Time I've Known
Ur A Wonderful Friend N Person At Heart
While Still We Being Apart
And That's Wht I Like The Best About U
Although Most Of My Friends Come N Go
With Time
But It Seems Like Ur Here To Stay
I Appreciate All Da Times U've Defended Me From All Those
Haterz Hating On My Poems I Even Came To A Stage Way I Decided To Stop Writtin
Any Poems But Know U Encouraged Me N Told Me Not To Stop Writing Them And To Do
It For U In Other Words To Caring On Doing Wht I Do Best.
U Always Gave Wit Me In Everything And Stood Beside Me. When I Needed A Friend
To Discuss My Problems With U Were There For Me. I'll Always Stay Ur Friend No
Matter Wht As Well As Always Be Thankful To U In Everyway For Ur Support. If
there's Anything I've Gained Worthwhile From This Site Its U And Our Friendship.
That I'll Cherish Forever.
I Wanted To Write This Beautiful Poem For A Very Special Friend As U And Post It
2day But Compared To U Its Still Not Enough Its Nothing. Love Ya Gurl. TAke CaRe
Ur Friend Sincerely
FriEnDs 4EvEr

You r da sun
Wht do u know the pain of night???
U only come in the morning
Why don’t U stay the night.
come down sometimes
To my place at night.

May God Grant A Sunbeam 2
Warm U, A Moonbeam 2 Charm U,
An Angel So Nothing Can Harm U,
Laughter 2 Cheer U, And
Whenever U Pray,
Heaven 2 Hear U.
Wish U A Very "Happy B’day".

LOVE is a great feeling only when u experience it.
Love is the most wonderful thing about being human.
Love is a sensitive bond between 2 people.
When I think of love I think of my husband.
Love is understanding, compatibility
And trust.
Love is a state of mind
You are nothing without love,
But both people should be in
Love with each other.
It should be real and not one sided.
Love comes in all kinds of packages.
Small one, big one’s.
The small ones are very close to your heart
& The big ones generate a lot of excitement.

Love is
Love is patient
Love is kind
Love is sweet n
Peace of mind
Love is giving
Love is taking
Love is caring
Love is ecstasy
Love is fire
Love is my desirer
Love is passion
Love is eternal
Love is the most wonderful gift
That could ever happen to you.

My Mother
My mother is pretty
My mother is fine
My mother is so sweet
And she’s always on my mind...
You’re the only mother I’ve ever known
And I’m sure glad and proud
To have u as my mom in every possible way
U taught me how to speak, walk Talk and
Every thing else I know
I love u for all the sacrifices u made for me
>From the time that I was born
I owe my entire life to you and
I will always be most grateful, and
Thankful to you in everyway
For the person I am today cuz
I know it wouldn’t of being possible
Without u there to guide me.
Mother you’re my inspiration and
My perfect ideal of a mum
And I don’t know what I would do without u
Although I know this poem doesn’t rhyme
But these are words that come straight from my heart
To say that I loved you, I love u and I will always do
My prayers to god are to always keep you safe n sound
And grant u true happiness in this world always...

Kevin *
My kevin
To My love Kevin
I wrote this poem to let u
know how much I love u
from the depth of my heart
To the end of this world
For you mean everything
To me and always will.
Ur all I ever yarned
I love u from your head to your toes
In every possible way
I love u for what u are and
What I am when I’m with you
My mind, body n soul belongs to you
You have given me true happiness
In this world which I could have never known
You are the light of my eyes, the air that I breathe
And I want to spend my entire life cherishing
and loving you
Till the day that I die.
Cause you are the heart and soul of me...
until the day we can be together again and never
be apart...
The meaning of {K~E~*V*~I~N}
K Kind
E Ever-loving
V Valuable
I Irresistible
N Noble

~ Wedding ~
The wedding bells will ring
The choir’s start to sing
And down the aisle I’ll walk
To look to see u waiting
With so much love and
Happiness in my heart
As no more we’ll be apart.
And all are dreams about to come true
I’ll be the perfect wife and
You’ll be the perfect husband too.

What is love
Love is something that is hard to define
Its not just in words or actions
Neither is it in time
It is something that comes from one’s heart
very real and true
It is a substance in the air
which flows from one heart to another.
Love is like a river that flows through your blood.
Love is the happiest thing that could ever happen to you.
I breath love, I feel love I see love. Since the day I met u.

New Love
I love a guy it seems from so long
I hardly even know him
but it still feels so strong
How can it be and if its true
That two heart can beat as one
When one can simply do.
But its so much fun to be in love with him
I long for his touch and embrace
For he simply sweeps me off my feet
And into space
I don’t know what I would do without him
Its hard to think incase
For a love like us should carry on
In this entire human race.

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