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In The Company Of Angels
Paul Curtis

If I am the first to go
I will wait for you in the place
Where the crowns of Angels glow
If I go first because I lost the fight
I will be waiting with the Father
Where the tunnel opens into light
If I am the first one there
I will await you in lush meadows
Where heady perfume fills the air
If I go first and leave you lonely
We will meet again in paradise
In our loved ones company
If I am the first to go, allay your fears
I will be waiting in the place
Where there are no more tears
If I go before you and we must part
I will wait for you in heaven
Where sweet music soothes the heart
If I am first to go we will meet again
In a far better place than this
Where God has banished pain
If I go first through the eternal door
You will find me with the angels
Where suffering is no more
If I am first to go by days or years
You will find me waiting there
Far beyond this vale of tears

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