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Pepper Herman

Chapter Three
The walls in
the boardroom of Drayton Memorial Hospital were lined with portraits of previous
hospital presidents. Some had stilted smiles and looked dignified in suits and
ties, while others chose to be remembered in their vested whites.
In the center
of the room, four physicians sat around an elegant mahogany conference table on
which were placed carafes of water and bowls of peanuts. Donald A. Greyburn,
chief of Oncology, sat at the head. His dedication to fitness was apparent by
his youthful appearance for a man of sixty-two. He had thick gray hair on a
trim six-foot frame, a tanned complexion, piercing blue eyes, and presented an
imposing air. One could sense a controlling demeanor about him.
“Gentlemen,” he
cleared his throat., “we’ve just initiated another one. A former helicopter
pilot in the Vietnam war. He presently owns a helicopter parts plant which he
funded with an inheritance from his father after the war. He seems
strong-willed, determined and has great possibilities. Ben and I inadvertently
found him through Craig Aspel, who has been his physician for some 20 years
now.” Passing around a medical history on Rob Marchand, he continued. “We made
false copies of his X-rays for Aspel’s files indicating that he had a late
stage brain tumor.”
“We think
you’ll agree he’s a likely candidate to the cause,” Benjamin Reiger, chief of
Neurology spoke up. “He’s already met with the Doomsdayers and, I understand,
fit in quite well. Questions?”
After scanning
the report, Thomas Dadero, head of the Pulmonary department, removed his
horn-rimmed glasses. “So what if he was a helicopter pilot
in Vietnam? How do we know
that he’s psychologically capable of carrying out this thing, or even if he
really wants to.”
Don Greyburn
glanced at him with a wry smile. “Why Tom, you said the same thing about Becca
McKinnon. Remember how you thought a nursery school teacher would be too
chicken to make the commitment to Quincy when the time came?”
“Agreed,” said
Tom. “But how does his ‘Nam experience translate to us here?”
Reiger grabbed
a handful of peanuts and tossed them into his mouth. “Aspel’s records indicate
that he still harbors hostility about the way they were abandoned over there.
He doesn’t trust the army, and there’s this guilt over spraying Agent Orange.
It’s a ‘thing’ with him. Actually, these headaches he’s been having are nothing
more than Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.”
Speaking with
confidentiality, Greyburn said, “Look, we’ve all agreed, haven’t we, that the
army’s secret germ warfare experiments have got to be stopped?” He looked from
face to face as they all murmured acknowledgment. “Well, Marchand is perfect
for this job. Where else would you find a helicopter pilot willing to
deliberately smash into a building, destroying himself and everything
in the warehouse to boot?”
He stared at them. “I mean, he’s perfect. We’re lucky to have found him!”
“Okay, so
assume that’s true,” said Joseph Rossigian, top man in Gastroenterology. “How do
we get him on our team, so to speak?” He removed his pipe from his mouth and
began shaking bits of tobacco into an ashtray.
“We don’t,
Joe,” said Greyburn. “That’s the beauty of it. We let the Doomsday Club do it
for us.” He clasped his hands in front of him. “I’m more concerned that we
deviated from our pattern. We chose a patient from a doctor’s files other than
our own. If Craig Aspel ever found out....”
“I don’t like
it either,” replied Rossigian. “It’s chance-taking. We’ve always
chosen our candidates very
carefully -- no family backgrounds to be traced back, dedication to a
particular cause, and the only second opinions they ever sought are sitting in
this room. We need to keep the control.” Tapping the stem of his pipe on
Rob’s report, he continued, “I see here that this guy’s got a wife, Cate. I’m
not happy with that.”
interrupted. “Your own patient, Ed Hambrick, has a daughter.”
“It’s not the
same thing, Tom, and you know it,” Rossigian replied with an air of petulance.
Ben Reiger
shifted in his seat. “Craig Aspel’s not going to be around much longer anyway.
We all know he’s got a bad ticker and pops his digitaIis like candy. Besides, I
hear he’s retiring soon.” Spreading his hands wide on the tabletop and leaning
forward for emphasis, he continued, “Look, I agree it’s chancy but I say we
ought to try it this one time. This goddam army thing is insidious.”
Turning to
Rossigian, Greyburn said, “Joe, Hambrick’s our catalyst. You think you can
plant the army thing in Hambrick’s mind so that he can get through to Marchand?”
“Listen, I was
successful in pursuading him to join the Doomsdayers wasn’t I? I don’t see that
as a problem, Don. I’ll work on it. “ Then, addressing the three of them, he
said, “Are we on for fishing at my lodge this weekend?”
“Count me in,”
replied Tom.
“Sounds good to
me,” said Ben.
“I’ll bring the
steaks,” Don added.
Popping some peanuts in his
mouth, Tom Dadero rose. “I’d better go. I’ve got to be in O.R. in ten minutes,”
he said, glancing at his watch.
“Yeah, I’ve got patients,”
Reiger responded as he quickly ran a comb through his brillo gray hair.
Don Greyburn, removing his
glasses from his suntanned face, stood up. “Well, that’s it then. I think we
covered some good ground here. Have a good day, gentlemen.”
One Week Later
The phone ...
it was ringing off the hook. Rob slid over to the night table, lifted it off
its cradle and mumbled, “Yes?”
Cate moved
toward him and propped herself up on one elbow, concern in her eyes. Her lips
moved as she silently mouthed the words, “Who is it?”
Rob assured her
with a look that it was okay and said into the phone, “no problem, Ed ... no, I
was about to get up anyway ... Hey, not to worry, honest ... Yes? ... Sure, I
know where it is ...Okay, I’ll be there. Give me a few minutes, okay?” He
placed the receiver back on its cradle.
“Go back to
sleep, hon. That was Ed Hambrick. I’m meeting him at the diner. It’s almost
eight anyway,” he said, stepping into his khakis.
She pouted as
she said, “But it’s Saturday.”
“It’s all
right, babe. You know how it is when someone in the group needs to talk.”
“You’re right,
of course, sweetheart,” Cate said. “I’m just being selfish. I’ve really gotten
to love those guys. They’re special. And can you believe how they’ve come to
accept me as a part of them? That’s really something, don’t you think?”
“No, I don’t
think,” Rob answered, rubbing her playfully on the behind. “You’re one terrific
human. Hey, want me to bring you back a cinnamon bun or something, little
southern lady?”
“Yeah,” she
said in a sleepy voice, “with raisins.”
Hambrick was sitting in a booth in back of the diner. As Rob approached, he
stood up with a guilty expression as he extended his hand to Rob. “Hey Rob,
please forgive me. I know I woke you up. On Saturday morning, yet. Is Cate
angry with me?”
“Nah, don’t
sweat it. What’s going on? You okay?”
“I ordered you
some coffee. How about a doughnut?”
Rob poured some
coffee from a carafe into his cup and took a sip. “Maybe later,” he said. “So
what is it, Ed?”
Ed’s face
clouded over. “Listen, Bro, remember at one of our meetings you told us you
felt you had been fighting a war that was morally wrong?”
Rob nodded.
“You felt
guilty about the Agent Orange thing, right?”
Rob’s lips
tightened. “I mean, consciously, I knew it wasn’t my fault. I trusted the
army. Who knew defoliants were going to take a toll in later years? Who
cared?” He was raising his voice. “That’s the problem. The army didn’t
fucking care. And I’m left with the shakes and nightmares that still keep me
and Cate up nights.”
“Which brings
me to my reason for calling you. I just found out that there’s an abandoned
warehouse on a small, uninhabited island in the Caribbean where the
army just began
conducting germ warfare experiments.”
Rob stared at
“Don’t ask me
where I heard it, but trust me, it comes from a legitimate source.”
said Rob. “What island?”
“Ever hear of
Little Turtle Cay? It’s near St. Sebastian.”
Rob’s eyes widened in
astonishment. “That’s wild! I knew a guy in ‘Nam, Octavius Gumbs, who was from
St. Sebastian. He was a demolition expert. We called him The Scrounger ‘cause
he could always finagle anything you wanted, for a price. What a character.”
Shaking his head he continued, “So that’s where the plant is!”
Ed peered with
intent at Rob. “Rob, someone’s got to destroy that building. What do you
think? I mean, this might finally be your chance to put all those demons to
rest. Know what I mean?”
Rob felt his
stomach tighten. “Jesus, Ed, I know we talked about my doing something, but ...
Cate.” He stared into space, a troubled expression on his face. Slowly, he
said, “On the other hand, there are so many things that went on in ‘Nam that I
blame the army for. I know I told you guys about the drugs and the Orange and
the morale problem ...” He paused. “But I never told you about ... the
What’s that?”
“It’s hard for
me to talk about it, Ed, and, of course, there’s no proof. The Pentagon has
always denied it, but ... some of us believe that an experimental chemical was
used on some of the men.”
“My God! And
what happened?”
happened? The guys got so hyped and gung ho on the stuff that they ... that
they ...” He shook his head, unable to go on.
Ed leaned
toward Rob, his voice almost a whisper. “That they what, Rob? That they what?
C’mon Buddy. It’s poisoning you.”
Rob stared down
at the table, enunciating each word as he spoke. “That they even started
killing their own men. Shit!” He stared into Ed’s eyes.
There was
“Jee-sus,” Ed
murmured quietly. “What a fucking thing to have to live with.”
“So you see
why, when you talk about that germ warfare facility I ... but then there’s Cate
to consider.” He looked at Ed. “Let me think about it, will you, buddy? I need
some time.”
“Take all the
time you want, pal,” Ed replied. “But Rob, if you do decide to do this thing,
remember, it’s you, me, Molly and Diego -- we’re it. No one else can know the
truth -- Cate, the doctors, no one. For the safety of everybody. Agreed?”
Ed. Cate wouldn’t be able to handle it anyway. Better I go that way, than with
her anticipating it. Know what I mean?”
Ed nodded.
“Maybe you could say that you have a customer for helicopter parts, or something
like that, and you must fly to the Caribbean for a few days -- say, right after
Christmas.” Ed noticed the stricken expression on Rob’s face. “I know, kid. I
know. I promise you one thing. If you decide it’s a go, Molly, Diego and I
will be with Cate every step of the way.”
“I know that
friend,” Rob replied, a warm expression crossing his face.
questions?” Ed concluded.
“One,” said
“What’s that?”
replied Ed.
“Can I have
that doughnut now ... and a cinnamon bun with raisins ... to go?”
Chapter 4

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