The Writers Voice
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Favourite Literary Website

Pepper Herman

Chapter Seven
Saturday, November 9th
Glancing out
the window, Molly noticed a cat surreptitiously stalking a bird who was busy
feeding on the grass. The cat was fascinating to watch. It’s moves, so sneaky,
went unnoticed by the bird. As the cat edged closer to its prey, Molly got the
uncomfortable feeling that it was going to succeed in its quest. She bounded to
the window, rapped loudly on the pane, and the bird flew away. The cat, also
startled by the sound, made a hasty retreat.
And there it
was. That little episode had sparked an idea. She would stalk him, secretly
tracking the Sibs till she learned their routine.
So why not
begin right now? It was a lovely Saturday morning in November. Why wait? It
would give her something to divert herself from Diego’s death which she was
taking very hard. She pulled a navy blue blazer over her gray cashmere sweater
and gray flannel pants, gathered up her car keys, entered the Subaru and took
off for West Philly where the Utopia compound was housed -- a mere fifteen
minutes from her home in Merion.
She parked
across from the large Victorian complex and waited. At twenty after eleven some
men, possibly watchdogs of Haissem’s, entered a Lincoln Town Car and drove
around the back of the compound. Within minutes, the car emerged down the long
driveway, as the wrought iron gates parted allowing access to the street. As
she was about to follow, the front door opened and a group of cult members --
presumably parents and their children -- entered an SUV. So these were the
people Jay called the Sibs, she thought The driver settled himself into the
driver’s seat, and followed the Lincoln Town Car, as the iron gates closed
behind them.
Molly gave them
their lead, then followed the van to its destination -- Fairmount Park -- where
everybody piled out for, what became, a Utopia picnic in the park.
Positioning her
car a block away, Molly grabbed a paperback, seated herself on a park bench at
an angle where she could easily observe the Sibs from a distance. She noticed
that most of them had very short haircuts or were completely shorn. She scanned
the group for what might have been Haissem, but she didn’t want to be caught
staring, and they were too far away for her to see anyone’s face clearly.
She withdrew
her glasses from her purse and began to read, while periodically glancing at the
children, who were playing ball. Presently, an errant ball, kicked by one of
the Sibs, came racing through the grass, landing at Molly’s feet. As she arose
and walked to the back of the bench to bend over and retrieve it, the first
thing she noticed was a pair of black, shiny boots. She lifted her head slowly
to see this striking figure standing before her. He wore faded jeans and a
beige turtleneck shirt topped with a black leather jacket. His light brown hair
was pulled back into a long ponytail. She was stunned by his imposing
presence. He wore black sunglasses and had a pale, almost white complexion.
Removing his sunglasses, she was startled by the intensity of his blue eyes as
they peered into hers. She felt her hatred becoming tinged with fascination.
“Sorry,” he
said, his face breaking into a warm smile.
“That’s okay,”
Molly answered, her heart pounding as she handed him the ball.
“What are you
reading?” he asked.
“Oh, ‘Brave New
World,’” she mumbled.
“Huxley,” he
replied, nodding. “I remember that one. Great premise.”
Suddenly, one of the Sibs,
maybe seven years of age, came running up to get the ball.
“Father, can I
have the ball now?” he asked.
“After you
thank this nice lady for getting it for you,” Haissem replied.
“Thank you
miss,” the little boy said with shyness.
Molly stared at
him closely. “You’re welcome, honey,” she said, patting his head. “What’s your
“Future,” he
“Well, you take
good care of yourself now, Future, you hear?”
“I will,” he
shouted, as he ran back to the others.
Molly looked
back at Haissem. So you are the one who is responsible for my son’s death, you
son-of-a-bitch, she thought.
“I’ll let you
get back to your reading,” he said with warmth. “Enjoy the day.”
And he was
Sunday, December 1st
Rob and Cate
watched as the New York to Philadelphia shuttle taxied to a stop in front of
terminal B2 at Philadelphia’s International airport. They were standing at the
doorway of the incoming passengers as Octavius Gumbs walked down the ramp, a
duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He was tall and wiry and had a small
beard. His black hair was now streaked with gray. He wore it rasta style with
dreadlocks that hung to his shoulders. He wasn’t exactly a person you could
miss. Amid smiles and stares of other passengers, he and Rob greeted each other
with warm hugs and their special hand jive routine.
“Hey mon, you
looking good, you know?”
“Come say hi to
my southern bride, man,” Rob said, placing his arm around Cate.
“Oh now, she
beautiful,” he said, planting a kiss on her cheek. “I knew this guy would know
how to pick a good lady.”
“I’ve heard
lots of stories about you, Octavius. I’m glad you could come. And thanks for
offering to put Rob up with you over the Christmas holidays,” Cate smiled.
“No problem.
This here is my buddy. He saved my life,” he said, as he playfully parried with
Lifting up
Octavius’ duffel, Rob said, “Let’s go. Cate’s got a roast beef dinner that I
know you can’t refuse.”
“Oooo! Sounds
good,” Octavius chuckled. “Sounds real good.”
Rob and
Octavius sat up half the night drinking and catching up on lost time.
Rob learned that, since
‘Nam, Octavius had been a rum-runner, a waiter at several St. Sebastian resorts,
and a ferry captain, ferrying vacationers to out-islands, until he’d saved up
enough money to buy a used Boston Whaler, which he named ‘The Scrounger’.
On Monday
morning, after Cate had left for the shelter, the Doomsdayers met at Molly’s
house. As far as Cate knew, Octavius was here to purchase some helicopter parts
from Rob.
“So this is the
famous Scrounger,” Ed said, extending his hand. “Hi Octavius. I’m Ed and this
is Molly.”
Octavius was
grinning as he looked at Molly. “I know, I know. She call me on the phone last
night and we talk, right?”
Smiling, Molly
nodded. “That’s me.” She touched his shoulder. “You have no idea how much I
appreciate you helping me with my plan. When Rob told me you were a demolition
expert, it all came together.” She paused. “I mean, a way to avenge my son
Jay’s death.” Her face clouded over.
“Rob and me, we
talk last night. I got the picture. Don’t worry, big Momma, you’ll be fine,”
he said, eyes twinkling.
Ed was staring
at Rob. “Hey, buddy, you know something? You look pretty good.”
“Yeah? Well,
I’m feeling pretty good ... for a dead man, that is,” said Rob, sarcasm edging
his voice. “But you guys do too.”
“My headaches
have been few and far between, thank God,” said Molly. “Actually, I feel okay,
considering everything.”
“Me too,” Ed
added, puzzled. I figured my pain would get much worse, but it hasn’t.
Rossigian says he wants to do some tests after the holidays to see if it spread
or maybe if it’s even in remission. Who knows?”
“Well, we’re
not taking chemo. And we take enough vitamins to choke a horse. I guess we
shouldn’t complain. Right?” said Rob.
Turning to
Octavius, Molly asked, So, what do you think, Octavius? About getting Haissem,
I mean. I told you that I staked out his place enough to notice that he seems
to go out on Saturdays somewhere between eleven in the morning and five in the
afternoon. Any ideas?”
“I want to get
to know that place ... what do they call it?”
Octavius repeated. “I want to observe them.”
“You mean ...
like ... their schedule? Their routine?” she asked.
“Right, big
Momma. Routine. That’s it.”
“Listen,” said
Molly, “take my Subaru and use it as long as you need it.”
He smiled at
her as he said, “You okay, lady. You okay. And when I am cool with it, I want
to spend time with you, and teach you how to work explosives. Then we can start
to jive. “
“But I want it
to be safe, Octavius. I have no intention of blowing myself up like Diego did.
I feel I still have some time left, “ she said.
“No problem,”
he said, shaking his head. “No problem.”
“Damn,” Ed
said. It’s hard to believe he’s gone. He was so much a part of us. He never
even said goodbye.”
“He didn’t have
to. He knew he had our support,” Molly replied in a sober tone. “It was
something he had to do.”
There was a
long silence. A heaviness filled the room. When Ed spoke again, it was to Rob.
“And you’re next, over Christmas.”
Rob nodded in
acknowledgement. “Last night, after Cate went to bed, I told the Scrounger
everything about the Doomsdayers.” Octavius nodded in affirmation. “When he
gets back to St. Sebastian, he’s going to make some contacts and figure how we
can pull this thing off.”
Octavius picked
up his beer can and took a swallow. “But right now we got to get that bastard
... what’s his name?” Octavius said, looking at Molly.
“Haissem,” he
replied, as a whispery laugh emanated from his throat.
Friday, December 13th
It was 3 a.m.
on Friday morning when Octavius parked the Subaru around the corner from the
imposing Victorian compound. In the circular driveway sat two vehicles -- a
Ford Expedition sport utility vehicle and a Lincoln Town Car with dark tinted
windows. Octavius had observed the family’s activity for ten days and learned
that the SUV was used by the Sibs, while the Lincoln was reserved for Haissem.
It was usually driven by one of his guards while two others sat on either side
of him in the back seat. Also, it seemed like Molly’s observations about
Haissem’s hours were right.
Noting a
warning sign that the property was protected by a wired six-foot high
wrought-iron fence, he climbed an extension ladder, which he positioned in front
of the Subaru, and cut the power lines to the fence. Quickly making his way to
the driveway, he scaled the fence. Like an animal stalking it’s prey, he
crawled to the underside of the Lincoln and, within seconds, attached the
explosive with a magnet. The plasticene charge was designed so that Molly would
be able to trigger it by a radio-controlled activator from the Subaru.
Before anyone inside the
compound would ever realize that the electricity was off, he reunited the wires
and exited the same way he entered. He returned to the car and, with headlights
off, drifted the car slowly down the road before turning them on again. No
hassles. Phase One ... completed.
hours later, Molly and Octavius were sitting diagonally across from the Utopia
compound. The Subaru had been situated in such a way that they had a good
vantage point, but could not be seen. They were forced to wait with the heat
turned off for almost three hours and both were shivering from the cold. At
1:22 p.m., they finally got the break they were waiting for.
“Oh my God,”
she uttered. “There he is.”
Two men flanked
him as they walked toward the Lincoln, while the third guard took his place in
the driver’s seat. The sun gleamed on his black boots as he stepped into the
back of the car. He was impressive -- no question. Molly understood the
charisma of this man and the draw he must have had on the Sibs. Pausing before
joining them, the last guard surveyed the area, then, apparently satisfied,
entered the car. The gates parted as the car left the compound. Allowing them
their lead, Octavius and Molly laid back till the car was practically out of
sight. Only then did he place the key into the ignition and follow the Lincoln
with caution, as it advanced through traffic.
With concern in
her voice, Molly said, “We can’t harm any innocent people.”
“Don’t worry,
big Momma, we wait,” Octavius replied.
“I’m nervous
Octavius. And I’m scared. But that man’s responsible for my son’s death.”
“I know, lady.
I know.”
The Lincoln was
passing the zoo. The streets were congested with Saturday traffic. They passed
by Fairmount Park and a mini-mall. Fifteen minutes elapsed.
They were approaching a
residential neighborhood, which was, at the moment, deserted. The timing looked
“Okay, Momma,”
Octavius said. “This is it. Just press that button, and I’ll keep on driving
like nothing happened.”
Molly’s hands
shook as she began to place her finger on the detonator. She froze in horror
when, from out of nowhere, a teenage boy ran in front of them, chasing a
football which had rolled into the street. Honking the horn, Octavius swerved
the car, just missing the boy who stuck his third finger up in an obscene
gesture to the disappearing vehicle.
“Oh shit. I
don’t know if I can do this,” Molly groaned.
“You be fine.
Be cool now, Momma. Be cool.”
followed the car up Belmont Avenue where it eventually ended up at the West
Park Medical Office Building -- a unit of Mount Grace Hospital. Haissem and two
of his henchmen entered a side door of the hospital. Octavius pulled the car
into an apartment parking lot across the street from the hospital and cut the
ignition so as not to be noticed. It was now 2 p.m.
Within twenty
minutes, Haissem and his men returned, entered the vehicle and the driver took
off down the road. There were no cars around them as the Lincoln stopped for
the red light. This was it. Octavius guided Molly’s hand to the detonator,
where she placed her finger and pressed the button. There was a deafening sound
as the car instantly burst into flames. At the same moment as the explosion,
Octavius started up the Subaru and drove to the back exit of the parking lot
which led to a back street, and casually drove away.
It was over.
Only one thing was left now to be done.
“You okay,
“I’m in shock,
Octavius, but I’ll be okay,” Molly said in a shaky voice.
It took them
approximately twenty minutes to return to the compound.
Molly gazed out of the car
window to make sure that the street was deserted.
Picking up a small paper
bag, she said, “I’ll be right back.”
She ran to the
wrought iron fence and, taking precautions not to touch it, tossed the contents
out of the bag. As she turned to go, the small cards fluttered to the ground,
their printed words sanctioning the downfall of Haissem.
“Compliments of the
Doomsday Club.”
By six o’clock
the same evening, it was all over the news. Coleman Kramer, the local announcer
on Channel 6 was saying...
“This afternoon
at around 2 pm a car exploded in the residential area of West Park, one block
from Mount Grace hospital. Although there were no other injuries, Channel 6 has
since learned that the occupants of the vehicle were members of the cult group,
Utopia, housed in West Philadelphia. Hanna Long is on the scene in West
Philadelphia with more on the story. Hanna?”
The TV camera
panned on the outside gate of the compound.
Curious on-lookers were
crowding the area as Hanna Long spoke to the TV audience.
“Cole, I’m
standing in front of the private structure called Utopia, in West Philadelphia,
which houses a group of followers who call themselves ‘Sibs.’ Pointing to the
wrought iron fence, she said, “This fence is normally wired so that no one
intrudes on their privacy, but not today. Inside, the family is devastated by
the news that their beloved leader, Edmund Charles Woolverton, better known to
them as ‘Haissem’, and three of his guards, were killed in the explosion.
An interesting
finding in this case were business cards that were strewn inside the gate of the
compound with the words, ‘Compliments of the Doomsday Club’. These cards have
shown up in other area crimes in the past year, suggesting that, perhaps a
local group is somehow responsible for these disasters.
To date, it has the law
enforcement officials baffled. It’s a puzzle whose pieces just don’t seem to
fit. At least, not yet. Back to you, Cole.”
Hanna. We’ll keep you updated with any further news on this story. This is
Coleman Kramer. Back in a moment.”
Chapter 8

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