The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Pepper Herman

Chapter Nine
Wednesday, December
25th, Christmas Day
Snow powdered
the tree branches as Ed Hambrick trudged up the walk Wednesday afternoon
carrying a shopping bag stuffed with gifts. A Christmas tree, its tiny lights
twinkling intermittently, stood inside the picture window of the modest,
two-story brick house in Westfield, New Jersey.
With a twinge of
pain, he pondered how much Valerie would have wanted to share this day with her
family. She had so loved the holidays, until that brutal day ten years ago when
a rapist took her from them forever. Though his ongoing search for her killer
had proved fruitless, his dedication to that pursuit never ceased to provoke
Through the
years, his health began to fail. At first it was abdominal cramps and
exhaustion. But when, about six months ago, his back pains started getting
worse and his tiredness continued, he decided to see Joe Rossigian. It was
Rossigian who diagnosed his condition as pancreatic cancer. It was Rossigian
who encouraged Ed to form a terminal cancer support group and it was Rossigian
who spurred Ed on to restore his search for Val’s killer.
He reminisced
on his life with Val. It had been a good one, warm and caring. He was
twenty-six when he met her. As the owner of a plumbing business, he had been
commissioned by Val’s landlord to install all new appliances in her apartment
. She was twenty-four then and a private secretary in a small law firm. He
fell for her immediately. He loved her dimples and her short curly brown hair.
Having both lost their
parents a few years before, they naturally gravitated toward each other. After
they were wed, Val kept her secretarial job until Melissa was born. His two
girls were the light of his life for 7 years. And then, just like that, it was
Val’s car had
been in the shop so she’d taken a bus that day. She never returned; raped in
broad daylight. Scenes flashed through his mind ... the police contacting him
... the disbelief ... the look on Melissa’s face when he told her ... the
identification at the morgue. He felt his stomach go sour and hastily shook the
vision out of his head.
Before he could
ring the bell, his seven year old grandson, Julian, greeted him.
“Grampy, Grampy,
you’re here! Mom! Grampy’s here!”
“Hi fella,” Ed
said, giving his grandson a bear hug. Then, handing the shopping bag to Julian,
he said, “Here. Go put these under the tree for your ol’ Gramps.”
Melissa, a
tintype of her mother, was short with a tiny build, curly brown hair, and a
radiant smile. She threw her arms around her Dad’s neck. “Daddy! C’mon in.
We’ve missed you so. Give me your coat. Are you frozen? Let me look at you.”
She peered at him with a critical eye. “You look good, Daddy. You really do.
How bad’s the pain?”
“It isn’t.
Really,” he replied. “A few stomach pangs here and there but I’m not taking
chemo, you know, and that’s probably why I don’t feel so bad. I have an
appointment for tests when I get back to see what’s what ... so ...”
She looped her
arm through his. “Okay, Daddy,” she said, a little too loudly, “enough of this
talk. It’s Christmas and we’re giving thanks for your still being here with
us. Let’s just have fun.”
Together they
walked into the family room where Melissa’s husband, Chris Ramsey, was watching
a football game on TV. Popcorn studded the floor where he sat in his
overstuffed chair, feet propped up on the magazine-laden cocktail table, TV
clicker secured in his hand.
“Dad, how ya
doin’?” Chris said. “You look great.”
“Hi son. I’m
fine. Who’s winning?”
“Packers lead
the Lions 13 to 3. How ‘bout a beer?”
“You’re on,” he
said, settling himself down on the sofa.
hollered on her way to the kitchen, “Don’t get too comfortable, gentlemen.
Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes.”
It hit him at
six in the morning. The pains were shooting. Ed doubled over, moaning.
Melissa, hearing him, rushed into his room, alarmed.
“Daddy, what’s
“Jesus ... must
be the cancer ...” he said, panting. His face drained of all color.
Chris was up
like a shot. “Dad, I don’t like it. I’m driving you to St. Rita’s. It’s only
a few blocks away. Can you stand up?”
“I’d better
call Rossigian right away,” he groaned.
“No time for
that, Dad. Let me get your coat.” Chris faced Melissa. “Honey, get some
slippers on him or something, will you? We’ll call you as soon as we know
“Oh God,
Chris. Promise?”
“Honey, I
promise,” he said as he ran out to start the car.
Helping him
with his coat, Melissa whispered, “Daddy, I love you.”
Grimacing in
pain, Ed nodded in response, but said nothing.
It was
surprisingly quiet in the emergency room of St. Rita’s hospital. After having
his history charted and his symptoms of acute abdominal pain noted on the
admittance form, Ed was evaluated by the ER attending physician and a surgeon.
Abdominal X-rays were
ordered to rule out any obstruction. Then, due to continued severe pain, he was
given an abdominal CT scan.
Four hours and
ten minutes later, it was all over and he was led back to the emergency ward
cubicle awaiting results from the doctor on duty.
The nameplate
on the doctor’s white jacket read, Mavis Raymond. “Well, Mr. Hambrick, welcome
to the world of holiday-itis,” she said, with a sardonic air.
“What?” said
Ed, puzzled.
“You’re a lucky
man. We don’t normally get CT scan results this quickly, but you mentioned
pancreatic cancer so we got the old wheels turning. You old faker!” she
winked. “You probably said that just to get our attention, right? What you’ve
got is a grand old case of gastritis ... probably caused by over-indulging. Our
hospital is full of cases like yours at this time of year. I’ll send someone in
to give you a shot to alleviate the pain and you can be on your way. “
“But what about
my pancreatic cancer?”
She looked at him
strangely. “What pancreatic cancer? Where in the world did you ever get such a
notion?” she said. “ Aside of a little indigestion, you’re batting a
“Are you
kidding me or what?” Ed looked at her in astonishment. “My doctors at Drayton
Memorial told me that I’m terminal,” he said.
Pursing her
lips and frowning, she said, “That’s flat out impossible, Mr. Hambrick. Whether
it was your misunderstanding or your doctor’s I don’t know, but I’d check it out
if I were you. Somebody goofed, but I can assure you that it’s not on our end.
Every test we ran, the blood work, the X-rays, the CT scan -- everything -- came
back negative. I’ll give you copies of all the results to take with you.” She
placed her hand in her jacket pocket. “Here’s my card. You’re welcome to have
your physician contact me if there are any further questions. But you’re fine,
Mr. Hambrick, really you are. Just eat light for the next few days.” she said,
patting him on the shoulder. “Now, can I get back to some patients who truly
are sick? “
Ed stared at
her in shock. “Is there a phone I can use?” he stammered.
It’s down at the end of the hall, next to the waiting room. But wait for that
shot first.”
“Thanks,” Ed
muttered in a daze, as she quickly disappeared out of sight.
The answering
machine was loud and clear.
The office of
Dr. Joseph Rossigian is closed for the holiday and will re-open on Thursday
morning, January the second. If this is an emergency, please call
215-555-0446. Thank you.
Ed stared at
the phone for a full thirty seconds. Then, as if recovering from a trance, he
dialed again.
A mechanical
sounding voice came on the line. “Dr. Greyburn’s office.”
“Dr. Greyburn,
“This is Dr.
Greyburn’s answering service. He’s away until Thursday morning. If
this is an emergency, Dr. Stewart Rubin is taking his calls.”
“No, not an
emergency,” Ed spoke into the receiver before placing it quickly back on the
“Dad! What’s
going on?” Chris said, coming up behind him.
“They ... they
said I don’t have cancer,” Ed stammered.
“What? ... They
said what? ... Who said that?”
“A Dr. Raymond
came into ...”
interrupted him. “Wait a minute! Mavis Raymond? You mean she’s the one who
analyzed your results?” Ed nodded. “Geez, Dad, you’re lucky you got her.
She’s got a great reputation.” He paused. “Why don’t you call your doctor?”
“I just did.
Both of them. They’re on vacation. Neither will be in till next Thursday
morning.” Ed looked at Chris with a look of disbelief on his face. “Is this
really happening?”
“Then what the
hell is wrong with you?”
Gastritis,” Ed answered. “She said I have gastritis -- that a lot of people get
it at Thanksgiving and Christmas and I’ll be fine.”
“Well goddam,
Dad! Let’s get the hell home to Melissa right away,” he said picking up his
cell phone.
Friday, December 27th
At 9:15 in the
morning, the phone rudely jangled Don Greyburn awake on his day off from the
hospital. He let it ring a few more times hoping that Janet wourelieve him of
the burden but instantly realized that he heard the shower running.
The voice of Craig Aspel on
the other end immediately washed away any vestiges of
sleep that remained.
“Hey Craig.
How are you, friend?”
“A bit puzzled
and worried at this point, Don.”
“What’s this
about, Craig?” Don asked, his vibes alert in every fiber of his
“Well,” said
Craig, with his easy, laconic approach to words, “I was taking
advantage of the holiday to
get some office work done here at the hospital when I
received a report from the
lab on Rob Marchand. Seems they were not certain they
had sent me a copy of his
brain scan being that I had never initialed receiving it,
and Don, I was puzzled by
the words indicating that he had no tumor. What the hell is that?”
A wave of
shock swept through Don as he struggled to keep cool. “Well, of
course that’s an
impossibility. I want to see that report immediately.”
“This needs
checking out Don, and quickly. Tell you what,” said Craig. “How ‘bout if I
meet you at the commissary, say, around 12? I’m buying lunch.”
“You got it,”
said Don. “Commissary food, hey? My very favorite.”
“See you then,”
Craig said, then added with an anxious quality to his voice,
“You think it’s
possible the lab goofed, Don?”
“Sure sounds
like it. Wait till I get there.” Don replied. “See you at 12.”
Don placed the receiver on
the hook only to immediately lift it again to call
Ben Reiger. As Ben
listened to the events of the previous five minutes, he calmly
said, “That’s it, Don.
The man is history. Do you agree?”
replied Don. “But Ben, I want this to be between the two of us. No Rossigian,
no Dadero. Agreed?”
“No question
about it. Tom’s still vulnerable after Ralph’s death. And Joe ... well ...”
“I know. The
less trauma Joe has to deal with, the better. I worry about him
sometimes. He voices too
many fears for my comfort.”
“Well, he’s in
it now. There’s nothing we can do. And besides, he’s our only
connection to Ed Hambrick.”
“Yeah, I
know.” Don sighed and said, “Okay, see what you think of this. I’m meeting him
for lunch at 12 today at the commissary. I plan to talk him into letting me
have the report with the excuse that I want to check it out thoroughly and get
back to him. Then while he’s paying for lunch I am going to take our trays and
find us a table. I plan to drop digitalis into his drink. On top of the dose
already taking, it will
assure cardiac arrest. No one will even bother to trace it
because he’s already got
the stuff in his system. I figure it should take about
an hour to kick in.
Agreed? Or do you know a better way?”
“Perfect,” Ben
said. “Call me when the deed is done.” He paused a second,
then as an afterthought he
added, “Listen, he was on his way out any time now, anyway.”
The clamor of
dishes and silverware resounded throughout the commissary and mixed with the
chatter of voices. As Don and Craig edged away from the paying station, Don
offered, “Why don’t I find us a table? Here let me take that tray,” and
spiriting the tray away from Craig, he started to gaze around the room for a
“Good idea,”
Craig responded. “I’ll be over in a minute. I want to pick up some
By the time
Craig arrived at the table, the digitalis was in its place and they began to
discuss the report.
“I am leaving
right after lunch. I promised Julie that I would take her to an art exhibit
this afternoon and I am short for time,” said Craig, taking a bite of his turkey
sandwich. “I appreciate you taking the responsibility for this, Don. Please
get back to me as soon as possible if there is even a remote chance that the
report is valid. I don’t want to waste any time in giving Rob the good news,”
he said, placing a packet of sweetener in his teacup and stirring.
“Neither do I.
Don’t worry, I’ll get on it right away,” Don responded. “If it’s good news,
I’ll call you immediately. Otherwise, I’ll just leave a message on your
answering machine. Give me your cell phone number.”
Reaching into his pocket,
Aspel extracted a pen and his business card and wrote the number on the back.
“Here. I hope and pray that you’ll have to use it..” He took another bite of
his turkey sandwich and washed it down with a swallow of tea.
“So do I,
Craig, believe me,” Don said with a sincere expression pasted on his face while
his innards played havoc with his system.
It happened in
the parking lot, and much quicker than Don had envisioned. They had just shaken
hands and began walking in different directions toward their cars when a
woman’s scream stopped Don dead in his tracks. Whirling around, he saw the
crumpled figure of Aspel on the ground and a woman who was screaming for help.
Don told the woman to immediately go into the hospital and get help while he
stayed with the victim. One look in Aspel’s eyes told Don that he was already
gone. His feelings of relief were mixed with remorse and sadness and only the
recognition that Aspel’s time was very limited saved him from any heavy sense of
The emergency
team was by his side in no time flat. They ushered him into the ER and after a
perfunctory check-up pronounced Craig Aspel deceased of an apparent cardiac
Saturday, December
Melissa entered
the guest room with a wicker tray full of breakfast goodies.
Daddy,” she said with a lilt in her voice. “Rise and shine. It’s ten o’clock
“I’m way ahead
of you, honey. The smell of bacon came wafting up to my room fifteen minutes
“Um ... think
your belly can handle bacon, Dad? And pancakes? So soon?”
“Are you
kidding? I feel tip-top. Three days of chicken soup and baked potatoes are
enough for me.”
“Okay,” she
said, removing the oatmeal and toast from the tray. I’ll be right back with the
good stuff.” She headed for the door.
“That’s right,
honey. Spoil your old Dad-who-doesn’t-have-cancer,” he said, laughing.
Melissa turned
and sat on the edge of the bed, a serious expression clouding her face. “Daddy,
are you going to sue those Doctors? I mean, what they did was reprehensible!”
“Missy, I
warned you about that kind of talk. Don’t go jumping the gun till I get an
explanation on Thursday when they get back from their vacations. The whole
thing’s a goddam mystery. We’ll get to the bottom of it.”
Ed wolfed down
his breakfast, took a long, hot shower, played some Nintendo with Julian, and
prepared for his drive back to Philadelphia.
The Garden
State Parkway was bumper-to-bumper with holiday traffic. It gave Ed time to
really think. What possible reason could anyone have for telling someone they
have an incurable disease if, in fact, they don’t? Ridiculous. It just didn’t
make any sense. On the other hand, playing the devil’s advocate, it didn’t add
up that doctors of that caliber could make such a glaring mistake. That made
even less sense.
He started
speculating as to why, with an advanced case of pancreatic cancer, he never felt
any worse. In fact, except for occasional bouts with cramps, he felt pretty
damned good for an old fart of sixty-two. For that matter, so did Rob ... and
Molly. The lab! Could the lab have ...? He checked his watch. Two
forty-five. Pushing his foot to the accelerator, he began weaving in and out of
sluggish traffic. His fingers tapped Molly’s number on his cell phone. Within
seconds a recorded voice announced that his call could not be completed in that
particular area. Recalling a sign indicating a phone on the side of the road
about a quarter of a mile away, he drained his pockets of all loose change but
came up short. Enough only for an operator-assisted call. He made the call
person-to-person, collect. After giving the operator the number, she informed
him that, due to the holiday, the lines were rather busy and that she would ring
him back once she’d placed the call. Frustrated and cold, he stood there
rubbing his hands together and shivering, counting the seconds till the phone
rang. Although he’d been anticipating it, the sudden jangling of the phone
caused him to react like a firing squad was poised in his direction.
“I have your
party on the line, sir,” the operator recited.
“Hello? ...
Molly? Holy Christ, is it really you? “ he shouted. “No, I am not all right.
Listen, Molly, and listen good,” he said in a terse voice. “I’m at a roadside
phone booth on the Garden State Parkway and it’s hard to hear, so don’t
interrupt me till I’m done. We’re short on time and this is going to sound
crazy. Bear with me, kid,” he said, the words tripping over one another. “I
don’t know how you’re going to do this, Moll, but I want you to get yourself to
the nearest hospital as soon as possible. Not Drayton. Hear me? Not
Drayton! Get a full battery of tests; CT scan, X-rays, MRI -- whatever they’ll
give you. Make up something.”
“Ed,” Molly
said with concern, “what is this?”
“Sweetheart, trust me.
It’s too long a story and too little time to tell it,” he said, his shouts
competing with the oncoming traffic. “But it’s possible you might not have
cancer ... You heard me! I’ve already been told by a hospital in Jersey that I
don’t have it. I think our lab screwed up. I don’t know. If I don’t have it,
maybe you don’t have it either. Look, I’m on my way to your house. Leave the
door unlocked
for me. And don’t ask
questions now, Moll,” he said, with an urgency in his voice bordering on panic.
“Just do it!”
By the time he
arrived at Molly’s it was almost 5 p.m. and already dark. Her home had a warm,
comfortable look about it with butterscotch yellow walls and pale blue and ivory
paisley, plaids and check patterns on Country French furniture. A plush blue
carpet adorned the floor. A menorah sat on the fireplace mantle surrounded by
family pictures.
Exhausted, he collapsed on
the sofa. Despite himself, he dozed in fitful spurts -- thoughts drifting in
and out.
He couldn’t put his finger
on it, but something was bothering him. His mind wandered to Joe Rossigian. He
recalled their heavy discussions about the dangers of having a nuclear power
plant constructed in the area. Not only had Rossigian been the impetus behind
Ed’s renewed interest in searching for Val’s killer, but had also been the one
who informed him of the secret germ warfare facility in the Caribbean. And it
was Rossigian who encouraged Ed to form a support group for people like
himself. His stomach was in knots.
It was around 8
p.m. when Molly pulled into the driveway. Ed met her at the door. She stared
at him in astonishment. “My God, Ed, you were right. They say I don’t have
cancer! This is unbelievable,” she said, with an edge of incredulity in her
voice. “I faked a whopper of a migraine in order for them to do all those
tests. I mean, on Saturday, they don’t normally do that kind of stuff, you
know. When everything came back negative, I asked them if they were sure that
there wasn’t anything more seriously wrong with me like a brain tumor or
cancer.” She babbled on, tears of relief streaming down her face. “And you
know what they did, Ed? They laughed at me. Laughed at me! And I laughed....”
She stopped, a spark of realization dawning on her face. “What the hell’s going
on here?”
It was as if a
dam had burst in his belly. “I knew it,” he said, banging his fist on a table.
“ Something is wrong. Something is very wrong.” He stared at Molly, words
tripping over themselves to get out. “This is going to sound paranoid, Moll,
but I think Rossigian, Greyburn and the rest have some kind of conspiracy thing
going on and we’re the scapegoats.”
“You can’t be
serious,” scoffed Molly. “No one could be that evil,” she stared at him.
“And what in the hell would they want with me anyway?”
“I’m telling
you, all at once everything seems to add up.” Then as if a revelation struck
him he said, “Did you ever ask for a second opinion? Did you? Did any of us!
We all took their word for it and trusted them.”
Suddenly, Molly
put her palm to her mouth. “Oh my God! Haissem! That’s it! Haissem! They
used me to get to him.” She stared at Ed in disbelief. “You mean Diego and
Rebecca died for nothing and Rob...?” Her voice tapered off. “Oh my God, Ed
... Rob! We’ve got to stop him.”
They clung to
each other tenaciously. The magnitude of their discovery overwhelmed them.
The kitchen clock read 8:15
p.m. Ed picked up the phone, his fingers moving with the speed of a crack
typist. He said a silent prayer that Rob would answer, but it was Cate.
“Cate? ...
Hello, hon ... it’s Ed. Merry Christmas,” he mumbled. “Is Rob around? I need
to talk to him.”
“Oh hi, Ed,
Merry Christmas,” she replied. “I’m afraid you’re too late. He left for Kennedy
Was he hearing
right? “Today?” he repeated, trying to disguise the panic in his voice. “Wasn’t
he was supposed to go tomorrow?”
“Yes, but
because of holiday travel and the iffy weather, the airline had a flight change,
and he had to leave a day early. Why, Ed? Is something wrong?”
“This isn’t
happening,” he thought. “No, no,” he said, backing off.
“Everything’s fine, hon.
Just needed to touch bases if I could. Nothing urgent.” Trying to keep a level
tone in his voice, he asked, “Did he say if he was staying overnight in New
“No, he
didn’t. He just said he’d call me when he got to St. Sebastian.
Is there a message you want
me to give him?”
“No, that’s
okay, hon. It’s not necessary. Listen, have a good weekend. Molly said to
tell you she’d call you in a couple of days ... Thanks. I’ll tell her you said
that. Bye.”
Feeling helpless, he placed
the phone back on the hook.
“Ed, we’ve got
to stop Rob,” Molly said, with concern.
“I know, kid,
but how?”
“Is there some
way we could call the airport in St. Sebastian?”
A sudden
urgency swept over him as he grabbed the phone. “Operator, I need to get
through to King Frederick airport on the island of St. Sebastian in the
Caribbean. This is urgent, operator, so please do what you can as quickly as
possible... Yes, I’ll speak with anyone who understands English.”
The wait seemed
interminable for both of them. Presently, through much static, a voice with a
West Indian accent came through. “St. Sebastian Airways, may I help?”
Please, can you hear me?” he shouted. “I need to get an urgent message through
to a man arriving there tonight from Barbados.” He paused.
“Yes, yes, I
hear you,” the voice said. “Go on.”
“His name is
Randall Cassidy. C-A-S-S-I-D-Y. Got it? ... Cassidy. That’s right. Now
listen. Please give him this message. Ready?... Tell him Ed and Molly don’t
have cancer and to abort the mission ... no cancer, that’s right. And forget
the mission ... no mission ... okay?”
He listened while she
repeated the message back to him. “You got it! Please, miss, please be sure
that he gets this message. It’s urgent ... I can’t thank you enough for your
kindness.” Hanging up the receiver, he looked at Molly. “Now we bite the
bullet and wait.”
December 30th
The news of the
helicopter crash reached the States on Monday morning in a small blurb on the
third page under International News.
A helicopter crashed into a U. S. Army
building on
Little Turtle Cay near the island of St.
in the Caribbean. The accident occurred at
11:56 p.m. Saturday , December 28th.
No information was immediately available as
why a helicopter was flying in the area at
the time.
Reports are that the explosion decimated the
otherwise uninhabited island. A Pentagon
indicated that the building was simply an
warehouse that had once been used as a
facility. No survivors were found.
Upon hearing
the news, Don Greyburn first put in a call to his colleagues alerting them that
the island maneuver had, indeed, been completed. He then followed up with a
call to Ed Hambrick.
“My secretary
just gave me your message about Rob,” he said. “He told me he had some business
in the Caribbean over the holidays, but to end like this -- I can’t tell you how
shocked and sorry I am, Ed.” He cleared his throat and continued, “I hope you
will feel free to call on me for any assistance you may need. And please make
sure to extend my condolences to Cate. What a lovely lady.”
Ed assured him
that Molly was with Cate, who was handling the tragedy as bravely as possible,
under the circumstances, and that he and Molly were making arrangements for a
graveside ceremony to take place on Tuesday morning at 11 a.m.
“Ed,” Greyburn
said, “without seeming too presumptuous, would it be possible for me to say a
few words about Rob at the graveside?”
In a quiet
voice Ed replied, “I’m sure Cate would like that very much, Doctor. Thank you.”
Tuesday morning,
December 31st
The graveside
ceremony was a simple one. On one side of Cate stood Molly and Ed, on the
other, Don Greyburn. Ice clung tenaciously to the tree limbs and the chill in
the air cut like a knife.
Cate, her head
lowered, clutched a single, wilting red rose.
Dr. Greyburn
stepped forward and addressed the others. He wore a long camel’s hair coat with
a white scarf wrapped around his neck. “I’d like to say a few words about Rob,
if I may.” The cold air forced steam to emit from his mouth with every word.
He looked from one to another as he spoke, self-assured and calm. “Obviously, I
didn’t have the privilege of knowing Rob as personally as you did, but even I
sensed there was something special about him -- a certain quiet attraction and
bravery.” He paused. “I say bravery, because although his cancer was terminal,
his life could possibly have been prolonged by chemotherapy. Yet, he chose to
live a few less months in quality rather than endure a longer life of pain.
Unfortunately Rob’s life was cut even shorter by his unexpected plane crash.”
Ed and Molly
knocked each other.
“And then
there’s you to think about, Cate. In some ways, your burden was just as heavy
as his was.” He looked at her. “If it’s any consolation, I want you to know
that Rob spoke often about your relationship and how very special you were to
him. I remember asking him how you would get through this when the time came.
His answer to me was that you would handle it just like you handled everything
else, with grace and dignity. I now see what he meant by that.”
“There is
something else you may not know.” He sighed, then continued. “This day is
doubly sad because not only did we lose Rob, but also his good friend and
physician, Craig Aspel, who died of a heart attack over the Christmas
holidays.” He lowered his head for a moment. “He was sick, and it was expected
but still, maybe it’s just as well that Rob never knew.”
He glanced at Ed and
Molly. “Rob enriched the lives of every person he came in contact with. This
is a very great loss.” He paused, and shoving his cold hands in his pockets
said, “Goodbye Rob. You’ll be missed.”
Together, Ed and
Molly lifted a marble slab with Rob’s name on it and placed it under a
bare-limbed tree. There was a long silence. Finally, Cate stepped forward,
knelt down, kissed the rose, and set it delicately atop the small marble stone.
Chapter 10

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