Writer's Voice
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Peter Sprenkeler

Such a wonderful quality, that few would
The greatest of all virtues there are none as high or grand.
You can't design to acquire it that's not the way it's planned,
For this trait is hewn from rock not from shifting sand.
For true forgiveness is a gift from God not your effort alone,
For if you are to sample His; yours must go to the bone.
It cannot be false or hollow; for truth would cry and groan,
It's all too easy to say you forgive while anger you still own.
How to be forgiving? The question should burn in hearts,
The conscience firing all the time; stinging little darts.
Your soul thirsts for forgiveness; oh where do you start?
The answer lies above you; it comes from God's own heart.
Apply to Him; The Author; for it is He who knows it best,
He will not say no or maybe to a genuine request.
Only this way can you own forgiveness; and by it be blessed.
The Maker I feel got it right and it will stand up under test.
Impossible! I hear you scoff, there must be an easier way,
But alas my friend - do not doubt, look at the world today.
Where unforgiveness rules; fostering mayhem and dismay,
Tragic when you consider what our Maker had to say.
For forgiveness is based on love, the marrow of it all,
We only have to believe and ask - this life could be a ball.
So speak to Him; you know, that carpenter born in a stall,
He'll tell you of forgiveness; and how to break down walls.
Forgiveness is the lifeblood of all the other traits,
When genuine and true, it's the key to all the gates.
Waiting for it to arrive will surely test your fate,
Ask! The Lord upon you waits.

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