Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

Dr. Andy Mull's Thooo
R.L. Walker

Salutations and Congratulations!
Someone entered your name -- and you won!
(Could it have been your Spouse -- or your son?)
Your prize? -- A FREE TICKET,
For a day long visit,
To "Doctor Andy Mull's Thooo"
(Quit laughing! -- I ain't through!)
You've always loved Animals -- Right?
(Even those that are "scary" at night!)
Like the Hoot Owl, and Cricket, and Bear.
Cricket??? (Chirp, Chirp!!! -- How unfair!)
My "Thooo" is so chock full of wonder,
I don't want to commit the blunder,
Of forgetting -- even the tiniest of those,
That provide more than just food -- or new clothes.
Now -- If Hippo is related to Pig,
Then why is a Hippo so big?
The question's not "why?"
Just be glad they can't fly!
Because if they could,
Most surely they would,
Completely blacken the sky!
Now if that didn't bring on a big smile,
Let's go look at the Nile Crocodile,
Its big toothy grin -- ain't no smile!
(Just don't take any dumb chances,
Decline -- if it's "booking" dances.)
Now there's more to this poem -- than just that!
Let's consider the life of a Bat,
Spending the whole day asleep,
Hanging upside down -- by its feet.
Flies around in the dark -- (without sight!)
Causing strange "Bumpy" noises all night!"
Now -- if you think I've covered enough,
Consider how the life of a Skunk must be tough.
Not a friend to be found within sight,
Except those -- with that silly, white, stripe.
(Life really stinks -- I suppose,
Being born as a Skunk -- with a nose!)
A Spider is such fun to see,
(Unless, you're a Moth, or a Bee!)
What do you suppose goes on -- in its head,
While it's spinning that silky web?
(What an interesting pattern of thread!)
This episode, surely, is through?
Not quite -- I promised -- a "Moo."
So I'll tell you -- right now,
About "famous" -- Brown Cow,
No chirping, no flying, no web of silk,
She simply produces -- chocolate milk!
Ok, Ok, Ok -- now I'll give it a rest,
Porcupine just arrived -- (for her pregnancy test.)
It's just one of those things -- I'm expected to do,
As founder, and Doctor at -- Andy Mull's Thooo!

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