The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Rachelle Arlin Credo

The wind lightly batters my face as I peer through the window crevice of the PUV.
I close my eyes gently as I try to imagine home from five years ago. Everything
was very provincial and conservative then. I remember Grandma sitting on a
wooden chair as she carefully weeds out the mongo seeds from a hollow dish of
abaca. Seated next to her is Miko playing with his shiny marbles while plying
Grandma with his endless questions of "Whys" and "What ifs". There's Uncle Mel,
the poultryman tending his domesticated birds and his wife Aunt Thelma, picking
flowers and watering the plants. I also recall my brown mongrel, Snifmark which
got its name from its frequent sniffing of visitors and postmarking them with
his muddy front paws as they pass through. I giggle as I remember how those
people would scramble for the front door when they get a glimpse of Snifmark.
But most of all, my memories bring me back to sweet ol' Lola. Oh, how I miss
her! I wonder if she still wears that jovial smile on her face as she wanders
about the neighborhood.
The brakes suddenly screech and I'm bestirred from my musing. A man in his late
50s slowly pushes open the side door and steps down from the vehicle. There's
only eight passengers left now including me and the woman beside me at the
backseat. As I glance on my side, I notice that the woman is inching her head on
my shoulder. I try to move a few inches away from her but there's not much space
to move. In one fell swoop, her head slumps on my left shoulder. Aaaargh! I grit
my teeth as I endure the heavy weight leaning on me. I'm about to nudge her to
rouse her from sleep when suddenly I noticed something. This woman looks like
Lola! I gaze at her again and scrutinize her features. Although she shares
certain similarities with Lola but this woman is certainly younger. Lola on the
other hand, is already on her late 40s but only looks younger because of her
cheery disposition that camouflages her aging beauty.
Memories of my friendship with Lola swiftly flash in my mind like a slide show.
I recall the times when we used to play with the neighbor's calves and quickly
bush up when the owner arrives. I also recall the times when we used to play "chinese
garter". We would take turns holding the free end of the long rubber while the
other end is tied around the tree trunk so that the one not holding the rubber
can jump over it. We would often bicker because I thought she was cheating when
I couldn't reach the garter on her shoulder level as I attempt to reach it with
my legs. My favorite recollection is when we portrayed "Family" and she played
as my mother while I played as her daughter. My heart wrenches as I remember the
good old times I spent with Lola.
But I also remember the event that changed everything. I was just twelve years
old then. I was on my way to my room upstairs when I overheard Aunt Thelma and a
few neighbors prating on the kitchen. I wasn't taking interest on their colloquy
but my ears perked up when they mentioned a woman who has lost her mind. I moved
slowly to their direction and eavesdropped blatantly.
"I really pity her so much. She used to be the best painter this town had to
offer but now, she can barely swish a brush on a canvas," a woman's voice said.
"It's all because of that no-good Fredo. I've always disapproved of their
relationship but Lola was obstinate. Love does make a person blind and even
stupid," I heard Aunt Thelma chuckle coldly.
"If only Fredo realized how much Lola has given up for him and how much she has
suffered just to fight for her love, he would have resisted the lure of that
brazen Dessa!" another woman snapped.
"And now, Lola has lost her mind over some unrequited love and unfaithful
husband. But at least now she wouldn't remember anything in the past. It would
just hurt her to reminisce a painful past," Aunt Thelma said sullenly.
I ran hastily towards my room. I need not hear any more to realize the truth. I
cried all my tears out as the words sank in my mind. Lola was crazy! No wonder
she was indifferent and my classmates hated her. She was out of her mind! Maybe
that's the reason why I've got no friends in school. My chest tightened with the
new realizations dawning in.
From then on, I never talked to her again. I avoided her everytime she tried to
approach me. I didn't eat with her during dinner like I used to and I made new
friends to take her place. By and by, I was able to get over her. My new friends
were very friendly and I was enjoying their company. I missed Lola sometimes but
the shame that goes along in keeping her company was too much than I could take.
So, I went on with my life without her.
Highschool graduation came and I went to the city without notice. I told
everyone I wanted to study in the city because of their technological
advancement and outstanding facilities but the truth is, I just wanted to bail
out of our town's atmosphere and to get away from Lola's sight. It was a tough
decision to make but I had to because Lola's presence was making me uneasy.
The city life was nothing I ever expected. Being a rural person, I had a hard
time coping with the changes. I was like the fictitious character Babe in the
movie, "Babe in the City" who tried the whole kit and kaboodle just to fit in.
But after a few months, I was finally able to adjust and adapt to my new life. I
gained new friends and I was able to concoct a "night life". I was enjoying
every bit of my time that I almost forgot the people back home. From sending
three to four letters every month, it lessened to one letter a month until there
was none. They called me on several occasions via long distance calls but I only
answered a few telling them I was busy with my schedule and that college wasn't
easy. I guess they understood because I haven't had so much letters since then
and the calls became seldom. There had only been cards sent during special
occasions and a letter imploring me to go home because Lola was sick. But that
was during our Final exams so I didn't heed.
I bounce on my seat as the vehicle drives over a huge hump on the road. The
woman beside me awakes from her slumber and having realized she had slept on my
shoulder, smiles at me and gestures an apology. I smile back and tell her it was
alright. I glance at the houses on my right. The houses are still the same.
Nothing much has changed. I wonder if everything's the same back home. My
thoughts drift back to Grandma, Aunt Thelma, Uncle Mel, Miko and Lola. I wonder
how they would all react when I present them my diploma. I'm sure they would all
be proud of me. I curve my mouth into a smile as I play wonderful images in my
I wonder how Lola must be now. She's probably still casting that magical light
on other people's lives with her charming smile. As soon as I get home, I'll ask
her forgiveness. I know I was acting like a jerk when I neglected her. How could
I be such an ingrate! It's not her fault and she should not be punished for
something she didn't do.
I open my plastic bag of goodies and check them one by one. I must make sure I'm
not missing anything. I feel myself grow more excited as I scrutinize the
presents I have bought for all of them. There's a 10-meter floral cloth for
Grandma, a new shirt for Uncle Mel, a pair of new shoes for Miko, five
cross-stitch sets for Aunt Thelma's needlework and a new Sunday dress for Lola.
It took me almost three hours to shop for Lola's dress because I wanted it to be
very special. I can almost see her eyes widen in surprise as she sees the dress
I have for her. I can't wait to hug her and show her my gratitude for all her
love and care for me.
The PUV veers to the right and I tap the metal right above me. It screeches to a
halt and I pay my fare, a 20-peso bill, to the driver. I immediately step down
and run towards the house, the home I've always longed all these years. My
excitement surges even more when I saw the house, old and gray like it used to.
As I open the gate, Snifmark comes out, wagging its tail and barking. Perhaps
it's his way of greeting me. I rub his head with my hand and carefully survey
the horizon. Grandma isn't in her wooden chair on the veranda and Miko's nowhere
to be found. I wonder if someone's at the back. I place my things on the wooden
chair and move on a course to the back. Still, no one's there. I wonder where
they are.
I grab my things and open the huge back door of the house. To my surprise,
everyone is seated all around the narra kitchen table and they all look up to me
in surprise.
"Surprise!" I bawl in delight to break the silence. But to my disappointment, no
one responds. They merely look at each other and then look at me again. Then
Aunt Thelma stands up, approaches me, takes my things and places them on the
"Aunt, what's wrong? Where's Lola?" But Aunt Thelma says nothing. She moves
closer to me and then hugs me tight.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. We tried everything but..." Aunt Thelma cries on my
I push her from my grasp and hold her on both shoulders, "What are you talking
about? I don't understand."
Seeing that she is unable to finish, I rush down to Lola's room. There I find
Lola lying still in bed. I hold my breath as I approach her slowly. I can feel
my heart wringing and my mind whirling at the sight of her lifeless body. I
can't believe it. I must be dreaming. I hold her hand and squeeze it a little.
It's still warm. I place it against my heart. No, I'm not dreaming, This is
real. This is no dream. My heart breaks slowly as the reality finally convinces
"Why, why did you leave me?" I cry as I shake her body slightly. "Why? I'm
sorry. I'm so sorry I left you..."
I hear footsteps from behind and turn to ask, "When? When did this happen?"
"Just an hour ago..." Aunt Thelma mumbles while sniffling.
I feel all the more indicted when I learn I could have caught her alive if I've
only come earlier. I hug her tight in total regret. I whisper in her ears the
words I've always longed to tell her. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry.." I stab my chest
with my clenched fist as I wheeze, "It's because of me. It's because of me."
Then I burst into more tears.
It took me almost two hours to recover from all the wailing and crying. My eyes
felt sore from piping them too much. But somehow I have regained my composure. I
ask Aunt Thelma to change Lola's clothes to the one I bought. I want her to look
beautiful on her deathbed if it's the last thing I can do for her. After
changing, I comb her hair gently and form it into a chignon. I learned that
skill from her and now is the first time I'm doing it to her. I shed another
tear as I watch her from a distance. She looks like she's just sleeping.
"Here's something she wants you to have," Aunt Thelma muttered as she hands me a
neatly folded paper. I thank her and open the paper. Then Lola's words appear in
sight. It's a beautiful inscription in script letters.
My dear,
I'm sorry to make you go away. I know the real reason why you left this town. It
wasn't because of the reasons you told us. You left because you wanted to shun
me. You didn't want to see me. Although my heart cried in pain when you left but
I know you are happy with your decision so I respected that. I know you were
thinking that I am insane like most people think I am. I can't blame you for
thinking that way. But I just want you to know that it is not true. All you saw
was a facade of the pain and disappointments I went through in life. I don't
like people pitying me so I decided to just put on a mask. It's easier that way.
I'm happy and other people are happy too.
But I never thought that my scheme would just drive away the person which meant
the world to me: YOU. You are the source of my strength and my only reason for
living. Without you, my life is meaningless. That's why when you left, I felt my
world stopped. I was thinking about you all the time. The pain I felt when you
rejected me was worse than the pain that Fredo inflicted on me when he eloped
with Dessa. But you were very young, I know you didn't know what you were doing.
I'm sorry if I wasn't able to meet your expectations. I'm also sorry for not
having revealed my real identity to you. I was afraid you'd be ashamed of me and
worse yet, hate me for bearing you out of wedlock.
I forgive you and I love you. Remember that wherever I am, I take you with
me...here in my heart.
I feel a twinge of guilt as things became clearer to me. Tears pour down like
rain from my eyes when I realize how I was merely taking her for granted. I
clench the letter and place it close to my heart.
"I love you too, Mom. Thank you for everything. You will always be with me
forever...in my heart," I mutter between sobs.

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