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The Angels Sing
Rm Youngman

And the Angels sing
She sat in her faded rocking chair, worn from all the days
Of reading such as this,
She leaned over and picked up her old tattered bible.
Lovingly she set it down and gently began to turn the pages.
Silently she began to read,
Although she knew the words by heart.
She read her bible that way each and everyday.
She would get to the back cover only to return the next day
And start all over again.
When she finished reading she closed her bible
And picked up her rosary beads.
Quietly she would say her Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers.
Each and every day she gave herself to prayer.
Then one day
She couldn't lean over and pick up her old bible
She couldn't turn the pages, and didn’t see the words..
So silently I leaned down and picked up that old bible
Carefully I turned the pages and read the words out loud
Although she knew them all by heart.
I held her hand one day,
For one last prayer.
I closed my eyes, and whispered I love you.
She couldn't open her eyes anymore,
And her heart no longer beat.
I saw her take her very last breath.
My heart broke as the tears began to fall,
I realized then, that my grandmother wasn't there at all.
I kneeled down in front of her bed
I thought of all the things I wished I’d said.
I closed my eyes
The day wasn’t real it was all just a dream,
My heart wouldn’t believe what my eyes had just seen.
As hard as I tried it was all too real,
I tried to forget but all I could do was feel.
Kneeling there right by her side, I dropped my head
And began to cry
I kissed her cheek like so many times before
Silently walked to the bedroom door.
I took one last look at the body she was,
And thought of all she was about to become.
Not just a memory of the one I loved
But someone to watch me from heaven above.
I turned to leave and soon had heard
The angels sing.

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