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Dear Folks...
Rodney Bohen

Dear Folks,
My name is Rodney Bohen, I'm fifty-one years old. None have ever known my
torture and struggle concerning my adoption. I tried years ago in vain to
count it as water under the bridge. Alas, just could not be done!
Yes, always wondering, what my mother
looked like! Did I get my singing voice from my dad? When young wondering and
noticing that all other children looked like their parents, and I did not!
When I was in school the ramifications of being adopted was overlooked when
addressing issues of acting out in school and what not, for adoption had a
stigma none would touch!
Yes, always feeling different, trying to
come to terms with the deep-seated rejection I always felt.
Yes, a grand AA slogan, you're not alone!
I several years ago was compelled to write
my story of heart entitled Letters To Carla..... it is to be released this
November, a wellspring of sadness and pain resurfaced, as the portrait of an
adopted man with all the trimmings was stapled to each page in rage,
bewilderment and beauty.
For me it was necessary to meet my enemy
upon parchment, and strike a blow for my side! Letters To Carla truly tells the
tale so many of us have endured in seeming isolation, but remember, hope lingers
always on the dawn of tomorrow for the searching man!
My few humble words are designed to build
hope and strong hearts, steeped in perseverance and value, knowing we all indeed
do belong to someone... indeed is it not one another?
Feel free to communicate with me further if
I may be of any help or assistance to anyone of my brothers or sisters.
Personal Quote.... If you show them your heart, all men of value shall embrace
Thanks for your grand work of heart.

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