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Clandestine Keyboard Moments
Rusty Broadspear

tender moments stroking keys,
As the heavens rotate, uninterupted.
Cats on the prowl, mice on the run
And windows in slumber
All kill time for the Sun.
Stealthily tiptoeing the Globe,
Visiting, departing, unseen, unheard.
Mixing, marinading, seeking truth,
Stirring inspiration.
And as the Earth spins,
Thoughts spiral to absent loved ones.
I search the waves,
Search my heart.
Run like crazy, on the spot,
As the petals of the rose that I hold,
Swiftly close tight.
Squeezing the last drop of the previous morns dew.
A divine tear runs over my hand,
I shake my shackles
And think of you...........
Earnest straying thoughts
Overflow into whispers.
Headlights sweep the window,
A door slams,
Late night laughter springs forth
Then dies into silence.
Swimming to save myself,
Currents embrace too tightly,
Strangling, choking.
I raise an arm above the angry surface.
Frenetic waving
To distant, buoyant dreams.
Whilst lost on a highway of moonbeams,
I think of you..............
Gentle, tender moments stroking keys,
On a night for all,
Yet still clandestine.
And as a cat carries a mouse,
I carry your heart.
Hours of darkness filled with light,
This merger of day and night............
Yours and mine.

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