Writer's Voice
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Girl of a Thousand Lives
Rusty Broadspear

The girl with fire in her soul and flames in her eyes
Smiled brilliantly, swung her blonde hair wildly
Stooped to pick up her suitcase and walked towards me.
Erratic, frantic crowds in the 50 yards between us
Didn’t shield me from radiation bursting forth
From this shining star. This girl was alive,
A reincarnation of a thousand beautiful people.
My heart played the bongo beat
My body shivered with ecstatic static
Frozen to the spot, burning with lust and desire.
The cacophony of noise of trains plying their trade
Then whisking off or whipping in, babies crying,
Children fighting, lone lost strangers asking directions,
Station speakers speaking their own secret language,
All diminished into a muffled silence, and the scene was on pause.
As the station clock announced the hour
Someone pressed play, and as if one of these trains
Had hit me in the back at 100 miles per hour
I was knocked back into reality.
The goodness, humour, kindness and selflessness
Radiated from her in a multitude of hues
I knew her from long ago, from many past lives.
But that momentous moment when our eyes met,
Was a happening we’ll remember in future lives.
I forgot my train, we swapped names, I carried her case.
For the next thirty years she laughed and joked
She was so very kind and she lived for others.
And she was good.
There is no but - she is here by my side
Warming me with her everlasting radiance.
However, I would like to thank her,
By offering to her, all of me, for future lives and eternity.
Although I know her well
This girl with fire in her soul and flames in her eyes,
Remains an enigmatic mystery.

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