The Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website



Rusty Broadspear

The origin, beginnings, foundation of beauty,

Immersed in and nursed by Nature Herself,

Is perversely snatched, thrown into a vortex,

Traversing odd skies to strange horizons.

Stranding provider, bringer and giver.

Grief wordlessly spoken, gentle heart broken.

No wish to besmirch faith to her Church,

She begins to search for inconsequential reasons,

Through the seasons to follow to no avail.

Submerged in such sinister, shadowy gloom,

This lustrous, loveliness gleams with serenity.

The world revolves around her

Dispersing her light, love and strength,

To all in need who wish to feed.

Still wondering why - she continues to dispense,

And so happy with life,

Though it doesnt always make sense.

Immovable, her heart of rock,

So easily torn, her heart of lace,

Immeasurable, her heart of faith,

Delightful, her heart of grace.

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