Writer's Voice
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The icy cold Moon was nailed to the sky
Staring down like a blind man's eye,
Invisible visitors scudded through the night,
As Jasper buried bones deep out of sight.
Jasper was a Prince, soon to be King,
He was into magic and all dark things.
Back at the Castle the Queen poured tea,
While Jasper spun a crazy dance of glee.
One-horned beasts barrelled by
Over the horizon and into the sky.
"Where is the King?" thought the Queen with suspicion.
She should have asked Jasper, Jasper the magician.
Blood trickled up through the Castle floors
Finding its way under the heavy old doors,
And the Castle walls began to crack
When she thought she heard the King
But no - Jasper was back!
He exploded into her room all covered in mud
She screamed when she saw he was stamping in blood.
"I've brought some rope" he said, "I want to see you swing!"
"And by the time you dangle there, I will be the King!"
The icy cold Moon was nailed to the sky
Staring down like a blind man's eye,
Invisible visitors scudded through the night,
As Jasper wore the Crown and the bugs began to bite.

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