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Joe Star
Rusty Broadspear

This old
soldier had seen action.
Living dead and dying nightmares.
His lifetime held a gaping wound,
That would never heal.
His family held together.
Said his life was blessed.
So many comrades annihilated,
Wounded or lost,
In wars called conflicts.
Lives tossed by the wayside.
That's my view.
I cannot hide,
As he takes me to one side.
He says, I should grow within,
Then takes me on a gruesome ride.
Gory details,
Sickening to a boy teen............
Whose done drugs.
Stole for 'em
'urt for 'em.
'n' shrugs
At consequences,
when 'e does wrong.
Whose felt an' done pain
big time.
An' larges 'imself,
into a future
guarenteein' 'citement.
"So tell me, Joe Star," he says,
"when you leave friends behind,
do you take their bracelets.
Do you hand them to their parents,
Tell them how and why?"
"No Sir - theys take chances,
enhances street life.
We got respect.
We ain't done what you done"
"There's something missing
in your life, isn't there, Joe Star?
Re - spons - ibility?
Who are you re - spons - ible to Joe?
Not even yourself,
you don't care,
you're a chancer."
"No deal man, Sir,
I been given life to live,
I choose to take,
Never give.
I was brought up poor
But not for me not no more."
"Life's too precious son......"
"Only life that's precious's
is mine. What do I care
'bout people out there.
I do drugs 'n' music
I do girls, I do the town.
See Sir - I'm me 'n' you're you.
You done what you done
'n' probly killed more folk
than I'll meet.
I 'ppreciate your concern
but - 'n' I mean this kindly Sir -
you can shove it."
"Joe Star, listen to me,
it may have started as concern
but it's developed into pity.
I could help you Joe.
Help, is something you cannot steal.
It is offered.
To receive help
you must hold out your hand
and accept."
Joe Star strutted away,
Listening to his favourite rap
Through his 'phones.
The old soldier, family man,
Lay still on the pavement
With empty pockets.
Joe Star,
As he jived and counted his money,
Suddenly had a clear and original thought.
'Some folk, no matter what age theys reach,
Just never learn.........'

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