Writer's Voice
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Billy, John, Speck, Steeleye and Me
It was real Lay – Zee – Boy - Days,
just rocking on the grass and the weeds
And Speck who lay beside me dropped his
butt into the turn-up of John’s tweeds.
John didn’t notice the joke until he
smelled the smoke and I knew it would provoke
Trouble. 'Cos John liked his suit (he
thought he looked cute), so he spoke,
What the heck, Speck? (raising his foot
to stomp Speck’s head) Smokin’l be the death o’you.
Speck rolled over and told Steeleye to
tell smart John that he was taboo,
And John’s time on Steeleye’s land
was through. But Steeleye’s mind had begun to flex,
Sidesteppin’ to bounced cheques and his
next crate of Becks.
Billy gave me the eye, on this laziest of
Lay – Zee – Boy - Days,
Billy was the youngest, simplest and
prettiest, he liked readin’ and carnation bouquets.
Did his eye imply that I should reply? So
I said, Billy get me a beer and bring it here.
First he froze, then his colour rose and
I watched him disappear.
Steeleye said Rusty, Why’d you treat
him like that? He ain’t queer; he’s just that way.
I licked my teeth like I’m prone to do,
'cos it sure was a Lay – Zee – Boy – Day.
John brushed himself down and spruced
himself up, Billy told him how nice he looked.
Steeleye spat a wad of Becks onto a honey
bee – it was so hot it nearly cooked.
Eleanor pulled up in a smokin’ pick up
truck and took some groceries indoors,
Say Eleanor! Steeleye shouted, You git us
some beers whilst doin’ your chores?
Treatin’ us like dirt, she ignored us,
but we thought we heard a scream.
Billy brought my beer – he didn’t get
a thank you – no way – too extreme.
So Speck, I said, You and John goin’
for some beers? Before he spoke
I knew he would say, We’re in the same
can as you, Steeleye and Billy, we’re broke.
So while the tumbleweed rolled and the
church bells tolled, us five were all in praise
Of bus delays and the golden haze of
blistering midday’s –
Yes, these sure were Lay – Zee – Boy
– Days.

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