Writer's Voice
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The wretch writhed, thrashing the invisible foe,
Limbs flailing, bare heels banging the cold ground.
The back of his skull caving, eyes wide, unblinking.
Brain hadn't shut down, it knew what he'd found.
The primitive force slipped unseen into milky pond,
Amidst mist-shrouded vines, sentinels of earthly time.
No evidential ripples on the chalky mirror surface,
No footprints on the slimy shores of filth and grime.
The man stepped from the fierce flames unblemished,
The Heavens beat a drum roll to an incredibly silent crowd.
Hair and beard untouched, eyes had captured the fire,
White cloak billowing protection, like a bewitching cloud.
The scholar crouched in the clock tower of the school.
Twelve strident chimes, unheard by this angry young man.
School disgorged pupils to the embrace of Summer Sun.
And bullets rained silently down, according to plan.
Sun's radiation burst, ripped open Earth's magnetic shield,
All communication, power, defences brought to a halt.
Cities in blackness, cities on hold, humans in a turmoil,
Under an immense, immeasurable celestial assault.
He stood upright, arms by his sides, eyes to the skies.
Crowd sweating expectancy. His voice boomed throughout.
His message received by smiles - then the fallen fell.
Bodies littered the planet and left standing were the devout.
On the surface of milky pond, bubbles burst stinking gas,
And long dead arms of vines shifted, impatiently waiting.
Gigantic, gargantuan, it emerged onto the smutty shore,
Unsure, unconfident, unconvinced, shaking and quaking.
Politics, hospitals, work and war were brought to a halt.
The chosen were exhalted, though amidst darkness and death.
The putrid malevolence began to rot, disintegrate, decompose.
The Earth gently shook off all evil, as alone and unwitnessed
The embellishment of all wickedness, drew its final breath.
Milky anonymous pond sprung to life and rapidly boiled away,
Primeval vegetation withered, died, and disappeared.
Years hence this area became known as a new Garden of Eden
Replacing the haunt of the angel of death, who was no longer remembered
And no longer feared.

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