The Writer's Voice
The World's Favourite Literary Website

The Smile


Rusty Broadspear

Bewildered beaten four year old boy

Sits in a doorway,

And beneath the muck, the facial makeup,

He raises a flicker of a smile.


You see, when the wind plays a tune

That your hair can dance to,

You feel it.

And so did the boy.


The bruising and abusing took a tranquil path,

While he involuntary had this

Flicker of a smile.


A plastic bag hopped and skipped by,

Cigarette ends ran round in circles,

Weeds in the pavement

Rocked back and forth

Attracting his attention.


Momentarily gone

Were his feelings

Of apprehension.


He touched his sore arms and legs,

Then studied his hands.

A strange thought occurred to this four year old.

These will be old man’s hands,

And when they are,


Will I be able to feel the wind?

Will my hair dance?

Will it raise me a smile?

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