Writer's Voice
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Tweaze - Part Two

Outside, clouds slid by the sliver of silvery moon,
The garden barbecue was filled with drink laced fun,
But in the spectral shadows, the Tweaze were swarming.
For the Tweaze, the fun had only just begun.
Simultaneously, two Tweaze leapt, and with pincers, hung on
To Pollyanna's Mother's eyes, whose mouth howled a cry
Of terror and fright. The party went quiet, all looked on in horror,
As the Tweaze gushed forth in plentiful supply.
Within minutes the party was ended in sightless panic,
Pollyanna's Mother and close friend had fell on the barbecue,
And they were writhing and twisting and leisurely roasting.
The Tweaze went to the house, where Pollyanna played with something new.
Hundreds of Tweaze lay still on the dining room table,
They were silent, they were full, relaxed and resigned.
They'd had their fill of fresh tear filled eyes,
So Pollyanna was safe, for she was totally blind.

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