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People With The Zest of Life
(Zinda Loag)
Saail Ehsan

As usual I was going to have my day loaves of bread
frp, a domestic oven which was in a narrow, long
street. It was hot day of June. Every body was taking
rest under the fans to save themselves from-scorching
heat. There was no one in the street. A complete
silence was prevailing there. Small children were kept
closed in the air-conditioned/fanned rooms. Even the
birds were forced by the heat to take shelter in their
When I reached the middle of the street, I
heard the sound of a bugle. I turned back to see. It
was an old man, walking with the help of a stick,
which was breaking the silence of the street by its
flip-flop. He was holding some colorful balloons fixed
with a stick. When he reached near me, his appearance
became more clear to me. He was an old man of fifty to
fifty five , but seemed older than his age. In his
feet, he was wearing two shoes of different color and
design. There was oval-shaped spectacle, on his
shabby big nose, which was fixed with a strip. He was
with unshaven face and dry rough lips. Off and on he
blew his bugle and saw back and forth as if someone
would come and purchase all his balloons. And the
interesting thing was that it happened so.
five-year-old boy was standing in the beginning of
the street and was waving his hand in a calling way.
The old man despite his weakness and age moved so
quick as if that boy would buy all his balloons. When
the old man reached near him the boy pointed to a
balloon to have that. The old man asked about money
and the innocent small boy became so depressed that he
was near to weep. The old man said,
”Go and bring
money to buy one, I’m here waiting for you.” After a
few moments the rough voice of boy’s mother was heard
who was cursing the old man for disturbing the
children in such a hot summer. Then, being forced by the resistance of the child she had to come with him
and buy a balloon for the boy. In the mean some
other children from different houses came to have one
for them. Some were alone buying the balloons and some
were with their parents. Then all of them began to
play with the balloons in the same street. Some were
weeping when their balloons burst; some were laughing
and some were making a loud noise to break the killing
silence of the street.
The noise of those children,
the bursting of the balloon, the laughing and weeping
of children mixed in such a way that all that was
presenting the scene of a crowded busy bazaar. The
silence of the street had totally been killed. The
scene was completely changed. The old man had sold
nearly all his balloons. Now he was looking as fresh
as daisy. He reached near me and asked,
“Is there an
oven inside the house?” I shook my head in
affirmative. He gave a beautiful, big balloon and a
two-rupee note to a boy and sent him to buy thick
bread for him from that domestic oven. That boy came
back with a thick loaf of bread for the old man. He
immediately started eating without any other thing. I
had had my loaves of bread already and was on my to
home. When I reached the corner of the street, I
looked back, the old man had gone from the other side
of the street and the street was as silent and
deserted as before.

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