The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Stephen Collicoat

Five hours before, he
was a happy man. Now Howard Dane was living a nightmare.
They had planned the day
for some time. Nothing special. Just time for father and daughter to enjoy each
other's company, free from the demands of his work and her study, exploring the
Southland Shopping Centre.
'You look very sparky,'
he greeted Eva when she joined him for breakfast.
'I feel great,' she
'Wouldn't you prefer to
spend the day with your uni friends?' he teased. 'Some handsome young man
'You're my choice, Dad,'
she kissed him lightly on the brow. 'Anyway, you can hardly talk. You should be
on a date today. After all, it's been two years since Mum...,' her voice trailed
off, then continued, 'Whatever happened to Susan Forbes? You guys were an item
two months ago.'
'Hardly that,' he
demurred. 'Now, are you sure you want to go to Southland? It's not too late to
hire a boat from the Marina. I remember you used to love fishing.'
'There's no decent fish
left in Port Phillip Bay,' Eva sniffed with all the certitude of a 17-year old.
'No, Southland's fine. Besides, it's your company I want. Window shopping's just
an extra.
It was always like that.
Did any man get on better with his daughter?
'Teenagers,' his
secretary, Emily had scoffed. 'My two are hopeless. Absolutely uncontrollable. I
sometimes wonder why I had them. Cheap champagne has a lot to answer for!'
'Eva's not like that,'
Howard said defensively, hearing and disliking the trace of smugness in his
voice. 'She's never given me a moment's trouble. In fact, I don't know what I
would have done without her when Alice died.'
'Mark my words,' Emily
persisted. 'She's too pretty to remain Daddy's little darling for long. She
probably already has a secret lover. Believe me, I know. Girls that age can be
very sly. I was the same.'
That wouldn't worry me,'
Howard said, tiring of the conversation. 'So long as the boy is good to her and
they love each other. She's had other boyfriends. I'm not as old fashioned as
you think. I just hope she's careful.'
Seeing Emily about to
comment, he hurried on. 'Can you bring me the Thornton papers? Where are we on
issuing depositions?'
Howard wondered how
detached he really was. How would he feel, for instance, if Eva asked if a
boyfriend could stay overnight?
It hadn't happened. She
dated, but they had only been casual affairs. For the last six months, noone
seemed to share her life. Howard hoped this was because she was concentrating on
study. He felt pleased she spent so many evenings at the university library.
Medicine, like Law in
which he had majored was a tough course. Over half the new entrants didn't pass
first year, with 40 per cent of the remainder flunking second. The last thing
any first year med. student needed was the distraction of a passionate affair.
As they drove from
Mentone to Southland, Eva asked, 'Dad, do you ever awake with the feeling that
something tremendous was about to occur? That nothing after that would ever be
the same?'
'Not for some years,'
Howard admitted dryly.' It was a question that was to haunt him for many years.
They arrived at the
centre shortly after the shops opened at 9.00 am. By mid-morning, Howard was
'Let's stop for coffee,'
Eva suggested. 'It'll put new heart in you.'
'Good idea. You can park
me here while you look around.'
After drinks, Eva
asked,' Now dad, are you sure you'll be alright?"
'Of course. I see a
newspaper and some magazines on the rack. Go and enjoy yourself.'
'I'll be about a half an
'Don't hurry,' he said
absently, taking down the newspaper and scanning the headlines.
Time passed. Howard
ordered another coffee and continued reading. Finally, he pushed the paper and
magazines aside and checked his watch.
He frowned. That's odd,
he thought. An hour and a half had passed. Still, he reasoned, Eva had probably
met some friends. Perhaps she was trying on clothes.
As the minutes dragged
by, he became annoyed and concerned. Couldn't she have used her mobile to tell
him she was delayed? It was unlike Eva to be so thoughtless.
He took out his mobile
and checked the battery wasn't flat. then he punched in his daughter's number.
The call was diverted to a message bank.
Howard cursed. Now he
couldn't reach her.
He told the waiter where
he was going in case she returned and began searching. Noone had seen Eva.
When he reached the car,
his phone rang. He fumbled it hurriedly out of his pocket.
There was a long pause.
When she spoke, her voice was broken and fearful.
'Daddy?' It was as
though she were a child again, not the proud, clever young woman he knew.
'Daddy, help me.'
'What is it Eva?' he
asked in alarm. 'What's happened?'
'Two men took me away.'
She broke off and he heard her crying. 'They're here now. They say if you don't
do what they say, they'll hurt me.'
'I – I don't
understand,' Howard faltered.' Eva, don't worry. I promise I'll do everything
needed. I love you. I...'
He was interrupted by a
deep, masculine voice.
'Shut up and listen,'
the voice ordered. Howard was given simple instructions. he was to withdraw
$700,000 from his savings and bring it in an unmarked, brown paper parcel to the
cafe where Eva and he had been drinking coffee. Howard was given three days to
raise the money.
'Tell the cafe' owner
that Mr. Green will be coming by to pick up the parcel.
'Don't try to contact
the police,' the voice warned. 'If you do, we'll rape your daughter , then
torture her to death. Do you understand?'
'Yes,' Howard whispered.
The shock had drained him. Murderous anger would come later.
'Then do it! Pay the
money and you'll see Eva again. Fail us and...' The speaker left the threat
hanging in the air and hung up.
Howard stood beside his
car, staring with horror at the phone. Oddly, amid his turmoil, the voice on the
phone suggested some vague memory.
Within 24 hours, Howard
Dane had raised the ransom.
He was not a wealthy
man. For much of his early life, he had only short-term, casual work. It was
only in his late thirties, that he began studying at night for a law degree. The
degree completed, he gained his articles as a clerk in a suburban law firm.
Howard met Alice Somerset when he handled some of the wash-up from her failed
first marriage. They shared a spirit of independence and quirky sense of humour.
After several dates, they fell in love. A year after their marriage, Alice gave
birth to Eva, their only child.
The next 15 years were
wonderful. One day however, Alice complained of terrible stomach pains. She died
within six months, barely conscious most of the time, massive injections of
morphine dulling the pain. Her death devastated Howard.
The Danes had carefully
saved their money, planning for Howard's early retirement. Now nearly every cent
was to paid as ransom.
How did they even know I
had that sum of money? Was it a bank teller or perhaps a stab in the dark? Many
thought every solicitor was rich.
Howard did exactly as he
had been told. He withdrew cash from his superannuation account, sold all his
shares and surrendered the units in his managed investment funds. Finally, he
parcelled the money and took it to the cafe' where he left it for 'Mr. Green'.
He wondered as he left
the parcel, if the cafe' owner knew what was happening, but decided it was
unlikely. As he drove home, he realised that there was nothing now to stop the
kidnappers killing Eva, if they hadn't done so already.
An hour later however,
his front doorbell chimed and Eva stood there trembling.
'Oh Eva, Eva,' he sobbed
with relief, drawing her inside. 'Are you alright? Should I call a doctor? Did
they hurt you?'
It was as though the
light had died within his daughter's eyes.
'No Dad,' she assured
him quietly. 'They didn't do anything. They felt sure you would pay the money.'
'But who are they? Did
you know them? Recognise a voice? There was something about the person who I
spoke to...' He broke off, 'Now that you're safe, I'll call the police.'
Eva shuddered. 'Don't,'
she begged. 'They said they'd come back and take me if you did. I don't know who
are. When I left you, I wandered through the centre. I remembered I had left my
mobile on the front seat of the car. I went to get it and was just closing the
door when they grabbed me from behind. I was gagged and blindfolded, then thrown
into some sort of van. I was driven about an hour to a home and remained
blindfolded all the time until I was dropped off today at the top of our
Howard wanted to ask
more questions, but Eva began to softly cry.
'Tomorrow, Dad,' she
promised.' I'll tell you anything else I remember when my head is clear. I must
'Of course, darling,' he
gently agreed. 'I'm sorry. I'm so happy you're here. You go to sleep. We'll talk
in the morning. Nobody can harm you now.'
She paused anxiously by
her bedroom door. 'You won't call the police will you?'
'We'll talk about it
tomorrow,' he promised. 'I won't do anything until then.'
The next day, Howard
looked in to find Eva sleeping soundly. He wrote her a short note, telling her
breakfast was waiting and that he had decided to go to work to allow her to ease
back into normal life.
On the short drive to
the office, he wondered if he should have been there when she woke. At the same
time, he felt a desperate need to bury himself in work. Much needed to be done.
Eva was safe. If she needed him, she could easily phone. Anyway, he decided, it
was better that he gave her plenty of space. She needed sympathy, not
Howard returned home at
6pm, which was earlier than usual. Opening the front door, he called her name.
The house was quiet.
Panicked, he went from
room to room, calling her name.
This can't be happening,
he thought. I've done everything they asked. They wouldn't come back.
He went into her
bedroom. It was empty, all the small, treasured items having gone. He opened the
wardrobe and drawers of the chest. All were bare. The suitcase he bought her for
last season's ski trip was also gone. Noone had taken Eva. She had left by
Howard sank exhausted
onto her bed, trying to understand what had happened.
He recalled the
threatening voice and suddenly knew the answer. It was one of the things that
Alice had noticed. Eva had only been five at the time. 'She's a wonderful
mimic,' Alice had laughed. 'Did you hear the way she imitated your cousin, Vin?
She's caught his voice perfectly. One day, Eva will become an actor.'
She hadn't displayed
this gift for years and he had forgotten it. Now, he knew that he hadn't been
speaking with a kidnapper, but with his daughter.
Feeling sick, he rushed
to the bathroom and vomited. When he recovered, he phoned the police.
A week later, the
sergeant who interviewed him, rang back.
'Mr. Dane, I have news
on your daughter. The Queensland police have detained her on the Gold Coast.'
'How was she caught?'
'It was as you
predicted. She was using some of the banknotes with the serial numbers you
supplied. Actually, it wasn't just Eva that they took in. She had a boyfriend.
He was a fellow med. student, named Paul Hoskins. Comes from a good background,
but he's a nasty piece of goods. He committed a number of offences that his
parents were able to quash. Mind you, the Queensland police believe that it was
Eva, not Paul who planned the crime.'
'Have they spent all the
'No, but it wouldn't
have taken them long. They went through $200,000. Most of your money is safe and
some they spent can be recovered.'
'So, where do we go from
'Well, I need you to
prosecute so we can arrest them. They'll then be extradited to Victoria to face
charges. Her age may help, but extortion's a very serious crime.
'What a stupid, wicked
thing to do,' the policeman added with surprising feeling. 'She's thrown her
life away.'
'I won't prosecute,'
Howard said. 'Set her free.'
'Are you sure, Mr.
Dane?' There was no disguising the surprise and disapproval in the sergeant's
voice. 'We can't go to trial without your evidence. She shouldn't get away with
'That's my decision.'
'Very well,' the
policeman sighed. 'We'll be in touch regarding the return of your money.'
A week later, Eva
'Dad,' she began. 'I'm
so sorry. Paul's left me. It was all his idea. We need to talk.'
'I have nothing to say,'
Howard replied.
He replaced the phone.

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