The Writers Voice
The World's
Favourite Literary Website

Merciful Compassion
Theresa Cecilia Garcia

A loving tribute to Lobsang Gyatso, a very vocal anti Shugden monk
of the Dalai Lama who was murdered in February 1997
The three draw oracle
did not foretell the tale
of self -appointed conscience
and guardian militarists revivals
when Merciful Compassion
gave way to handbills posted on walls
and street corners;
lurid accounts of the murders, scandals
The day twilight lost its intimacy
and dirty coins with fouls hands
inflicted a barbarous current of rage, greed, and rancor
passing lepers at crosswalks
with knives hidden
lips obeisant to destiny.
The implacable machine
by the secret rhythmn of hands
and demonical device
ripped muscles apart
crushing at nerves
severing arteries
robbing three of the redness of their blood.
Sudden death, without sweetness
putrefies them.
Merciful Compassion
did you hear the cries of the world?
What did you see along the road of this anguished land?
when the unmistakeable voice of power
boomed down from the mountainside
and hard drinking journalists were left
relaxing and swapping stories
in a news factory where information is assembled and wrapped for
Free Tibet

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