The Writers Voice
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Uzma Sadaf

The hands tell a lie
The tongues do not speak truth
The dreams seen through the eyes
Have all proved false
The lights set for destination
Are nothing
Those are only mirrors
Lying in the dark closed room
Prints of similar pictures
The similar face
The dreams of the blind streets
Thoughts like a desert
Some lines on the paining hands
Telling of aimlessness
What is life
Except some broken dreams
Then the changing angles of your eyes
A few drops of lust
And the numberless wolves
The effect of poison
And the bluish stains on the body
The horrified and trembling lips
The stammering words
And a person staggering and falling
With useless crutches
Then a long journey
A long desert and wandering
Some failed aspirations
It is all painful when you come to thinking
Very painful
Pain even beyond these eyes
And the darkness beyond it
Hope has died
Yes died
The corps lying open to vultures
A corps lying naked without a mourning sheet
Perhaps it is the punishment
The punishment of the sin
Of seeing dreams
The sin of running after illusions!

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