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Souls Warrior
Michael Faircloth

Chapter 5
Partying With Bubacraphead
Bubacraphead sat in his chair and fed on a try full of hamburgers that one of
his servants had just returned with, obeying every order given by her wicked
master. “Where’s my Coke you worthless winch. How do you expect me to eat this
snack without my Coke? Get my Coke now or I will use you for toilet paper before
I kill you. Go, you have two minutes!” In her mind, Withal, Bubacraphead’s
number one evil servant heard every word and could feel every emotion that he
wanted her to feel. She replied saying; “I’m sorry master I will get your Coke.”
She returned with several two-liter Cokes and proceeded to serve as he ate. “If
you weren’t so reliable, I would have killed you a long time ago. At least you
are good for something. When I am done, tell me what you have found out about
Walk and what is left of his worthless little team. I cannot wait to take those
reject seeds from the Souls General and peel the skin from their bodies and cook
it up for lunch. You have all my servants looking out for them I hope. You know
that if they can get too close to me that they might get lucky and kill me. That
is one thing that we do not want to let happen, even if all my servants must
die. This new fighter Bane really worries me. I do not know what Walk did to
him, but he has some moves that make me nervous. Make sure you kill him quickly
and keep trying to find his family. I bet that Sang is hiding them. I hate that
man. No one has ever eluded me as he has and one day I will get that waste of
flesh. Now, tell me what you know!”
Withal, gave Bubacraphead her report, “As you know, yesterday we isolated and
killed two of Walks people. We were able to trick them and get them alone and
they didn’t stand a chance. It was so much fun; it is too bad that your fat self
couldn’t join us, my most disgusting Master. Killing the Souls General’s
warriors is the most rewarding thing I’ve done yet. I’m sure that before the day
is out that there will be more dead warriors for dinner, my master.”
Bubacraphead, with his seldom-used voice spoke “I know what is done! I want to
know what is going to be done! I don’t need a history lesson you worthless
winch, now spit it out!” Bubacraphead was shaking and wheezing and he made the
whole room vibrate with his movement. He has no patience for evading the truth.
A little less cocky now, Withal began her timid response,” Master, forgive this
worthless servant’s ranting. Walk, Bane, and Big John went into hiding after we
got his friends. We can’t find out anything about their plans. There are only
three of them left, not counting Sang, and your servants are watching out for
them. Are you sure that you don’t want to go into hiding, my master? “ “I hide
from no one, especially not those rejects from that interfering Soul’s General.
You and your sister servants will fight to the death to defend me. Walk knows
that I have been here for many years and will not leave for any reason. They
have an easy target and that should make them relax enough for my servants to
trick them and kill them. When you get the chance, kill them quickly. Don’t be
playing any of your torture games.” warned Bubacraphead.
Bubacraphead has lived in the same deserted warehouse for the last ten years. No
one lives in his territory for very long, unless he has a use for them. He has
his servants all over the city causing problems whenever they can. They are
responsible for most bad things that happen there. Last week, a school bus with
over thirty kids on it crashed into a building killing over half of them. His
evil servants cut the break lines and then intentionally ran them off the road.
Several of the children were never found. They more than likely became
Bubacraphead’s dinner.
He owns a club on the other side of the city, where his servants make some of
the strongest drugs in the country; there he gives them away for free. The Party
for Life Club is open twenty-four hours a day and is never empty. The police
never bother the club, Bubacraphead sees to that. Bubacraphead often likes a
sweet young thing to satisfy his deviant and eternal appetite. Many young men
and women have died that way. In a big city, no one ever seems to miss a few
people that never make it home. This is where the Souls Warriors begin their
search for Bubacraphead.
Walk, Bane and Big John appear behind the club, out of view of anybody. Bane
asks, “Walk, your body is not old enough to go into a club. How will you get
in?” Walk laughingly responds to Bane’s concerns, “If this is one of
Bubacraphead’s clubs, I’ll have a lot better chance of getting in than you will.
Besides, if all else fails, I’ll just zap myself in and hope I don’t land on
anyone.” With the worries laid to rest, the three friends went around to the
entrance. “Why should I let you in?” asked the door attendant. “Because I have
an extra hundred dollar bill in my hand,” said Walk. The door attendant smiled,
took the money and welcomed the three men to the club.
Walk, having just recently become aware of his warrior status in his Bailey
body, mentions to his friends the fact that he has not had a women companion in
quite a few years. “The body may be fresh, but the soul’s been around a lot and
sure would like some quick fun, if time permits.” Big John and Bane laughs at
the thought of Walk’s new body trying to pick up girls. Out of nowhere, three
blond hair, blue eye beauties begin asking the guys if they want to have some
fun. Bane speaks up,” We haven’t got time for this, besides I have the only girl
I ever want and she isn’t here.” Walk, with the same look that his old body
would give Bane when he was preparing to battle, begins talking, “Bane, what
your girl doesn’t know wont hurt her. These ladies are going to teach you a very
important lesson tonight. Trust your old master.” Bane concedes and readies
himself for battle, not knowing what the girls have to do with anything. He does
trust Walk’s ways, even if he does not quite understand them.
The girls lead the warriors down a long hallway to the back of the club. There
are enough rooms in the back to start a hotel. This club wants to make sure that
its customers have plenty of room to do anything that they want to do. Each girl
grabs a warrior’s hand and heads to separate rooms. Walk quickly begins talking;
“Now ladies, me and my friends do every thing together. One room is all that we
need for tonight’s party. I promise you ladies that you will not be disappointed
when you see what we have in store for you.” The shortest of the three
responded, “We usually don’t do things this way. Since you guys seem to be a
little freakish anyway, I suppose that we can do a little group partying
tonight. If we take you one at a time or all at once, we still get what we want.
Let’s take that nice big room all the way on the left. There’s no bed but the
floor is really soft and the room is practically sound proof. “
Once in the room, the three girls quickly removed their clothes. Bane was
embarrassed to look at them, so he turned away. He sure would be glad when Walk
reveled his plan to him. Big John and Walk both stroll over to the girls and
began touching their bodies, which made Bane even more worried. Then suddenly,
they grabbed the girls just below the ears and with a quick snap broke their
necks. As the two girls dropped to the floor dead, they grabbed the third girl
and shoved some clothing into her mouth then tied her up. Bane, in total
disbelief begins to shout, “What in the name of the Soul’s General have you
done? I hope this isn’t your idea of a good time.” Walk and Big John turned and
looked at each other and began laughing. Walk, now laughing harder than ever,
“Bane, remember your secret training. Have you forgotten everything that I have
taught you? Do not ever let the beautiful body of a horny girl stop your mind
from working. Yes, they have beautiful and firm breast and awesome rear ends,
but look closer, look into their soul and tell me what you see. That just
happened to be the first breast that this Bailey body has touched, and it liked
it quite a lot.” Big John adds, “Yes, it’s easy to tell. Looks like your Bailey
body still wants some fun.” That is when Walk noticed that he had become
slightly aroused. Now it was his time to be embarrassed.
Bane concentrated on the three women and he started to see them change. Their
beautiful bodies were just an illusion. When he looked with his soul and not his
eyes, what he saw was three hideous females. Of course, two are dead and one is
still alive. “You guys knew all along that those women were Bubacraphead’s evil
servants. I guess that this is the good lesson that I’m suppose to learn. What
will we do with the living one?” Walk dragged the two dead servants over to the
corner of the room and covered them with an old blanket that was on the floor.
He grabbed the only chair that was in the room, an old kitchen chair, and sat it
beside the dead servants. He then grabbed the remaining servant, threw her in
the chair, and tied her legs to the chair legs, and keep her arms tied behind
her. Walk, acting as though he’s done this a hundred times before begins his
lecture,” Now, Bane my friend, to see without trusting your eyes is one of your
very first lessons. You cannot look away just because you think that what you
will see is wrong. That will get you killed very quickly. If you had taking any
of these evil creatures sexually, they would have ripped out your throat with
their mouths. I have seen many of their victims and it is not pretty. That is
lesson number one. Lesson number two is never let more than one, of a group,
live. That is why we killed the extra servants. One servant is easy to defeat
but when they work together, it hard to keep up with them. Now for lesson number
three, the art of interrogation.
Walk pulled the clothing out of the servant’s mouth. “Who are we? Were you
looking for us or were you just shopping for Bubacraphead?” ask Walk. It
responds, “What makes you think that I will answer any of your worthless
questions. You will not get pass that door before we stop you. You will die
tonight. The Souls Warriors will be shut down again and my master will spread
his evil love to the rest of the world. We’ll no longer be trapped in this city
of losers and sluts. After we kill you, my master will leave that old warehouse
and find a new city where we will grow bigger and bigger. You will not get any
information from me. I was created from darkness by my master to serve only him.
I will never betray him. When we find Bane’s family they will die too.
Bubacraphead is the only one who can make me talk. I don’t care what you torture
me with I will tell you nothing. We have over two hundred servants looking for
you and another twenty at the warehouse to protect our master. Go ahead and kill
me because you’ll get nothing from me.” Walk snaps her neck and turns to Bane
and begins, “Bubacraphead’s evil servants tend to be a little on the stupid side
and just can’t keep their mouth shut. After you get your information, kill them
quickly. Take no chances with them.
“It sure would be nice to get a real girl tonight. It’s been a while guys.”
jokes Walk. Bane adds, “A dirty old man in a teenager’s body; that’s just what
we need. I suppose I’ll let you start calling me Uncle Bane.” Big John finishes
with, “I’ll be Uncle John and we can go and catch a football game together. I’m
sure that I can find some young girls to fix you up with.” Walk, having enough
and quickly losing his sense of humor, “I’m older than anything you know. Do not
think for a moment that I cannot get a lass, even with this young Bailey body. I
prefer my women in their late twenty’s. I do not need any help. Now let us get
back to business. Follow me back to the safe house, and do not use the door,
They appeared in the safe house, grabbed some food, and started planning their
attack on Bubacraphead. They would stay in the safe house for tonight and attack
at sunrise. Walk had told Bane earlier that he wanted to go over more of his
special training, to be on the safe side. They ate like pigs and went light on
the beer this time. They did have a hard day ahead of them and would need every
advantage they could get.
Bane and Walk put on a little music to help them focus on their training. It
seems that Walks taste in music is from his current body. Bane was glad that
Areosmith is still around. “Now Bane, I know that you can move your whole body
from one place to another. What you will do now is to move only a part of your
body, while leaving the rest of it in your current location.” “Wont that kill
me?” ask Bane. Walk, with a most serious look in his eyes, answered,” If you
break your concentration for even a second, your body parts will separate and be
lost to each other. It is your soul’s energy that keeps your body functioning.
As long as you keep focused, your head can be in California, your body can be in
Virginia, and you will have all your senses connected. If you loose your
concentration, I will see you in thirteen years. Let us start with a little of
your hair. Try and send some of your hair to your home.”
Bane focused, as he has always been trained to do, and like magic, part of his
hair vanished. “I can feel the breeze on my hair. This is easy.” At that moment,
Bane lost his focus and lost part of his hair. “Now, go to your home and bring
back your hair,” ordered Walk. Bane complied and retrieved what he could find of
his hair. Bane, with a much more serious attitude, makes his own conclusions,
“Thank you my friend for not letting me loose anything important. I understand
this lesson and will master it shortly.” Walk responded with, “Come and get me
when you’re ready for the next lesson.” Bane proceeded to practice until he was
able to make any part, or parts change locations. It was now a reflex action for
him and would cause him no harm.
The next lesson begins. “Bane, I told you when you first became a Soul’s Warrior
that in some cases you would be exempt from the rules of time. This is going to
be a hard one to grasp. We have the ability step back in time for a few seconds.
The problem is that there is usually not enough time to regain your awareness
before you are back at the present. The most I have ever traveled back is twenty
seconds. I have only done this in practice with friends. It would take me up to
thirty seconds to regain my awareness and become useful. You may have a better
chance. The Souls General himself chose you for this fight. Let us see if this
is one of your gifts.” Setting on the couch, and this time listening to “Neil
Diamond”, Walk begins his lesson,” Bane, first set your watch exactly with the
clock on the wall. Do this every time you travel. Focus all your energy and
picture it as a shield, which is about a foot in front of you. The stronger this
shield is, the longer you will travel. Keep in mind that in combat you do not
have a lot of time. You will take the shield that is floating in front of you
and pull it towards your body. Pull as hard as you can and slam it to your body
and this will force you back in time. You should understand that it is your pure
power and force of impact that will cause the time shift. I’m going to have
another beer, just one, and I want you to come and get me when you are done.”
Bane set his watch and began to form his energy shield. The energy shield is
something that he has always been good at creating. He often would use the body
shield to demonstrate to students when he was teaching about Chi. He would have
students hit him with steel pipes and baseball bats while he defended only with
his energy shield. It was quite impressive, he recalls. Moving the shield is
something that he had never considered. This would be his challenge. If he
wanted to get back to his family, he would need to do it quickly and do it well.
Bane formed his shield and he made it only half as strong as he would normally
make it. He did not see any need to get hurt too badly the first time trying
this new technique. Instead of going for the big slam, he decided to practice
moving the shield away from him the back to the starting position. He did this
for over an hour. He got so good at it that he could send his shield well over
twenty feet in front of him. He was even able to rotate the shield completely
around himself without loosing any strength. He then stretched out his shield
and completely covered his body from top to bottom. This was all so easy for
him. He then was projecting a new shield in front of him while being surrounded
by his first shield. He knew that he was now ready to travel back. He took his
second shield and made it stronger than before, and set it ten feet in front of
him. He then pulled towards him has hard as he could, while maintaining his
first shield that was protecting his body, He slammed with such a force that his
body was shaking uncontrollably. He sat there in amazement. Nothing happened. He
did not feel anything at all. He failed.
Walk and Big John sat down by Bane with big smiles on their faces. “Take a look
at your watch my friend and tell me what has happened.” ordered Walk. Bane
looked at his watch and could not believe what he saw. The clock on the wall was
two minutes slower that his watch. Walt continued, “I’ve been watching your use
of multiple shields. You came up with the perfect solution to how to absorb the
shock and disorientation that comes from your own shield slamming your body. You
are truly gifted my friend. You left us over two minutes ago.” They discussed
other uses of multiple shields for a few minutes when the whole room shook and
Walk’s beer bottle broke. Walk started laughing; “this must be when you first
left us. You will be the only one who knows when you have traveled until you
reach the point that you left. Remember that and use it.” Bane spent the next
few hours traveling back in time and the room never stopped shaking. Another
skill easily mastered by the gifted Bane. Now, time for a brief nap, for soon
the end of Bubacraphead will chill the evil that desires to unbalance this
Chapter 6

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