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Souls Warrior
Michael Faircloth

Chapter 6
Let Hell Freeze
Walk, Big John and Bane woke to a stunning sunrise. The birds made beautiful
music while keeping in tune with the wind chimes which where being played by a
light breeze. None of the warriors knew exactly where this safe house was
located, they were not even sure if it was on Earth; they simply knew how to get
there when they needed to hide from all others. The Souls General seemed to have
a plan for every circumstance. From where these three supernatural men stood,
there seemed to be a world without evil; they knew better and they knew the time
to lay rest to this saga had approached. Bane wonder of the fate of his family;
his children he missed, his Catherine he long to hold and what of his new
daughter? He needed to trust in Sang and believe in the guidance of the Souls
“Come my friends, let us talk strategy,” Walk softly requested of his fellow
warriors as he pored each of them a cup of coffee. The safe houses were stocked
with the best food and beverages that Bane ever tasted; he thought to himself if
this were to be his last cup of coffee, it would definitely be the best he ever
had. “Bubacraphead will have his existence ended today. We will all survive and
by this time tomorrow, we will be at the hospital with the newest Bane in the
neighborhood. This is of course is a tentative plan hinging upon our performance
today. Bubacraphead knows the time is near and he does not believe that he will
loose. It would really piss me off if I have to wait another thirteen years to
wipe that slug off the face of this wonderful planet. One the other hand, I have
no problem returning in thirteen years to reminisce over our victory. Should
that be the case, I would be the right age to date one of your daughters, Bane”.
Bane smiled,” You are a sly one my friend Walk; you need not to threaten me with
such a horrible notion just to make sure I keep you alive. Besides, the Souls
General would never allow my children to suffer such an awful fate.” With
laughter rattling through the walls, the three men relaxed and began to finalize
their strategy.
Bane, fully clad in his battle attire would put any Hollywood hero to shame.
There he stood with his perfect warrior body, dressed in a blue uniform that
would make a Ninja proud. Normally the warriors did not advertise their
association with the Souls Warriors; for this battle, the Souls General required
this soldier to show his presence. On his chest was printed a silhouette of an
avenging angel. All evil is familiar with the symbol of the avenging angel, and
to see it upon a warrior’s chest, strikes fear into even the meanest of Hell’s
servants. Strapped over his shoulder was a sword of such power that it has been
allowed to be removed from the Souls General’s arsenal only five times before.
This weapon extends and focuses a warrior’s energy allowing him to do great
damage to his enemies. Bane looked forward to wielding the perfect weapon during
his fight this day. The Souls General instructed Bane that this would be the
only weapon that he would carry into this battle. Big John was the ideal
mercenary; a giant of men with an arsenal of weapons strapped to his body. He
planned to make a lot of noise today; there was no doubt about that. Walk, wore
only loose fitting slacks, a colorful tie-dyed T-shirt, a leather head band with
the emblem of his favorite beer imprinted on it, and extremely gaudy wrist and
ankle bracelets; he told his fellow warriors to trust him for he had everything
well figured out and all they need is stick to his plan.
Bubacraphead had grown tired of waiting to exterminate the menacing warriors who
wanted his head on a platter. “I just don’t understand why these worthless human
pieces of crap are so hard to kill. My servants have searched nonstop for the
warriors and for Bane’s family and there is no indication of them anywhere. Are
they that good or are my servants in need of motivation? Perhaps I should kill
and cook a few of my lesser slaves for inspiration; so be it”, decided
Bubacraphead. He telepathically commanded Withal to do this task and she rounded
up four servants and had them stand at Bubacraphead’s side. They knew not why
they were summoned, but obeyed without question. “Climb onto my lap” he
commanded the servant closest to him. She obeyed with a look of pleasure in her
eyes. “Oh most revolting master, it is my honor to service your needs; this is a
great delight for me.” Bubacraphead gently placed his hideous hand on the side
of her head in order to softly stroke her hair. He then placed his other had
around her waist as if to begin undressing her. “My evil servant, you have been
chosen for a great purpose. Your service to me today will be the height of your
career. As for the other three of you worthless servants, after I am finished, I
want you to spread word of today’s lesson of your King’s state of mind.” With
those words, spoken aloud for all to hear, Bubacraphead in one swift motion
ripped off the head of the unfortunate servant. He aimed the stream of fresh
blood at the other three and commanded them, “now find those Souls Warriors or
become my next meal!” They fled and did as he ordered. Little did Bubacraphead
realize that his wish was well on the way to being fulfilled.
The three hero warriors appeared within a mile of Bubacraphead’s lair. In an
empty storage building, that has not felt human life on its floor in over a
decade; they began their strategy. They could not simply appear on their foe’s
doorsteps; Bubacraphead’s servants would overpower them in an instant. Big John
took the lead and started walking down the road towards their target. With his
weapons readied, he slowly advanced forward, prepared for the onslaught of
violence that awaited him. As one of Bubacraphead’s servants noticed him, he
waited to be challenged by her before showing his intent. “In the name of the
Souls General I have come for the head of Bubacraphead,” he shouted. He gave her
about thirty seconds to telepathically relay his presence then he blew off her
“Servants! Where are my servants? Now! They are here, on their way to me. They
advance towards my thrown. They are on their way and they are in the open, on
the street. Go and get them and hold nothing back. Call in all my wicked
servants from all part of the city and have them converge on the warriors that
have decided to die on the road. They are so bold to think they can walk up to
me and kill me. Send them everything we have. Make them dead.” commanded
Bubacraphead both verbally and telepathically. “Withal, now is your time to
serve me. You and your team of twenty assume your positions. We will take no
chances with Walk and his losers. Bring me a Coke to enjoy, while I view the end
of the Souls General’s sorry excuse for warriors.”
Big John turned on music that he managed to find room to strap to his body,
somewhere among his many weapons. This time he showed his true age; blasting
from his player was a Celtic fighting song that he took a fancy to several
hundred years ago. He referred to it has his farewell song, farewell to his
enemies or farewell to this life. Before this day ended, and his music stopped,
one or the other would not be around anymore.
Bane and Walk could hear Big John’s music, constantly interrupted by weapons
fire. “Big John sure does put on a good show, doesn’t he?” proudly expressed
Bane. “Big John has the greatest ability with modern weapons of any warrior I
know. He never marries and always is given the strongest body of any of us. It
is as if he is destined to serve as our ‘atomic bomb’ when we do major battles.
Even though his fighting skills are second to no one, he seems to enjoy his
arsenal of modern toys. He will slowly walk towards Bubacraphead, non-stop,
while laying waste to the enemy. This useful distraction will allow us to
transport to the bastard’s hideout and do our duty.” Walk, with those final
words, indicates to Bane that it is time. Bane smiled in agreement and they
vanished from their momentary hiding place to begin their part of the task.
Walk appeared to the left side of this “King of Crap” while Bane appeared to the
right side. They were far enough away to allow them a good fighting position
without being seen, for when Bubacraphead becomes aware of their presence; he
will communicate to his personal guards, which will begin the end. Walk strolls
to the center of the room and shouts, “Hey Buba crap face, it is me, your old
friend Walk. It is time for you to go to sleep you disgusting piece of trash.”
Withal jumped into action and fired over a hundred rounds from her weapon in
Walk’s direction. Now Bane could see the reason for Walk’s choice of attire.
Walk, with the grace of a ballet dancer, dodge or blocked with his bracelets,
every bullet. He then jumped towards Withal in order to remove her head, when
ten more of the evil servant guards surrounded him. Walk was now quite busy with
these foes so Bane made his presence know. He jumped over the action and landed
at Bubacraphead’s feet. “Hey stinky, nice to meet you”
Fear was not something that would normally be seen in this evil one’s eyes, but
it was there now. None of the guards could get pass Walk. He continued to kill
guard after guard, keeping them away from Bane. It was all up to Bane now, he
was the avenging angel sent from above and Bubacraphead knew it. Bane suddenly
felt a sting in his right leg. Withal had slipped from the fight with Walk and
managed stab him in the leg. Bane quickly grabbed her and broke her neck; that
was all the time Bubacraphead needed. Before Bane could return to focus on his
enemy, he found himself flying across the room from a blow to the head, while
his sword stayed at the feet of evil. “Nice butter knife. I will use this to
spread your insides on some bread for my victory meal” harassed Bubacraphead.
Walk could see that there was trouble brewing and that his plan was now
finished; only quick thinking could capture victory. “We do not have time for
these games Bane. This is not the time for amateur hour. Get your parts focused
on Mr. Big Crap and find the time to split him in half.” shouted Walk. Bane
appears to understand his friend’s words. He bounces back to his feet and joins
with Walk in killing all the guards they can. Bubacraphead cannot reach the
sword, so as long as they can keep the guards away from it then it will stay out
of his hands. The guards continue pouring into the warehouse, the heroes have
dropped so many guards that they have to step on the bodies of the dead ones
while they fight the new ones.
Bane knows he cannot get close enough to his foe to grab the sword without
having his head ripped off. He fights his way to the edge of the action and
waits for a signal from Walk. “Is a good thing that Walt has that young body,
his old one would have been long gone by now.” thinks Bane. Walk makes eye
contact with Bane, then winks and smiles at him. He was waiting for this signal.
He continues fighting on the edge of the battle while Walk steps up his attack.
Suddenly Banes right arm disappears, and then reappears with the sword. “How is
that possible?” shouts Bubacraphead in a fearful voice. “You will have this
sword soon enough. The Souls General seems to think it would make a nice
‘parting’ gift for you,” replies Bane. “You can not kill what you can not get
to, toy solider. I am who I am for a good reason, because I always get the job
done. Now look by my side and tell me what you see.” ordered Bubacraphead.
Scurrying along the back of his thrown were more evil guards, and this time they
had someone with them that they were dragging along the floor to their king.
Bubacraphead pulled the hooded figure up into his lap and removed the hood to
revile his prize. Bane froze in horror at the sight of his mother in the lap of
his enemy. Buba ordered his guards to his side and the two warriors now watched
and waited.
“She’s a little old for my taste, but for you, my friends, I will use her
anyway. How will you save your mother, who has only one life in this world, then
kill me and save this world? You have your precious sword and I have your
precious mother. Perhaps you should leave and try again in a few years,” gloated
their enemy. “I predict that half of your grotesque body will fall to the right
and the other half will fall to the left. I also predict that Banes mother will
soon awake in her home with no injuries or any memories of you. I will burn this
building down to the ground and not one of your evil servants will survive. I
also regrettably predict that it will take a month of baths to wash your stink
from my body,” responds Walk with a big smile upon his face. “I don’t think so,
you ignorant weaklings. I will dispense with this waste of time and end your
miserable mother’s life then consume her while you watch.” shouts Bubacraphead
as he raises her over his head and prepares to rip her in half. He begins a
countdown, just for fun,” ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five”. Suddenly the
whole room shakes as if an earthquake has taken place. Bubacraphead becomes
silent as a bright blue light passes from the center of his head all the way to
the bottom of his seat and into the floor. Bane’s mothers begins to fall has the
nasty giants body splits in two, along with his seat. Walk smiles, has he sees
that Bane is no longer by his side. Down from the ceiling, like an angel from
heaven, swooping in on a rope, Big John snatches Bane’s mom. He lands with her
safely in his arms, by Walks side. As the two halves of evil fall to the floor,
behind the stinking mess kneels Bane, a perfect warrior having just ending the
reign of this great evil; with his sword buried in the floor up to the hilt.
“Hey guys, how do I get this thing out of the ground? Come on now this isn’t
funny. The Souls General will kill me if I mess up his favorite weapon. I need
some help here guys.”
The instant Bubacraphead was killed, all his evil servants turn to piles of dust
and now only moved with the wind’s desire. The Souls General appeared at the
seen to retrieve the sword and congratulate his warriors. “Good job guys; later”
and he was gone.
Walk, summing up this battle, remarks,” I am glad that you were able to use your
time shift to get position behind Bubacraphead. You are quite a gifted warrior.
He had no clue that when the shift caught up with you that he would be dead. How
long did you have to wait behind him?” Bane answers Walk with, ”I’m not exactly
sure. I shifted during your predictions to him of his demise. During my wait, I
saw him split my mother in half and his servants killed you. This was done on
his count of two. I appeared behind him; I intended to slice him on his count of
three, but when the room shook, I slipped and accidentally sliced all the way to
the floor.” With those final comments, the three warriors and Banes mom left the
building. Big John burned it down to the ground and the saga of Bubacraphead was
Chapter 7

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