The Writers Voice
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Favourite Literary Website

Pepper Herman

Chapter Five
Saturday, November
The stench of
garbage was everywhere but Diego didn’t notice it. His eyes were steely-looking.
His walk was cat-like, slow and wary. The ground was still wet from an earlier
rain as he followed the rows of trash cans, their innards strewn down the
alley. It was uncommonly warm for a November night and though it was eight
o’clock, not yet completely dark.
The old
neighborhood looked the same -- and smelled the same. It was tough living there
-- surviving, really. His father abandoned the family when Diego was four. He
and his mother lived in a seedy walk-up which she paid for by turning tricks on
the side.
When he was
eight, his mother gave birth to his sister, Lorena. It was never known which
‘John’ fathered the child. After school, Diego would work at Sam Ringold’s drug
store, sweeping, stocking the shelves, and doing deliveries when necessary.
Although he made twenty dollars a week, he only contributed fifteen of it to his
mother, the other five being donated to a street gang called the Scorpions for
‘protection money.’ Every once in a while, he would steal some candy or a
magazine and present it as a gift to his mother and his little sister. If
Ringold was aware of it, he never said a word.
By the time he
was eleven, he became an accepted member of the Scorpions, and no longer had to
contribute to the cause. The initiation took place in the back alley as the
gang poured bottles of forties all over him and took turns
“beating him down.” All
members had to get the symbol of a scorpion tattooed
between their thumb and
forefinger to show solidarity to the gang. Their hangout was in front of the
pool hall at 7th and Cambria.
One of the pool
players, Loco Juan, had taken a liking to him. On occasion, he would ask Diego
to deliver an envelope for him, no questions asked. Upon his return, Diego would
nod to Loco Juan, who, in response, would playfully punch him on the shoulder
and give a solidarity handshake. When his hand came away, there was always a
five dollar bill in the kid’s palm.
When he was
nineteen, Diego discovered that his sister, now eleven, was hanging around the
abandoned walk-up with the broken windows much too often. When he confronted
her and accused her of doing drugs, she told him to fuck off. He’d slapped her
hard, and she cried.
It was rumored
that a drug lord named Steel was behind the entire operation, but, of course, he
was untouchable. Her pusher was a dude called The Angel, who fed her habit with
penny bags. One night Diego cornered him and began to punch him out. Being
wiry but small, Diego was no match for him and he went home bloodied, beaten and
Not long after
that, Lorena O.D.’d and, heartbroken, Diego vowed to someday retaliate for his
sister’s death. Three months later, his mother contracted AIDS and was dead
within a year. To support himself, Diego worked, first as a dishwasher in a
restaurant and, more recently as an orderly at Drayton Memorial Hospital.
After living
twenty-two years in squalor, he yearned to change his surroundings. That is,
until he was called into Dr. Thomas Dadero’s office for what he thought was a
routine check-up that all hospital employees had to undergo once a year. He had
felt his legs go rubbery when Dr. Dadero placed his hand on Diego’s shoulder and
told him that Dr. Greyburn, the head of Oncology, had wanted to see him in his
3rd floor office.
Although he coughed
occasionally, he attributed it to the unhealthy environment he was forced to
live in. But lung cancer? Maybe six months? Greyburn had intimated that
perhaps Diego might not want to undergo the rigors of chemotherapy in his
particular case. And then he placed a card into Diego’s hand and suggested that
he seek some support with a small group of people who shared a similar fate.
About halfway
down the alley Diego found the worn, wooden door with graffiti covering it. His
sister’s face appeared before him for just an instant but he shut his eyes and
shook the painful memory away.
he reached for his pocket to feel the hand grenade housed there. He rehearsed
the scenario again. Scatter the Doomsday cards ... pull the pin... drop.
He knocked. He waited.
Eventually the door opened slightly with the chain still intact.
“Yeah?” The
tough looking face peered at him.
“I gotta see
Steel. I got some stuff. Very special. Too special to give to any old punk,”
Diego said, meeting his eyes. “But it’s hot and I gotta get rid of it now.”
“Steel don’t
see nobody. You gotta go through me. Who sent you?”
“The Angel.”
Diego had used the name of his sister’s former pusher.
“The Angel?” he
scoffed. He ain’t got no rights here no more.”
“Oh yeah?
Well, fuck you. This stuff’s too special. I got another taker. I was only
doing this as a favor to The Angel. I’d rather deal with Loco Juan anyway.
He’s a bro.”
At the mention
of a competitor’s name, the pusher’s face registered second thoughts. “I ain’t
sayin’ he’s here. I gotta see.”
“Well you do
that, amigo. Tell him I’m here to deal but I’m not coming in there.” Shrugging
his shoulders, Diego added, “It don’t mean shit to me. If he’s interested in
doing business, I’ll be standing in front of the pool hall,” he said, pointing
at the end of the alley. “He either comes alone, or I walk. Comprende?”
While waiting,
Diego circled the area with Doomsday cards amidst the rest of the litter. They
wouldn’t be noticed in the dark, even under the light of the street lamp.
His stomach
tightened as he cautiously watched Steel step off the curb, taking almost
ballet-like steps. His black over-sized jacket hung loosely on his slight
frame. His neck and wrists were encircled with gold jewelry. His teeth were
gold-capped. Diego knew that face -- knew the pock-marked skin, the bony
cheeks, the pencil-thin mustache that dusted his upper lip.
Steel kept his
hand in his pocket, as if shielding a gun. “You got somethin’ to say to me?”
He peered at Diego suspiciously.
Diego felt a
sudden unexplained sense of serenity as he searched the scar-infested face. He
said in Spanish, “The Angel said you’d be interested in some really good stuff.
I’ve got a kilo here in my pocket. The best. If you like it, there’s more.
Lots more.” He went for his pocket.
brandished his gun. “Hold it, bro, how do I know you don’t got a weapon?”
Diego’s voice
became sinister. “Because my sister, Lorena Bayamon said so.”
He reached into
his pocket. The grenade shown silvery under the light of the street lamp.
Actually, it
was split-second timing, but to Diego it was like moving in quicksand before he
pulled the pin. Stunned, Steel fired his gun hitting Diego in the belly. Diego
held his stomach, blood spurting through his fingers. Dropping the grenade as
he went down he choked, “Vaya con dios, mother-fucker.”
The explosion
caused splintered pieces of the pool hall door to fly at crazy angles, exposing
astonished pool players inside who either stood transfixed like statues or dove
for cover. Storefront windows shattered, spraying a stream of glass shards all
over the street. The street lamp, which was lifted off its base by the impact,
lay atop the body of Steel. Through the rubble, some charred remnants of
business cards came floating to the ground with the words, “Compliments of the
Doomsday Club.”
The newspaper account was
Two drug pushers, one reputed to be the
drug lord, Estefan Valdez, better known in
circles as ‘Steel,’ were blown up on the
corner of
7th & Cambria on Saturday, at approximately
8:19 p.m. by an exploded hand grenade. The
of the other victim remains unknown at this
Charred business cards were found scattered
around the site with the words, ‘Compliments
of the Doomsday Club,’ bringing to mind the
destruction of the Quincy Township nuclear
plant of approximately four months ago.
two seemingly related incidents are
presently under
police investigation.
Don Greyburn
took his place at the head of the boardroom table. To his right lay the
newspaper account of the Diego Bayamon incident.
gentlemen,” he said to his three cohorts, pointing to the headline,
“Thanks to Diego Bayamon
the world is rid of one more scumbag.”
“Christ, he
used a hand grenade,” Thomas Dadero shook his head in awe.
“And the
cops’ll never touch it. They’ve got their own built-in Charles Bronson,” Ben
Reiger replied. “They’re happy.”
Joe Rossigian
spoke up. “I keep telling myself what we’re doing is the right thing --
sacrificing a life for a greater cause and all that. It’s just that ... this
Bayamon thing ... I can’t picture the Doomsdayers being as driven to commit
themselves if they knew the truth.”
“We’ve been
through this a thousand times, Joe,” Tom Dadero replied. “It’s not a wonderful
thing, but we screened them very carefully before deciding to expend them. In a
way, these people could almost be considered messianic.”
Don Greyburn’s
voice was humble as he spoke. “What we do here .. what we’ve accomplished ...
is Herculean. It’s only natural that we feel guilt and question the morality of
our behavior. But, damn it, we’re only mortals. We made a hard decision. We
all agreed this lousy society needs cleansing.” He paused. “Tell me the truth,
is anyone having second thoughts?” It was silent. “No, I really mean it. None
of us will sit in judgment of the other. This is a monstrous responsibility for
the four of us to have to live with.”
Joe Rossigian shifted in
his seat. “I’m okay with it, Don, really I am. It’s just that expending lives
... well... I think about that once in a while. You know how
people talk about doctors
playing God. On the other hand, I’m strengthened by the fact that we must be
doing the right thing, like you said, for society’s sake.”
“You’re not
alone, Joe,” Ben Reiger responded. “Believe me, we’ve all had those feelings at
sometime or other.” He looked down at the table, spreading his two hands like
fans as his voice lowered, “I’m going to tell you all something that, up to now,
has been very hard for me to talk about to anyone, even to you.” They stared at
him in anticipation as he unbuttoned his shirt cuff and rolled up his sleeve,
exposing some tattooed numbers on his arm. “As far as expending lives goes?
Well, this number was given to me in 1944 on my 13th birthday in Germany. Some
Bar Mitzvah gift huh?” he said, looking from face to face, his voice bitter.
Sweat broke out
on his forehead. “Somebody -- to this day I still don’t know who -- shoved me
onto a train. Saved my life.” He looked at Joe. “My parents weren’t so
lucky. Their lives were expended ... but for an evil cause.”
Both Greyburn
and Dadero stared at him in horror.
sputtered, “My God, Ben, I had no idea.” A shock of white hair fell into his
face as he sighed, “So you live with ghosts too.”
Chapter 6

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