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Pepper Herman

Chapter Six
It was after
midnight and Janet Greyburn was asleep. Don put on his robe and went into the
sitting room so he wouldn’t disturb her. His mind was racing as he mixed a Grey
Goose on-the-rocks for himself and sat in the chaise by the
floor-to-ceiling picture
window. He closed his eyes and his mind wandered to his
It was inevitable that he
would someday become a doctor. He was the only
child of a father who was a
respected physician in the community and a mother who
was the head librarian at
the county library.
As early as Junior High
school he was fighting injustices and evil doings.
A shining example of a
student who was destined to make waves in the community,
he could always be counted
on for advice or help. He had a charismatic quality about him -- tall, slim,
dedicated to good health and working out, his star status on the basketball
court garnered him much affection among his peers who easily elected him
valedictorian of his senior class.
He was also known for his
particular obsession with a wayward student, Nicholas
Meany -- an apt name for an
obnoxious troublemaker -- who delighted in
torturing animals by
throwing stones at them. The more they howled in pain, the
greater was his pleasure.
By the time he’d reached
high school, Meany probably spent more time out of school than in it. He was
constantly getting expelled for some infraction of the rules.
Greyburn was so besieged by
Meany’s sociopathic behavior and the fact that no one
was doing anything really
constructive to stop him, that he finally decided to secretly take the law into
his own hands.
He first printed “this
school sucks”, a term commonly used by Meany, on the boy’s
first floor bathroom
mirror, planted evidence he’d stolen from Meany’s personal
effects in his gym locker
that would clearly implicate him, and started a small,
self-contained fire that
he knew would be discovered before much damage could be
done. Despite Meany’s
violent protestations, he was expelled from school without
prosecution, when his own
father acknowledged the fact that the crime likely fit
appropriately as the boy
had set similar fires at home on numerous occasions as well.
No one ever found out the
real truth, and Donald Greyburn became an unsung hero at Arden High.
Sipping his
drink, he reflected on the boardroom meeting that afternoon and their discussion
on morality.
He totally
believed that it was necessary to free the world of the filth and vermin that
stood in the way of well-being and safety. He felt too, that as a doctor, he
had a responsibility to help better society. If someone had stood up and acted
fifteen years ago, his parents’ lives wouldn’t have been cut short by some
druggie who was never caught. He’d never get that scene out of his mind. It
still pained him to picture the fright his mother must have felt at opening her
eyes and seeing a stranger in their bedroom. And of her despair when his
father, apparently attempting to confront the burglar, wound up slain instead.
And of her sudden collapsing with chest pains when they came to take his body
away. He envisioned with grief, her lifeless body lying on a litter in the
hospital morgue -- both still too young and much too soon for their lives to
have been snuffed out in such an abrupt way.
A feeling of extreme
sadness welled up in his throat and he took a deep swallow from his glass.
His mind
drifted to Tom Dadero, who nine years ago lost his teenage son, Ralph, to some
drunken bum who was driving the wrong way on the highway and smashed, head-on,
into the kid’s car. Tom used to tell about how the police came to his door at 9
pm and how Tom and his wife kept repeating to the officers that there was some
kind of terrible mistake. It couldn’t possibly be their son. But it was their
son. You don’t get over a thing like that. Ever. That son-of-a-bitch is alive
and well, done his time, and is probably boozing it up right now. Where is the
And what about
Joe Rossigian, who, at sixty-nine, was about to retire? What tragic memories
haunt him! His grandfather, an Armenian surgeon born in Turkey, was murdered by
the Turks when they discovered that he was sneaking medication to the English
soldiers behind the Turkish soldiers’ backs. The English soldiers were so
touched at the man’s courage that they helped smuggle his wife and four
children to the United States where his mother, Araxi, eventually met and
married Diran Rossigian. They ran a small Armenian restaurant in Philadelphia
which kept them away from home more often than they wished, leaving Joe in
charge of the house in the evenings till the restaurant closed. Don recalled
Joe’s pained expression when he revealed the time he was eleven years old,
baby-sitting for his little sister Rebecca, and an intruder entered his home and
raped his sister while he stood by helpless and watched in horror. Joe still
hears her screams echo in his mind. Talk about trauma. Christ!
He thought
about how Joe had expressed his worry about getting caught. He worried about
that too. Was it a mistake to include him in their plans?
And what of any errors on
their part -- had they covered all corners? They took strict precautions not to
directly involve themselves with any of the Doomsdayers, who handled all their
plans completely on their own. There were no records to speak of, except for
the falsified ones they concocted on Rob for Craig Aspel’s files. The odds were
slim to none that anyone would ever make that connection. All X-rays made to
convince the Doomsdayers of their fate had been destroyed. Appointments had
been made directly with the patients themselves, by-passing any office
He contemplated
on the revolutionary changes that had taken place over time by people
sacrificing themselves for one cause or another. It was nothing new. It had to
be the right thing -- what they were doing.
The ice had
melted in his glass. Time to try to get some sleep.
Chapter 7

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